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Simple In-Game Player Statistics Plugin for Left 4 Dead 2


  • This plugin records statistics gathered from human players. The following statistics are currently being recorded:

    Basic Statistics (Default)

    Name Team Description
    Survivors Kils Infected Number of times an infected has killed a survivor
    Survivors Incapped Infected Number of times an infected player has incapped a survivor
    Infected Kills Survivor Number of times a survivor has killed a Special Infected
    Infected Headshots Survivor Number of times a survivor killed a Special Infected by Headshot

    Extra Statistics for the more skilled (Disabled by default)

    Name Team Description
    Hunter Skeet (Sniper) Survivor Number of hunters skeeted with sniper by a survivor. Counts only 1 tap heashots
    Hunter Skeet (SG) Survivor Number of hunters skeeted with shotgun by a survivor
    Hunter Skeet (Melee) Survivor Number of hunters skeeted with melee by a survivor
    Tank Rock Skeets Survivor Number rocks skeeted by a survivor
    Witch Crown (Standard) Survivor Number of standard witch crowns by a survivor (up close)
    Witch Crown (Draw) Survivor Number of witch draw crowns by a survivor
    Boomer Pops Survivor Number of boomer pops by a survivor
    Charger Levels Survivor Number of chargers leveled by a survivor
    Smoker Tongue Cuts Survivor Number of smoker tongues cut by a survivor
    Hunter Deadstops Survivor Number of hunter deadstops by a survivor
    Quad Booms Infected Number of times survivors have been quad boomed (all 4 boomed)
    25 Hunter Pounces Infected Number of 25 point hunter pounces
    Death Charges Infected Number of times a charger has death charged a survivor
    Tank Rock Hits Infected Number of times a tank rocked a survivor
  • A customizable connect announce when a player joins displaying the current ranking/steam id/total points of the user. This feature also supports colour coded messages.

    Connect Announce

  • A display panel showing the player statistics of a user. This can be triggered by issuing sm_rank on the console or by typing !rankin chat.

    Player Rank (Basic)

  • A display panel showing additional stats (disabled by default)

    Player Ranks (Extras)

  • A display panel showing the top N players sorted by their ranking. This feature also allows the the requesting player to be able to view other player's statistics/ranking on the server.

    Top N Players

  • A display panel showing the ranks of the players currently present in the server

    Ranks of all players in-game

  • A points and ranking system is also implemented and can be further customized by modifying the point multipliers from the plugin configuration file (playerstats.cfg)


  • Sourcemod 1.7 above
  • Skill Detect Plugin. This is only required if you need the extra statistics enabled
  • A working database system (mysql)


Download the latest version from the repository and extract the contents to the root of the left 4 dead 2 server installation directory.


Database Configuration

  1. Create and setup the appropriate users/credentials/privileges on your MySQL/MariaDB database system.

  2. Import the provided SQL script (under /configs/sql-init-scripts/mysql/playerstats.sql) into your MySQL/MariaDB system.

  3. Open databases.cfg file from addons/sourcemod/configs and add a new section named playerstats.


    	"host"	    "<ip address>"
    	"driver"    "mysql"
    	"database"  "<db name>"
    	"user"      "<username>"
    	"pass"      "<password>"
    	//"timeout" "0"
    	//"port"    "0"

Plugin Configuration

The plugin can be further customized through the playerstats.cfg file located under addons/sourcemod/configs/. The default entries will look like this:

REMEMBER: After you have edited the StatModifiers section, you need to run the command sm_pstats_reload sync to update the values on the database

"PlayerStats" {
        "survivor_killed"       "1.0"
        "survivor_incapped"     "1.0"
        "infected_killed"       "1.0"
        "infected_headshot"     "1.0"
        "skeet_hunter_sniper"   "1.0"
        "skeet_hunter_shotgun"  "1.0"
        "skeet_hunter_melee"    "1.0"
        "skeet_tank_rock"       "1.0"
        "witch_crown_standard"  "1.0"
        "witch_crown_draw"      "1.0"
        "boomer_pop"            "1.0"
        "charger_level"         "1.0"
        "smoker_tongue_cut"     "1.0"
        "hunter_dead_stop"      "1.0"
        "boomer_quad"           "1.0"
        "hunter_twenty_five"    "1.0"
        "death_charge"          "1.0"
        "tank_rock_hits"        "1.0"
        "title_rank_player"   "Player Stats"
        "title_rank_topn"     "Top {top_player_count} Players"
        "title_rank_ingame"   "In-Game Player Ranks"
        "title_rank_extras"   "Extra Player Stats"
        "format"    "{N}Player '{G}{last_known_alias}{N}' ({B}{steam_id}{N}) has joined the game ({G}Rank:{N} {i:rank_num}, {G}Points:{N} {f:total_points})"

Connect Announce Output:

Connect Announce Output

Note: You can reload the configuration with the sm_pstats_reload command. This command can also synchronize the point modifiers to the STATS_SKILLS table by passing the sync argument (e.g. sm_pstats_reload sync).

