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137 lines (115 loc) · 2 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (115 loc) · 2 KB

Endless Online Protocol

This repository contains the text representation of the Endless Online network and pub protocol.

Originall written by Sausage for the eoref project.


  • byte - raw byte
  • char - eo packet byte
  • short - eo packed two byte integer
  • three - eo packed three byte integer
  • int - eo packed four byte integer
  • string - string ending with a break character
  • raw_string - string of fixed length or read to end of the stream if no length specified
  • break - 0xFF

Documentation comments

Put between double quotes before an enum, struct, server_packet, or client_packet

"Confirm initialization data"
client_packet(Connection, Accept)


enum AdminLevel : char
	0 Player
	1 Guide
	2 Guardian
	3 GM
	4 HGM


struct ServerSettings
	short jail_map
	short rescue_map
	char rescue_x
	char rescue_y
	short light_guide_flood_rate
	short guardian_flood_rate
	short gm_flood_rate
	short hgm_flood_rate


server_packet and client_packet

"Confirm initialization data"
client_packet(Connection, Accept)
	short encode_multiple
	short encode_multiple
	short player_id

server_packet(AdminInteract, Remove)
	short player_id


A lot of packets have different data depending on a reply code. With Unions we can represent this.

"Requesting a file"
client_packet(Welcome, Agree)
	FileType file_type
	short session_id
	union (file_type)
		Map: map
			short character_id
		Item: item
			char file_id
		NPC: npc
			char file_id
		Spell: spell
			char file_id
		Class: class
			char file_id

Unions can also be nested

"Initialization reply"
server_packet(Init, Init)
	InitReply reply_code

		// ...

		Banned: banned
			InitBanType ban_type

				Temp: ban_temp
					byte mins_remaining

        // ...