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657 lines (469 loc) · 23.1 KB


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SortMeRNA is a local sequence alignment tool for filtering, mapping and clustering.

The core algorithm is based on approximate seeds and allows for sensitive analysis of NGS reads. The main application of SortMeRNA is filtering rRNA from metatranscriptomic data. SortMeRNA takes as input a file of reads (fasta or fastq format) and one or multiple rRNA database file(s), and sorts apart aligned and rejected reads into two files specified by the user. Additional applications include clustering and taxonomy assignation available through QIIME v1.9.1 ( SortMeRNA works with Illumina, Ion Torrent and PacBio data, and can produce SAM and BLAST-like alignments.

Visit for more information.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

SortMeRNA can be built and run on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

The following methods can be used for building/running SortMeRNA:

DNANexus cloud

Arguably the easiest way to use Sortmerna.

  • Ready-to-use sortmerna application is available on DNANexus cloud. Just upload your data and run the application.
  • Sortmerna distribution also contains DNANexus applets for building, testing and running Sortmerna. See dnanexus subdirectory for detailed instructions.

Note that DNANexus trial accounts can be used.

Using GitHub release binaries

Visit Sortmerna GitHub Releases

The file sortmerna-3.0.1-linux.tar.gz contains 3 binaries indexdb,, sortmerna is a dependency of sortmerna. It is needed on machines that have no GCC installed.

The binaries were built on DNANexus Ubuntu 16.04 VM using and the sortmerna-3.asset

The sortmerna binary was patched using patchelf utility to search for in the same directory where sortmerna is located.

Put all the binaries into the same location e.g. SORTMERNA_HOME/bin, and add the bin to the PATH.

Below are all the necessary bash commands:

# get binary distro

# get sources

# list the source tar content
less v3.0.1.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x root/root         0 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/
-rw-rw-r-- root/root       119 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/.gitignore
-rw-rw-r-- root/root      4909 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/.travis.yml
drwxrwxr-x root/root         0 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/3rdparty/
drwxrwxr-x root/root         0 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/3rdparty/alp/
-rw-rw-r-- root/root      1344 2018-10-29 08:13 sortmerna-3.0.1/3rdparty/alp/CMakeLists.txt

# extract sources
tar xzf v3.0.1.tar.gz

# create bin/
mkdir sortmerna-3.0.1/bin

# extract binaries into bin/
tar xzf sortmerna-3.0.1-linux.tar.gz -C sortmerna-3.0.1/bin/

# list the binaries
ls -lrt sortmerna-3.0.1/bin/
-rwxrwxr-x 1 biocodz biocodz  174560 Oct 30 06:48 indexdb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 biocodz biocodz 1607120 Oct 30 06:48
-rwxrwxr-x 1 biocodz biocodz  849928 Oct 30 06:56 sortmerna

# set PATH
export PATH=$PWD/sortmerna-3.0.1/bin:$PATH

# test the installation
sortmerna --version
SortMeRNA version 3.0.1
Build Date: Oct 29 2018
sortmerna_build_git_date:@2018/10/29 12:35:39@

# view help
sortmerna -h

Building from source code

General notes

The build was tested using the following environments:

  1. Linux
    • Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty with GCC 7.3.0
    • Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial with GCC 7.3.0
    • Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial with GCC 5.4.0 (default)
    • Centos 6.6 with GCC 7.3.0
  2. Windows
    • Windows 10 with Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64
  3. MAC
    • macOS 10.13 High Sierra (64-bit) with AppleClang

Getting latest GCC on old Linux distros requires either installing GCC from PPA (Ubuntu), or building from sources - a lengthy process (around 10 hours on Centos VM running on VirtualBox Windows 10 host).

CMake is necessary for building. The distributions are available for all major operating systems. CMake can be easily built if not available through a standard packager. Please visit CMake project website for download and installation instructions.

The following libraries have to be installed using a packager or to be built

  • ZLib (zlib1g-dev)
  • RocksDB (librocksdb-dev)
  • RapidJson (rapidjson-dev)

Git has to be installed if building from the GitHub repository sources.

