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SotaTek-TungNguyen2 edited this page May 13, 2024 · 10 revisions

Here are some frequently asked questions about MinaPortal and its usage:

What are MetaMask Snaps?

MetaMask Snaps is a system that enables the expansion of MetaMask capabilities through isolated programs called snaps.

What is MinaPortal?

MinaPortal is a demo project designed to allow users to interact with the Mina protocol using the mina-portal snap implementation of MetaMask Snaps.

What is the mina-portal snap

The mina-portal snap is a snap which allows MetaMask users to interact with the Mina Protocol.

How to install the snap?

The zkApp will have a connect button that calls the 'wallet_requestSnaps' method. Once the user clicks the button, an install prompt appears on Metamask. This is how the method gets triggered.

   method: 'wallet_requestSnaps', 
   params: { “npm:mina-portal": { version: `^${version}` } } 

The user will need to accept all permissions that the snap requires and then the MinaPortal will be available.

How to use the MinaPortal’s features?

To use MinaPortal’s features, call the 'wallet_invokeSnap' method with the following parameters. Replace the ‘snapMethodName’ with the methods here.

   method: 'wallet_invokeSnap', 
   params: { 
      snapId: “npm:mina-portal”, 
      request: { method: `${snapMethodName}`, }, 

What does the mina-portal snap do?

You can find all these mina-portal snap features in the ‘Methods’ section of the package here. (Take note that you can only send zkApp transactions on the Berkeley testnet at the moment)

Click on the picture below to watch a demo video showing how a user can switch networks and send tokens.

What does the mina-portal snap not do?

This mina-portal snap does not store your private keys on any servers. All your keys are derived and managed in the Metamask extension.

What is the Mina Mainnet?

This is the live Mina blockchain. The MinaPortal can connect to this network and send Mina tokens to other accounts. This network does not currently support zkApps.

What is the Mina Berkeley testnet ?

This is the test Mina blockchain which supports zkApps.

What is a zkApp?

zkApps (zero knowledge apps) are Mina Protocol smart contracts powered by zero knowledge proofs, specifically using zk-SNARKs. zkApps generate proofs on the client which are then verified on-chain. This allows for private computation and state that can be either private or public.

How do I connect the MinaPortal to MetaMask?

Go to in your chrome browser and click the "Connect To MetaMask" button.

Click on the picture below to watch a demo video showing how a user can connect the MinaPortal to MetaMask.

How do I recover funds if the Snap should ever be decommissioned?

You can recover your funds if you have saved the private key generated by the snap (you can get that key by using the export private key function in the portal site) and import that key into another wallet like the Auro wallet. You will then be able to access your account again.

How do I reach out for mina-portal snap support?