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Repo for managing the self hosted GitHub Actions Runner.


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SourceFuse AWS Reference Architecture (ARC) Terraform module for managing GitHub Runner.

This module will create the following resources in a specified AWS Account:

  • S3 bucket: used for storing the generated docker-compose.yml
  • EC2 instance: Used for running the runner container on
  • SSH Key Pair: Used for decrypting EC2 password
  • SSM Documents: Used for installing dependencies and updating the SSM Agent
  • IAM Policies: For accessing created resources
  • SSM Parameter: For storing the runner token

This module utilizes different local-exec provisioners to execute scripts for obtaining the needed GitHub Runner token and remove the runner from the organization when the resources are destroyed. See Pre-Requisites for information on the needed permissions these scripts will require.


You will need to have a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with admin:org permissions in order to manage GitHub runners for the Organization. If you do not have sufficient permissions to GitHub, the runner will not register.

Once you've obtained a PAT, you will need to set it so Terraform can access it. The recommended approach to this is to save it in Systems Manager Parameter Store with the Parameter name of: /<namespace>/<environment>/github/token You can reference this parameter via a data lookup:

data "aws_ssm_parameter" "github_token" {
  name = "/${var.namespace}/${var.environment}/github/token"


⚠️ At this time, this module only supports Debian / Ubuntu AMIs. When choosing an AMI, please be sure to select either Ubuntu or Debian.

To see a full example, check out the file in the example folder.

module "runner" {
  source  = "sourcefuse/arc-github-runner/aws"
  version = "0.2.6"
  namespace     = var.namespace
  environment   = var.environment
  region        = var.region
  subnet_id     = local.private_subnet_ids[0]
  vpc_id        =
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  github_token  = data.aws_ssm_parameter.github_token.value
  runner_labels = "example,${var.namespace},${var.environment}"

  tags = module.tags.tags


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.3, < 2.0.0
aws >= 4.0
null >= 3.0
random >= 3.0


Name Version
aws 4.50.0
null 3.2.1
random 3.4.3


Name Source Version
runner git:: 0.45.2
ssh_key_pair git:: 0.18.3


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.runner_bucket_access resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.runner resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.runner_bucket_access resource
aws_s3_bucket.runner resource
aws_s3_bucket_acl.runner resource
aws_s3_bucket_logging.runner resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.runner resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.runner resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.runner resource
aws_s3_object.docker_compose resource
aws_ssm_association.dependencies resource
aws_ssm_association.runner_compose resource
aws_ssm_document.dependencies resource
aws_ssm_document.runner_compose resource
null_resource.cleanup resource
null_resource.prepare resource
random_string.runner resource
aws_caller_identity.this data source
aws_ssm_parameter.runner_token data source


Name Description Type Default Required
ami AMI information for the EC2 instance
id = string
owner_id = string
"id": "ami-04505e74c0741db8d",
"owner_id": "099720109477"
associate_public_ip_address Associate a public IP address with the instance bool false no
ec2_runner_iam_role_policy_arns IAM role policies to attach to the Runner instance list(string)
environment Name of the environment, i.e. dev, stage, prod string n/a yes
github_owner GitHub Owner the runner belongs to. If you are adding a repo, the format will be owner/repo string "sourcefuse" no
github_token GitHub Personal Access Token with admin:org permission scope.
This is used to obtain a Runner Token used for registering the runner.
For more information, see Create a registration token for an organization.
string n/a yes
instance_type The instance type for the EC2 instance. Default is t3a.medium. string "t3a.medium" no
monitoring_enabled Launched EC2 instance will have detailed monitoring enabled bool true no
namespace Namespace of the project, i.e. refarch string n/a yes
region AWS region string n/a yes
repos_or_orgs Whether the API will register / deregister the runner in repos or orgs. Options are orgs and repos string "orgs" no
root_block_device_encrypted Whether to encrypt the root block device bool true no
root_block_device_kms_key_id KMS key ID used to encrypt EBS volume. When specifying root_block_device_kms_key_id, root_block_device_encrypted needs to be set to true string null no
root_volume_size Size of the root volume in gigabytes string "80" no
root_volume_type Type of root volume. Can be standard, gp2, gp3, io1 or io2 string "gp2" no
runner_image Name of the image to use for the Actions Runner. string "sourcefuse/github-runner:0.3.0" no
runner_labels Labels to assign the GitHub Runner. If no values are given, the default labels will be:
- self-hosted
- Base OS, i.e. Linux
- Architecture, i.e. X64
These labels cannot be overridden.
Separate labels via comma, i.e. dev,docker,another_label
string "" no
runner_name Name to assign the GitHub Runner. If no value is given, it will use the ec2 instance name. string null no
runner_user Name of the user to run the container as. string "runner" no
security_group_rules Security group rules for the EC2 instance running the GitHub Runner
type = string
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = string
cidr_blocks = list(string)
"cidr_blocks": [
"from_port": 0,
"protocol": "-1",
"to_port": 65535,
"type": "egress"
ssm_patch_manager_enabled Whether to enable SSM Patch manager bool true no
subnet_id Subnet ID for the EC2 instance to be assigned to string n/a yes
tags Default tags to apply to every resource map(string) {} no
volume_tags_enabled Whether or not to copy instance tags to root and EBS volumes bool true no
vpc_id VPC ID for EC2 instance to reside in string n/a yes


Name Description
ec2_runner_instance_id Instance ID of the EC2 Runner
ec2_runner_instance_name Instance Name of the EC2 Runner
ec2_runner_role Instance role name
ec2_runner_role_arn Instance role ARN




  • Configure pre-commit hooks
    pre-commit install

Git commits

while Contributing or doing git commit please specify the breaking change in your commit message whether its major,minor or patch

For Example

git commit -m "your commit message #major"

By specifying this , it will bump the version and if you dont specify this in your commit message then by default it will consider patch and will bump that accordingly


  • Tests are available in test directory
  • Configure the dependencies
    cd test/
    go mod init
    go get
  • Now execute the test
    go test -timeout  30m


This project is authored by:

  • SourceFuse ARC Team


Repo for managing the self hosted GitHub Actions Runner.







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