Configuration Sections
Section Name Description
StatModifiers This section contains the modifiers for the point system. These values affects the total points of the user. For example, if a player killed 10 special infected by headshot (infected_headshot) and the point modifier is 2.5 the total points for the number of infected headshots would be 25 (10 * 2.5).
StatPanels This section allows you to customize/add title headers to each of the available display panels.
ConnectAnnounce This section allows you to customize the the format of the player connect announce feature. Formatting rules are explained below.

Connect Announce Formatting Rules

Colour Tags

Note: Some colour tags might NOT work for Left 4 Dead 2

Tag Color
{N} Default/normal
{O} Orange
{R} Red
{RB} Red/Blue
{B} Blue (green if no player on blue team)
{BR} Blue/Red
{T} Teamcolor
{L} Lightgreen
{GRA} Grey (green if no spectator)
{G} Green
{OG} Olive
{BLA} Black

Special Tags

Some tags are prefixed with "d", "i" or "f". These prefixes are necessary to identify the type of the data so the plugin will be able to interpret it correctly when read from the database. Non-prefixed tags are strings by default.

Tag Prefix

Prefix Type
i Integer Number
d Date/Time (Not yet working properly)
f Decimal/Floating Point Number
Tag Description
{steam_id} Steam ID
{last_known_alias} Last known alias or name of the player
{d:last_join_date} Last join date on the server
{i:survivor_killed} Number of Survivors Killed (As Infected)
{i:survivor_incapped} Number of Survivors Incapped (As Infected)
{i:infected_killed} Number of Infected Killed (As Survivor)
{i:infected_headshot} Number of Infected Killed by Headshot (As Survivor)
{f:total_points} Total Points (Sum of everything)
{i:rank_num} Current Ranking

Extra Tags (needs pstats_extras_enabled to be set)

Name Description
{i:skeet_hunter_sniper} Number of hunters skeeted with sniper by a survivor
{i:skeet_hunter_shotgun} Number of hunters skeeted with shotgun by a survivor
{i:skeet_hunter_melee} Number of hunters skeeted with melee by a survivor
{i:skeet_tank_rock} Number rocks skeeted by a survivor
{i:witch_crown_standard} Number of standard witch crowns by a survivor
{i:witch_crown_draw} Number of draw crowns by a survivor
{i:boomer_pop} Number of boomer pops by a survivor
{i:charger_level} Number of charger levels by a survivor
{i:smoker_tongue_cut} Number of smoker tongue cuts by a survivor
{i:hunter_dead_stop} Number of hunter deadstops by a survivor
{i:boomer_quad} Number of times survivors have been quad boomed (all 4 boomed)
{i:hunter_twenty_five} Number of 25 point hunter pounces
{i:death_charge} Number of times a charger has death charged a survivor
{i:tank_rock_hits} Number of times a tank rocked a survivor


Name Description Default value Min Value Max Value
pstats_enabled Enable/Disable this plugin 1 0 1
pstats_debug_enabled Enable debug messages (for debugging purposes only) 0 0 1
pstats_versus_exclusive If set, the plugin will only work for versus gamemodes 1 0 1
pstats_record_bots Sets whether we should record bots. By default only human players are recorded. 0 0 1
pstats_menu_timeout The timeout value for the player stats panel 30 (seconds) 3 9999
pstats_max_top_players The max top N players to display 10 10 50
pstats_extras_enabled Include extra stats to be recorded 0 0 1
pstats_display_type 1 = Display points, 2 = Display the count, 3 = Both points and count 2 1 3
pstats_show_rank_onjoin If set, player rank will be displayed to the user on the start of each map 1 0 1
pstats_cannounce_enabled If set, connect announce will be displayed to chat when a player joins 1 0 1


Note: These commands can also be invoked from chat (e.g. !rank, !top 10, !ranks, !pstats_reload)

Name Description Parameters Permission Parameter Description
sm_rank Display the current stats & ranking of the requesting player. A panel will be displayed to the player. None Anyone None
sm_top Display the top N players. A menu panel will be displayed to the requesting player Number Anyone The number of players to be displayed.
sm_ranks Display the ranks of the players currently playing in the server. A menu panel will be displayed to the requesting player. Number Anyone None
sm_pstats_reload Reloads plugin configuration. This is useful if you have modified the playerstats.cfg file. 'This command also synchronizes the modifier values set from the configuration file to the database. This is quite an expensive operation, so please only use this command when necessary. None Admin (Root) None
sm_hidestats Allows a player to prevent other players from viewing his/her extra statistics. Number Anyone 1 = hide, 0 = unhide