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Automated Synthesis of Context-Aware Choreographies in a Smart City Scenario

This repository contains the replication package of the paper we submitted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering with the title Automated Synthesis of Context-Aware Choreographies in a Smart City Scenario.


For any information, interested researchers can contact us by writing an email to any contributor listed above. A fully documentation can be found here.

The replication package can be downloaded here, and it is structured as follows:

|   pom.xml 'build all the project'
|   +---specification
|   |       Emergency Management System specification.png
|   |       Emergency Management System - Drone Reconnaissance variant v1.png
|   |       Emergency Management System - Drone Reconnaissance variant v2.png
|   |       Emergency Management System - Drone Reconnaissance variant v3.png
|   |
|   \---architecture
|           Emergency Management System architecture.png
+---contextevaluator 'implementation of the Context Evaluator'
|   +---cdBsa
|   +---cdDrone
|   +---cdEarlywarningsystem
|   +---cdEp
|   +---cdSae
|   +---cdShm
|   \---eCD
+---monitor 'implementation of the monitor service'
|   +---consumers
|   |   |   pom.xml 'build all the consumer participants of the choreography'
|   |   |
|   |   +---drone
|   |   \---earlywarningsystem
|   |
|   +---prosumers
|   |   |   pom.xml 'build all the prosumer participants of the choreography'
|   |   |
|   |   +---bsa
|   |   +---ep
|   |   +---sae
|   |   \---shm
|   |
|   \---providers
|       |   pom.xml 'build all the provider participants of the choreography'
|       |
|       +---buildingautomation
|       +---cityalarming
|       +---civilprotection
|       +---crowding
|       +---dronefleetcontroller
|       +---energy
|       +---roads
|       +---sensornetwork
|       \---smartevacuation
+---sia-endpoints-client 'client application for the set invocation address (n.b., see documentation before using it)'
\---sia-endpoints-manager 'endpoints manager (n.b., see documentation before using it)'


Licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.