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Azure DocumentDB Repository

A .NET repository implementation built for Microsoft's Azure DocumentDB. Although usable in any .NET project, it was built specifically with ASP.NET 5 in mind.

The source code is available here, but you can install directory into your project using the NuGet package.


Use NuGet to install the package within your .NET project:

  PM> Install-Package SourceMax.DocumentDB

Dependency Injection Setup

Assuming you are building an ASP.NET 5 project, add the following code to your Startup.cs file:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {

    // Setup the DocumentDB repository with the proper connection string
    //  Example: "Account=myaccount;Database=mydatabase;Collection=mycollection;Key=blahblahblah+mykey+blahblahblah==;"
    var connectionString = this.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:DocumentDB"];

    // Set an instance of the Repository class, with the connection string, as the implementation of IRepository
    services.AddSingleton<IRepository>(sp => new Repository(connectionString));

Using the Repository

To use the repository in a controller, for example, you just inject it and you are good to go:

public class TestController : Controller {

    private readonly IRepository Repository;

    public TestController(IRepository repository) {
        this.Repository = repository;

    public async Task<IActionResult> Get() {
        // Get a single item
        var item = await this.Repository.GetItemAsync<MyModel>("SomeId");

        // Get all Items
        var items = await this.Repository

        // More complex query with projection with a where clause and projection
        var asyncItems = await this.Repository
            .Where(x => x.Description == "Test load #1")
            .Select(x => new { Id = x.Id, Type = x.Type })

        return this.Ok();


The code for the repository was derived, in large part, from Ryan CrawCour's article and repository on DocumentDB. Not sure what his actual title is, but Ryan is the public figurehead for Microsoft's DocumentDB offering, so he knows what he is talking about.


A repository implementation built on the Azure DocumentDB SDK for .NET that is reusable in ASP.NET 5 applications.







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