The following Flags can be used when generating the build files using CMake (-D<FLAG>=VALUE):

  • ROCKSDB_INCLUDE_DIR (path to RocksDB include directory)
  • ROCKSDB_LIB_DEBUG (path to RocksDB library for Debug)
  • ROCKSDB_LIB_RELEASE (path to RocksDB library for Release)
  • ZLIB_LIB_DEBUG (path to ZLib debug library location. Use if location is custom)
  • ZLIB_LIB_RELEASE (path to ZLib release library locations. Use if location is custom)
  • SRC_ZLIB (download Zlib sources. Use if ZLib is to be built)
  • SRC_ROCKSDB (download RocksDB sources. Use if RocksDB is to be built)
  • SRC_RAPIDJSON (download RapidJson sources. Use if 'apt install rapidjson' not available)
  • SET_ROCKSDB (set to 1 to indicate RocksDB was built from sources. Not nesessary if RocksDB is installed using packager)
  • SET_ZLIB (set to 1 to indicate ZLib was built from sources.)

The above flags can be ignored if the dependencies (zlib, rocksdb, rapidjson) are installed using a standard packager like apt (on Linux) or homebrew (on Mac)

General steps for building Sortmerna from the sources are as follows:

  1. Prepare the build environment
  2. Get the sources from GitHub or from GitHub releases
  3. Build

The minute details on setting the build environment and performing the build can be found in dnanexus folder, which includes code for the build automation.

The build environment (step 1) for Ubuntu 16.04 is prepared using sortmerna-3.asset

  • The dependencies available as standard distros are prepared in dxasset.json ( see this line).
  • Non-standard packages (GCC-7 and CMake) are prepared in Makefile

The build (steps 2, 3) is performed using the applet

  • Git clone is called here
  • CMake called to generate the build files here
  • Make is called here

Obtaining the source code

The source code can be obtained using the following methods

  1. Download GitHub Release
  2. Clone the GitHub repository and use either master head branch (development) or checkout a release (tag)

Download GitHub Release

GitHub releases


Clone the GitHub Repository and use the head or a release

# clone the repository
git clone

pushd sortmerna

# If you need a particular release (tag)
git checkout v3.0.1

building on Linux OS

(1) Install GCC if not already installed. SortmeRNA is C++14 compliant, so the GCC needs to be fairly new e.g. 5.4.0 works OK.

gcc --version
	gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609

(2) Install pre-requisites (CMake, Git, Zlib, RocksDB, RapidJson)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev librocksdb-dev rapidjson-dev

If the dependencies cannot be installed using a package manager, they need to be built (read below).

(3) Clone the Git repository

git clone

(4) Generate the build files using CMake:

mkdir -p $SMR_HOME/build/Release
pushd $SMR_HOME/build/Release

(4.1) If all the dependencies are available on the system

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..

(4.2) If RocksDB and RapidJson have to be installed from sources (see the flags description above)

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSRC_ROCKSDB=1 -DSRC_RAPIDJSON=1 -DSET_ROCKSDB=1 ../..

The above will download RocksDB and RapidJson into default locations ($SMR_HOME/3rdparty/rocksdb) and ($SMR_HOME/3rdparty/rapidjson) correspondingly.

OR with custom values for RocksDB include/lib

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSRC_ROCKSDB=1 -DSRC_RAPIDJSON=1 -DSET_ROCKSDB=1 -DROCKSDB_INCLUDE_DIR=$SOME_DIR/rocksdb/include -DROCKSDB_LIB_RELEASE=$SOME_DIR/rocksdb/build/Release ../..

NOTE: $SMR_HOME is the top directory where sortmerna code (e.g. git repo) is located.

Other compiler/linker flags that might be necessary depending on the system:

  • -DEXTRA_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-lrt" (had to use this on Centos 6.6 + GCC 7.3.0)

The above commands will perform necessary system check-ups, dependencies, and generate Makefile.

(5) Compile and build executables:

(5.1) If RocksDB needs to be built

mdir -p SMR_HOME/3rdparty/rocksdb/build/Release
pushd SMR_HOME/3rdparty/rocksdb/build/Release
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPORTABLE=1 -DWITH_ZLIB=1 -DWITH_TESTS=0 -DWITH_TOOLS=0 ../..


Build SortMeRNA


The binaries are created in $SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/indexdb and $SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/sortmerna

# add the build binaries to the PATH
export PATH="$SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/indexdb:$SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/sortmerna:$PATH"

Building on Mac OS

We tested the build on macOS 10.13 High Sierra (64-bit). We recommend the Homebrew - an excellent packager for Mac [1], which has all the latest packages required to build SortmeRNA. The build can be performed using either Clang or GCC.

