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SCEPTER plugin command to manage project services



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  1. Setup a SCEPTER project by following the instructions from SCEPTER-Core.
  2. Be sure to recursively install the SCEPTER-Core boilerplates submodules. You can do this by cloning SCEPTER-Core with the --recursive flag or by issuing the git submodule update --init command from the project directory.
  3. Execute node bin/scepter.js list:all to display a list of installed commands to verify this command has been installed.


service:create <service-name> <target-repository> [<template>]

This command will create a new service using the Serverless Framework by forking the associated template repository. [<template>] defaults to nodejs and will create a new service using SCEPTER-service-template-nodejs. Other acceptable arguments for [<template>] include csharp. The service-name will determine what folder under the services folder the submodule will be created in and modify the configuration to name the service accordingly when deployed to cloud service providers. The target-repository is the URL of the repository that the new service will be pushed to.

To add an existing service, see the service:add command.

service:add <service-name> <git-repository> [<fork-repository>]

This command will add the service from the uri provided by git-repository as a submodule to the project in the services folder in a folder named after service-name. If a fork-repository uri is provided, the service will be forked into git-repository first before git-repository is added as a submodule to the project.

service:invoke <service-name> <provider> [<optional sls arguments>]

This command is for services that have multiple serverless.yml configurations for various providers defined (Otherwise use serverless invoke instead). The serverless.yml for each provider should be defined in a folder named config within the service folder. Each file should be named serverless_template_<provider>.yml with the name of the provider substituted in. Running this command will swap out the base serverless.yml file with the template of the specified provider so that a service can be invoked with that particular configuration. The optional sls arguments would be the same as those passed in to the serverless invoke command like this one.

service:deploy <service-name> <provider> [<optional sls arguments>]

This command is for services that have multiple serverless.yml configurations for various providers defined (Otherwise use serverless deploy instead). The serverless.yml for each provider should be defined in a folder named config within the service folder. Each file should be named serverless_template_<provider>.yml with the name of the provider substituted in. Running this command will swap out the base serverless.yml file with the template of the specified provider so that a service can be deployed across multiple providers with a single command. It will also run yarn install and yarn test commands and will only deploy if successful error code is returnd