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How crunkbong is made

souperdoupe edited this page May 22, 2018 · 4 revisions

Crunkbong is made from a debootstrapped devuan jessie. Unlike the miyo (devuan spin) method of taking an existing environment and modifying it with personalized tweaks, crunkbong is built from the ground-up. This ensures that every program that a developer wants is there, and nothing else. It is also more time consuming.


The following are some commands I used to build it. All of them are performed as root.


mkdir /wherever/crunkbong deboostrap --arch amd64 devuan-base /wherever/crunkbong crunkbong uses amd64 as its base for two reasons:

  1. Meltdown patches will likely never be available for i386. This message is straight from the KPTI patch developers.
  2. Most PCs nowadays, including many netbooks, are capable of running a 64-bit environment.

devuan-base is used instead of a full-on desktop environment. A typical minimal debootstrap will occupy something like 200mb, give or take.


I run the following commands to enter the chroot environment. From here, we can start building on the OS.

cd /wherever/crunkbong

mount -t proc proc .

mount -o bind /sys ./sys

mount -o bind /dev ./dev

chroot . /bin/sh

I run chroot sessions with sh instead of bash. I prefer this sh is more minimal. I've always found bash to be a bit sluggish in comparison.

apt-get install

One of the first things you want is packages, so begin installing them


*tshark and wireshark

*aircrack-ng and reaver



*tmux or dvtm

You should also determine whether or not your system will run X, or will be a minimal console session only.


This crunkbong script will pull proprietary firmware drivers into a folder in /home/crunkbong. A user may choose to install one during a live session using dpkg -i [firmware].deb. These are completely optional.


I run refractasnapshot to make a bootable, live ISO. I modify the configuration for highest compression, which produces a smaller iso.

rm -rf /tmp/*



Finally, I use dd to create a live usb drive:

dd if=/wherever/crunkbong/home/snapshots/[newestsnapshot].iso of=/dev/nameofyourdevice

Further reading

Tutorial: build a desktop environment without dbus