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Releases: southwest416/ERR-Generator

MAINTENANCE Release: ERR Generator v2022.02.17

18 Feb 02:18
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The following changes were added:

  • Facility Changes:
    • DAB - 10 --> 9 effective 2/12/23
    • CRP - 9 --> 8 effective 2/12/23
    • AVP - 6 --> 5 effective 2/12/23

MAINTENANCE/BUGFIX Release: ERR Generator v2023.01.17

17 Jan 19:43
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The following changes were added:

  • BUGFIX: Leading zeroes are no longer removed from social security numbers.
  • Facility changes:
    • SDF - 8 --> 9 effective 3/13/2022
    • TYS - 7 --> 8 effective 4/10/2022
    • CMA - 6 --> 7 effective 4/10/2022
    • D21 - 11 --> 10 effective 10/9/2022
    • MSP - 11 --> 10 effective 10/9/2022
    • STL - 8 --> 7 effective 10/9/2022
    • ITO - 6 --> 5 effective 10/9/2022

To install this maintenance release, you may either download the entire package by downloading the file below, or you may replace just the CoverLetter+3330-42+3330-43combined.pdf and 1.Personal Information.xlsx in your existing directory.

BUGFIX Release: ERR Generator v2022.10.08

09 Oct 00:51
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The following changes were added:

  • BUGFIX: Facility IDs in work history are now automatically capitalized prior to generation.
  • BUGFIX: "Vacancy Position Title" in 3330-43-1 now correctly reflects the desired position instead of always displaying "Air Traffic Control Specialist"
  • BUGFIX: Users may now generate multiple ERRs for the same facility for different roles (e.g. CPC & TMC), and the generator will notate each file for the selected role if duplicates exist. (bug cred. charlie_mike)

ERR Generator v2022.10.07

07 Oct 05:09
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The following changes were added:

  • Added functionality to support ERR to and from MSS-1 & TMC positions.
  • Added functionality to support generating the 3330-43-1 document for individual USAJOBS announcements.
  • Minor error-handling enhancements.
  • Removed the functionality to attach a supervisor's signature image. Option to attach a signed 3330-43-1 page remains, but users are ADVISED AGAINST attaching a document that has been signed by a rating official (supervisor or otherwise), as it may be a violation of policy, regulation, or law.

ERR Generator v2022.09.28

29 Sep 05:03
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The following changes were added:

  • Added a new "Facilities History" sheet that contains a history of known level and type changes and effective dates. This sheet will later be used to dynamically determine a facility's historic type and level in the work history portion of the generator instead of using the current type/level.

  • Facility level's for desired facilities are determined more dynamically now by comparing the facility level as listed in the KSN facility list with a more up-to-date list of facility level changes contained in the new "Facilities History" sheet in the personal information file. Several facilities levels were updated as a result of this, including:

    • BIL: 6 -> 7
    • TRI: 5 -> 6
    • SRQ: 6 -> 7
    • APC: 4 -> 5
    • AGC: 4 -> 5
    • IND: 8 -> 9
    • FAR: 6 -> 7
    • BTV: 6 -> 7
    • AGS: 5 -> 6
    • HIO: 7 -> 6
    • DTW: 11 -> 9
  • BUGFIX: Added error handling for missing 1. Personal Information.xlsx file.

ERR Generator v2022.07.13.1

13 Jul 21:13
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The following changes were added:

  • New user interface that allows users to browse for files for resume/performance plan & signatures, and provides simpler control flow & more intuitive functionality.
  • Refactored functions for readability and removed redundant/unnecessary comments.
  • Improved error handling.

ERR Generator v2022.07.06

06 Jul 17:15
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Added the following changes:

  • Added the function to insert a signed 3330-43-1 page 2 into the generated package. Scan a signed 3330-43-1 page 2, save as a pdf file, and name it "3330-43-1-signed.pdf", then add to the main directory. All new packages will generate with the signed page in the package. Please note you will be responsible for ensuring this page is filled out completely and correctly, as the generator will not attempt to edit any fields on this page once overwritten.
  • Fixed a bug that would count 0 creditable months in the work history as "False" instead of "0".

ERR Generator v2022.07.02

03 Jul 01:44
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Added the following changes:

  • Facilities with a published region that conflicts with their district in the NCEPT POCs table will now determine the region by district instead of using the published region. These conflicts are displayed in the FacilitiesPublic sheet in the Personal Information excel document.

  • Added the function to override facilities' level and type in the Work History section of the Personal Information excel document.

  • Corrected the following facilities' regions:

    • AGC - AEA --> AGL
    • BGM - ANE --> AEA
    • BNA: ASW --> ASO
    • CRQ - ASW --> AWP
    • FSM - ASW --> ASO
    • HSV - ASW --> ASO
    • JAN - ASW --> ASO
    • LAF - ASW --> AGL
    • LIT - ASW --> ASO
    • M03 - ASW --> ASO
    • MEM: ASW --> ASO
    • OKC - AGL --> ASW
    • PDX - AWP --> ANM
    • SYR - AEA --> ANE
    • ZME - ASW --> ASO

In this update, only the 1. Personal Information.xlsx file was updated. You may download only the new 1. Personal Information.xlsx file by clicking here, or by clicking the xlsx file below, then replace the file in your existing ERR Generator directory. Otherwise, you may choose to download the whole new package.

ERR Generator v2022.03.18

19 Mar 02:52
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The following changes were added:

  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Excel versions 2013 and older would not recognize some formulas in the 1. Personal Information.xlsx file, causing erratic behavior within the sheet and in generated ERR packages. Excel 2007 and later are now supported and function properly. Excel 97-2003 is NOT supported
  • Removed Rich Text Formatting from some fields in base PDF document to ensure proper formatting.

To download only the BUGFIX, you may download just the new 1. Personal Information.xlsx file by clicking here, then replace the file in your existing ERR Generator directory, or you may choose to download the whole new package.

ERR Generator v2022.03.15

16 Mar 05:20
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The following changes were added:

  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where signature and supervisor signature images would be placed in the wrong location based on the input image size.

To download ONLY the bugfix, just download the new ERRPDFfill.exe below and replace the old exe file in your existing directory. To download the full package, please download and extract the provided ZIP file.