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Sorush Khajepor edited this page Jan 4, 2019 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the SIMPLB wiki! (The main developer is not currently work on this project, feel free to continue their work.)


SIMPLB is a simple, accurate, and object-oriented lattice Boltzmann code for researchers. Generally, simplicity is prefered over performance. Therefore, new idea's can be implemented easily. The core of the code is kept easy-to-understand, brief, and accurate. I validate each part and upload them. The current focus is on multiphase pseudopotential (Shan-Chen) lattice Boltzmann. However, it is open for any development.


Through pull request, even the addition of a function is highly appreciated.

Progress and Goals

The current goals are:

  • Namespace (or Struct) D2Q9 lattice -----done!
  • Node class -----done!
  • Bounce-Back via mirror function in Node class ----- done!
  • Subdomain class -----done!
  • Serial D2Q9 stream -----done!
  • BGK collision -----done!
  • MPI-Parallel D2Q9 stream ----- testing...
  • Node-Collision connection -----
  • BGK collision + Force -----
  • Serial Poiseuille flow -----
  • Parallel Poiseuille flow -----
  • Shan-Chen model (single-phase) -----
  • Multipseudopotential Scheme -----
  • Zou-He Velocity boundary condition -----