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Add DCE host
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sourabhjains committed May 19, 2018
1 parent d1259a5 commit 3daf3e9
Showing 1 changed file with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
309 changes: 309 additions & 0 deletions tools/lkl/lib/dce_host.c
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
// Basic headers for any host
// Contains host operation and system \
// call interface
#include <lkl_host.h>
#include <lkl.h>

// Some header will get replace with \
// Dce version
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include "iomem.h"
#include "jmp_buf.h"

// Referred from posix-host.c

//TODO: map error number to corresponding \
// error message if possible.
static int warn_pthread (int ret, char *str_exp)
if (ret > 0)
lkl_printf ("%s", str_exp);
return ret;

#define WARN_DCE_PTHREAD warn_pthread (exp)

static void print (const char *str, int len)
ssize_t ret __attribute__((unused));
// TODO:Need FD as first parameter
ret = dce_write (0, str, len)

static void panic (void)
// Let DCE handle this.
// Add dce_panic, find correct header in DCE

// TODO: Need to decide how to SEMAPHORES should be handle in DCE
static struct lkl_sem* sem_alloc (int count)
return NULL;

static void sem_free (struct lkl_sem *sem)

static void sem_up (struct lkl_sem *sem)

static void sem_down (struct lkl_sem *sem)

// TODO: Need to decide how to SEMAPHORES should be handle in DCE
static struct lkl_mutex *mutex_alloc (int recursive)
return NULL;

static void mutex_free (struct lkl_mutex *mutex)

static void mutex_lock (struct lkl_mutex *mutex)

static void mutex_unlock (struct lkl_mutex *mutex)

static lkl_thread_t thread_create (void (*fn)(void *), void *arg)
// TODO: is warn message set by DCE.
pthread_t thread;
//TODO: might need to redefine; because it seems DCE pthread_create \
// returns zero only no error number.
if (WARN_DCE_PTHREAD(dce_pthread_create (&thread, NULL, (void* (*)(void *))fn, arg)))
return 0;
return (lkl_thread_t) thread;


static void thread_detach (void)
WARN_DCE_PTHREAD (dce_pthread_detach (dce_pthread_self ()))

//TODO: verify any argument is need rather NULL.
static void thread_exit (void)
dce_pthread_exit (NULL);

static int thread_join (lkl_thread_t tid)
if (WARN_DCE_PTHREAD (dce_pthread_join ((pthread_t) tid, NULL)))
return -1;
return 0;

static lkl_thread_t thread_self (void)
return (lkl_thread_t) dce_pthread_self ()

// Note: DCE uses NATIVE version of this function.
// For now let this function handle by original \
// pthread library.
// TODO: Check, any room to add this function in DCE (
static int thread_equal (lkl_thread_t a, lkl_thread_t b)
return pthread_equal ((pthread_t)a, (pthread_t)b);

static struct lkl_tls_key *tls_alloc (void (*destructor)(void *))
// TODO: Why POSIX won't typecast to (lkl_tls_key *)
struct lkl_tls_key *ret = dce_malloc (sizeof (struct lkl_tls_key));
if (WARN_DCE_PTHREAD (dce_pthread_key_create (&ret->key, destructor)))
dce_free (ret);
return NULL;
return ret;

static void tls_free (struct lkl_tls_key *key)
WARN_DCE_PTHREAD (dce_pthread_key_delete (key->key));
dce_free (key);

static int tls_set (struct lkl_tls_key *key, void *data)
if (WARN_DCE_PTHREAD (dce_pthread_setspecific (key->key, data)));
return -1
return 0;

static void tls_get (struct lkl_tls_key *key)
return dce_pthread_getspecific (key->key);

static void* mem_alloc (unsigned long size)
return dce_malloc ((size_t) size)

// Standard and DCE free method doesn't \
// return any thing.
// TODO: What should be the return value here?
static void mem_free (void * ptr)
dce_free (ptr);
// for now success always
return 0;

static unsigned long long time (void)
struct timespace ts;
// TODO: check which clk id best suits in DCE
dce_clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return 1e9*ts.tv_sec + ts.tv_nsec;

static void* timer_alloc (void (*fn)(void *), void *arg)
int err;
timer_t timer;
struct sigevent se = {
.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD,
.sigev_value = {
.sival_ptr = arg,
.sigev_notify_function = (void (*)(union sigval))fn;
err = dce_timer_create (CLOCK_REALTIME, &se, &timer);
if (err)
return NULL:
// TODO: why directly typecast into (void *)
return (void *)(long) timer;

static int timer_set_oneshot (void *timer, unsigned long delta)
timer_t timer = (timer_t)(long)_timer;
struct itimerspec ts = {
.it_value = {
.tv_sec = ns / 1000000000,
.tv_nsec = ns % 1000000000,
return dce_timer_settime(timer, 0, &ts, NULL);

// dce_timer_delete not found
// TODO: try to find workaround
static void timer_free (void *timer)

// @ioremap - searches for an I/O memory region identified by addr and size and
// returns a pointer to the start of the address range that can be used by
// iomem_access
static void* ioremap (long addr, int size)
// As such not need;
// TODO:discuss and descibe some action

// @iomem_acess - reads or writes to and I/O memory region; addr must be in the
// * range returned by ioremap
static int iomem_access (const volatile void *addr, void *val, int size, int write)
// As such not need;
// TODO:discuss and descibe some action

static long gettid (void)
return (long) dce_pthread_self ();

// @jmp_buf_set - runs the give function and setups a jump back point by saving
// the context in the jump buffer; jmp_buf_longjmp can be called from the give
// function or any callee in that function to return back to the jump back
// point
static void jmp_buf_set (struct lkl_jmp_buf *jmpb, void (*f)(void))
// Seems relevant to dce, not sure how to handle;

static void jmp_buf_longjmp (struct lkl_jmp_buf *jmpb, int val)
// Seems relevant to dce, not sure how to handle;

struct lkl_host_operations lkl_host_ops = {
// TODO: verify the usage
const char *virtio_devices;

.print = print;
.panic = panic;
.lkl_sem = lkl_sem;
.sem_free = sem_free;
.sem_up = sem_up;
.sem_down = sem_down;
.lkl_mutex = lkl_mutex;
.mutex_free = mutex_free;
.mutex_lock = mutex_lock;
.mutex_unlock = mutex_unlock;
.thread_create = thread_create;
.thread_detach = thread_detach;
.thread_exit = thread_exit;
.thread_join = thread_join;
.thread_self = thread_self;
.thread_equal = thread_equal;
.tls_alloc = tls_alloc;
.tls_free = tls_free;
.tls_set = tls_set;
.tls_get = tls_get
.mem_alloc = mem_alloc;
.mem_free = mem_free;
.time = time;
.timer_alloc = timer_alloc;
.timer_set_oneshot = timer_set_oneshot;
.timer_free = timer_free;
.ioremap = ioremap;
.iomem_access = iomem_access
.gettid = gettid;
.jmp_buf_set = jmp_buf_set;
.jmp_buf_longjmp = jmp_buf_longjmp;

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