(1) Install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" [1]

brew --version
brew help

(2) Install pre-requisites (CMake, Git, Zlib, RocksDB, RapidJson)

brew install cmake
brew install git
brew install zlib
brew install rocksdb
brew install rapidjson

(3) Clone the GIt repository

git clone

(4) Generate the build files:

mkdir -p $SMR_HOME/build/Release
pushd $SMR_HOME/build/Release
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DEXTRA_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-pthread" ../..
	-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
	-- The C compiler identification is AppleClang
	-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++
	-- Check for working CXX compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++ -- works
	-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
	-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
	-- Detecting CXX compile features
	-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
	-- Check for working C compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc
	-- Check for working C compiler: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc -- works
	-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
	-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
	-- Detecting C compile features
	-- Detecting C compile features - done
	Cloning into 'concurrentqueue'...
	Checking out files: 100% (1613/1613), done.
	-- Configuring done
	-- Generating done
	-- Build files have been written to: /Users/bc/sortmerna/build/Release

Note: $SMR_HOME is the top directory where sortmerna code (e.g. git repo) is located.

CMake will perform necessary system check-ups, dependencies, and generate Makefile.

(5) Compile and build executables:


The binaries are created in $SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/indexdb and $SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/sortmerna

Simply add the build binaries to the PATH e.g.

export PATH="$SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/indexdb:$SMR_HOME/build/Release/src/sortmerna:$PATH"

Install Clang on Mac

Installing Xcode (free through the App Store) and Xcode command line tools will automatically install the latest version of Clang supported with Xcode.

After installing Xcode, the Xcode command line tools may be installed via:

Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads

Under "Components", click to install "Command Line Tools"

Configure shell to use Clang compiler on Mac

(1) Check if you have Clang installed:

clang --version

(2a) If Clang is installed, set your compiler to Clang:

export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++

(2b) If Clang is not installed, see Clang for Mac OS for installation instructions.

Configure shell to use GCC compiler on Mac

(1) Check if you have GCC installed:

gcc --version

(2a) If GCC is installed, set your compiler to GCC:

export CC=gcc-mp-5.4
export CXX=g++-mp-5.4

(2b) If GCC is not installed, it can be installed through Homebrew or MacPorts.

brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install [flags] gcc54

To list available flags

brew options gcc54

Building on Windows OS

MS Visual Studio Community edition and CMake for Windows are required for building SortMeRNA.

We tested the build using Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 and Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64

(1) Download and Install VS Community edition from Visual Studio community website

(2) Install CMake

CMake can be installed using either Windows Installer or binaries from archive. Download binary distributions from here

If you choose portable binaries (not the installer) e.g., just download and extract the archive in a directory of your choice e.g.


The bin directory above contains cmake.exe and cmake-gui.exe. Add the bin directory to your PATH Start cmd and

set PATH=C:\libs\cmake-3.11.0-rc1-win64-x64\bin;%PATH%
cmake --version

(3) Install Git for Windows

Download binary distribution either portable or the installer from here

The portable distribution is a self-extracting archive that can be installed in a directory of your choice e.g.


You can use either bash.exe or native Windows CMD cmd.exe.

If you choose to work with CMD, add the following to your path:

set GIT_HOME=C:\libs\git-2.16.2-64
set PATH=%GIT_HOME%\bin;%GIT_HOME%\usr\bin;%GIT_HOME%\mingw64\bin;%PATH%

git --version

(4) Clone the GIt repository

git clone

(5) Prepare the build files:

On Windows we recommend using the cmake-gui utility. Either navigate to CMake installation directory (using Windows Explorer) and double-click cmake-gui, or launch it from command line as shown below:

set PATH=C:\libs\cmake-3.11.0-rc1-win64-x64\bin;%PATH%

In the CMake GUI

  • click Browse source button and navigate to the directory where Sortmerna sources are located (SMR_HOME).
  • click Browse Build and navigate to the directory where to build the binaries e.g. %SMR_HOME%\build
  • at the prompt select the Generator from the list e.g. "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
  • click Configure
  • Set the following variables:
    • ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/zlib
    • ZLIB_LIB_DEBUG=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/zlib/build/Debug
    • ZLIB_LIB_RELEASE=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/zlib/build/Release
    • ROCKSDB_INCLUDE_DIR=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/rocksdb/include
    • ROCKSDB_LIB_DEBUG=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/rocksdb/build/Debug
    • ROCKSDB_LIB_RELEASE=%SMR_HOME%/3rdparty/rocksdb/build/Release
  • click Configure again
  • click Generate if all variables were set OK (no red background)

The Generate generates VS project files in %SMR_HOME%\build\ directory. %SMR_HOME% is the top directory where SortMeRNA source distribution (e.g. Git repo) is installed.

