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A Tiny Convolutional Network for CIFAR-10 Dataset

This project implements a small ConvNeXT-esque network adapted for the CIFAR-10 dataset.

Parameter count: 0.17M


python --epoch 10 --batch 32 --augment
python --tpu --epoch 10 --batch 1024 --augment # on a TPU

Training and testing data will be download automatically via tensorflow-datasets. All train/test errors and timing will be outputted at the end of training.


network architecture

This neural network contains a stem layer, 8 bottleneck layers, 2 downscale layers, and one classification head. They are arranged in the following order:

[stem] => [ bottleneck, filter=32, factor=2 ] x2 => [downscale]
       => [ bottleneck, filter=64, factor=4 ] x4 => [downscale]
       => [ bottleneck, filter=128,factor=2 ] x2 => [downscale] => [head]

Bottleneck Architecture

For an input of dimension $(4, 32, 32)$, a bottleneck would contain 5 layers:

bottleneck architecture

  • Depthwise convolution with kernel_size=3 and depth multiplier factor.
  • Layer normalization layer.
  • GeLU activation layer, as it is superior than ReLU.
  • Dense layer with filter number of neurons. This is the second step of a depthwise separable convolution.
  • Layerscale, which is a filter-wise multiplication layer between the input and a learned vector.

It uses an "inverted bottleneck" structure, as shown by its narrow => wide => narrow shape. Additionally, a simple residual connection is made between the input and the output. Some noticable changes between this bottleneck architecture and ConvNeXT's bottleneck:

  • Depthwise convolution's filter is much smaller (3x3 vs 7x7), as CIFAR-10 contains small images of size 32x32. This means the "expand" part of an inverted bottleneck can be done in depthwise convolution layer, as the downside of heavy computation cost is mitigated by the small filter size.
  • Only one Dense layer is used, as the "expand" in inverted bottleneck is now done in depthwise convolution layer, instead of in another Dense layer as done in ConvNeXT.
  • An aggressive dropout of 0.5 is introduced between GeLU and Dense. This helps with overfitting.

The resulting bottleneck layer has a significantly reduced parameter count (almost half) compared to a downscaled ConvNeXT bottleneck, while not being computationally expensive.

Downscale Architecture

The downscale layer reduces image dimensions while increasing the number of channels. It has a different architecture than that of ConvNeXT's:

downscale architecture

Compared to a conventional convolution-based downscale layer, this downscale architecture features a reduced parameter count, while being at least as fast as convolutional downscaling.

Compared to more traditional maxpool-based downscaling, this architecture allows inter-channel communication before potentially useful information is removed in max pooling.

Classification Head Architecture

The classification head contains a global average pooling layer, a layer normalization layer, a ReLU, and a single dense layer.

Global average pooling is used instead of flattening as it makes more sense in depthwise convolutional networks: each channel represents a single feature. It also means much less parameters.


The complete data can be found in

This network performs reasonably well for its parameter count of 0.17M:

  • At epoch 10, it reached a training accuracy of 79.03%, and a validation accuracy of 77.97%.
  • At epoch 50, it reached a training accuracy of 89.75%, and a validation accuracy of 84.84%.
  • At epoch 100, it reached a training accuracy of 92.92%, and a validation accuracy of 86.47%.


Similarly, it eventually converged at a validation loss of ~0.515.


With a batch size of 32 and a Radeon 6800xt@120W, each training epoch takes 41.73 seconds on average.

timing on 6800xt

With a batch size of 32 and a mixed-precision NVIDIA A10, each training epoch takes 28 seconds. With a batch size of 1024 and a Google TPUv2-8, each takes 5 seconds. However, TPUs have a hard time converging on small models such as CIFAR-10.

Model Format

The trained model is stored in model/<timestamp>.

It is saved using standard Keras format, and can be loaded using tf.keras.models.load_model function. It supports any 32x32, unnormalized RGB image.

Further Improvements

In the validation accuracy plot, we can see that the model suffered from overfitting, despite utilizing image augmentation and dropout layers. Fortunately, overfitting somehow did not lead to deteriorating validation accuracy, proving the effectiveness of augmentation and dropout.

I suspect the reason for overfitting is the network being too small. It is not deep enough to extract complex information from images, so the only way its training accuracy would improve is when it overfitted. A combination of wider channels and more bottleneck layers should improve the results.

I also tested a smaller network (basically the same one with channels reduced by half) at 49K parameters. It eventually converged at 81% validation accuracy. Interestingly, it took a lot more epoch to train, only passing the 80% accuracy after epoch 50.


A tiny neural network for CIFAR-10 dataset