(6) Configure and build Zlib library

When Cmake-gui Configure is run it downloads required 3rd party source packages into %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\ directory.

In Cmake-gui:

  • click Browse Source... and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\zlib\
  • click Browse Build... and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\zlib\build\ (confirm to create the build directory if not already exists)
  • click Configure and set the required variables or accept defaults
  • click Generate

In Visual Studio

  • File -> Open -> Project/Solution and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\zlib\build\zlib.sln
  • In Solution Explorer right-click ALL_BUILD and select build from drop-down menu

(7) COnfigure and build RockDB library

In Cmake-gui:

  • click Browse Source... and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\rocksdb\
  • click Browse Build... and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\rocksdb\build\ (confirm to create the build directory if not already exists)
  • click Configure and set the following variables:
    • Ungrouped Entries
      • PORTABLE (checkbox)
      • GIT_EXECUTABLE (select path to git.exe e.g. C:/libs/git-2.16.2-64/bin/git.exe
    • WITH
      • WITH_ZLIB
      • Accept defaults for the rest
  • click Generate

In Visual Studio

  • File -> Open -> Project/Solution and select %SMR_HOME%\3rdparty\rocksdb\build\rocksdb.sln
  • In Solution Explorer right-click ALL_BUILD and select build from drop-down menu

(8) Build SormeRNA

In Visual Studio:

  • File -> Open -> Project/Solution .. open %SMR_HOME%\build\sortmerna.sln
  • Select desired build type: Release | Debug | RelWithDebInfo | MinSizeRel.
  • In Solution explorer right-click ALL_BUILD' and select build` in drop-down menu.

Depending on the build type the binaries are generated in %SMR_HOME%\build\src\sortmerna\Release (or Debug | RelWithDebInfo | MinSizeRel).

(9) Add sortmerna executables to PATH

set PATH=%SMR_HOME%\build\src\indexdb\Release;%SMR_HOME%\build\src\sortmerna\Release;%PATH%


Python code is provided for running integration tests in $SRM_HOME/tests (%SRM_HOME%\tests) and requires Python 3.5 or higher.

Tests can be run with the following command:

python ./tests/

OR individual tests

python ./tests/ SortmernaTests.test_simulated_amplicon_generic_buffer

Tests on compressed data files

python ./tests/

Users require scikit-bio to run the tests.

User Manual

User manual is available in docs/web folder. The manual is written as a single web page using HTML, CSS, and JS (very minimal for changing color theme light/dark), so cannot be viewed directly on GitHub. Clone the repository to your local machine and open index.html in the web browser. In case you prefer PDF, any decent browser can print web pages to PDF. Please, note the manual was tested so far only using Chrome on FHD display (1920 x 1080).

Third-party libraries

Various features in SortMeRNA are dependent on third-party libraries, including:

  • ALP: computes statistical parameters for Gumbel distribution (K and Lambda)
  • CMPH: C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library
  • Zlib: reading compressed Reads files
  • RocksDB: storage for SortmeRNA alignment results
  • RapidJson: serialization of Reads objects to store in RocksDB
  • Concurrent Queue: Lockless buffer for Reads accessed from multiple processing threads


The folder rRNA_databases/silva_ids_acc_tax.tar.gz contains SILVA taxonomy strings (extracted from XML file generated by ARB) for each of the reference sequences in the representative databases. The format of the files is three tab-separated columns, the first being the reference sequence ID, the second being the accession number and the final column is the taxonomy.


If you use SortMeRNA, please cite: Kopylova E., Noé L. and Touzet H., "SortMeRNA: Fast and accurate filtering of ribosomal RNAs in metatranscriptomic data", Bioinformatics (2012), doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts611.


See AUTHORS for a list of contributors to this project.


For questions and comments, please use the SortMeRNA forum.


If you have Doxygen installed, you can generate the documentation by modifying the following lines in doxygen_configure.txt:

INPUT = /path/to/sortmerna/include /path/to/sortmerna/src
IMAGE_PATH = /path/to/sortmerna/algorithm

and running the following command:

doxygen doxygen_configure.txt

This command will generate a folder html in the directory from which the command was run.


  1. Homebrew