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Scala programming language quick review code structure

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Scala Quick Notes

Scala programming language quick notes

Defined immutable

val x 

String interpolation

val approc = 255/133f
println(s"Pi, using 355/113, is about $approx." )
val item = "apple"
s"How do you like them ${item}s?"

Convert value to a value of the desired type: asInstanceOf[]


Check type: isInstanceOf


Convert a value to compatible value: to

20.toByte; 47.toFloat


val info = (5, "Korben", true)
//get second
val name = info._2

Expression Blocks

val amount = {val x = 5 * 20; x + 10}
val result = if ( false ) "what does this return?" else "heyo"
  	val kind = day match {
		case "MON" | "TUE" | "WED" | "THU" | "FRI" =>
	        case "SAT" | "SUN" =>
	        case other => 
	• case _ => <one or more expressions> ( _  means any here)


for (x <- 1 to 7) { println(s"Day $x:") }
//Return collection 
for (i <- 1 to 20) yield i
for (i <- 1 to 20 if i % 3 == 0) yield I

Option[T] is a container for zero or one element of a given type.

val capitals = Map("France" -> "Paris", "Japan" -> "Tokyo")
capitals.get( "France" ) //Some(Paris)
capitals.get( "Turkey" ) //None

define a function

def multiplier(x: Int, y: Int): Int = { x * y }
def log(d: Double) = println(f"Got value $d%.2f")
def log(d: Double) { println(f"Got value $d%.2f") }
//Call without parenthesis
def  hi(): String = "hi"
//call with >>hi   or hi()
def formatEuro(amt: Double) = f"$amt%.2f"
//>>formateuro {val rate=1.32; 0.235 + 0.7123 + rate * 5.32}

Vararg Parameters

def sum(items: Int*): Int = {
	var total = 0
	for(i <- items) total+= i

Parameters Group

def max(x: Int)(y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y
var larger = max(20)(39)

Type generic function

def identity[A](a: A): A = a
val s: String = identity[String]("hello")   
//Or better
Identity("hello")  //because scala provides is type inference

Invoke with operator notation
d compare 18.0
3 + 4

Function more

  • Function types
Int => Int
def double(x: Int): Int= x * 2
val myDouble: (Int) => Int = double
  • Function as parameter
def safeStringOp(s: String, f: String => String) = {
	if (s != null) f(s) else s
  • Function Literals
val doubler = (x: Int) => x * 2
val hello = (name: string) => s"Hello $name"
safeStringOp("Ready", (s: String) => s.reverse)

Placeholder syntax

It can be used when (a) the explicit type of the function is specified outside the literal and (b) the parameters are used no more than once.

val doubler: Int : Int => _ * 2

Partially Applied Func

def factorof(x: Int,y:Int) = y%x == 0
def multipleOf3 = factorOf(3,_: Int)
val isEven = factorOf(2) _

Send Function literal as parameter

val timedUUID = safeStringOp(uuid) { s =>
	val now = System.currentTimeMillis
	val timed = s.take(24) + now


val A = List(123,23,1232)
a.head  //123
a.tail     //1232
a(1)       //23


var total = 0; for (i <- numbers) { total += i }


val colors = List("red", "green", "blue")
colors.foreach( (c: String) => println(c) )

//map:convert a new single list element to another value list
val sizes = (c: String) => c.size )

//combines two list elm. in to single
val total = numbers.reduce( (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b )

val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)
list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

def g(v:Int) = List(v-1, v, v+1)
//>>g: (v: Int)List[Int] => g(x))
//>>res0: List[List[Int]] = List(List(0, 1, 2), List(1, 2, 3), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4, 5), List(4, 5, 6))

list.flatMap(x => g(x))
//>>res1: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6)

val sum = unique.reduce( (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b )    //60
al colorMap = Map("red" -> 0xFF0000, "green" -> 0xFF00,"blue" -> 0xFF)
Val redRGB = colorMap("red")
for (pairs <- colorMap) { println(pairs) }

//In function
def visit(i: List[Int]) { if (i.size > 0) { print(i.head + ", ");
visit(i.tail) } }

val numbers = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
//numbers: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

val f = List(23, 8, 14, 21) filter (_ > 18)

val p = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) partition (_ < 3)
//>>p: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(1, 2),List(3, 4, 5))

List("apple", "to") sortBy (_.size)
List(34, 29, 18) contains 29

Val first = Nil.::(1)
2 :: first

Val app = List(1,2,3) :+5


List(1,2,3) drop 2

Mutable it

List, Set, and Map immutable collections , howewer, they can transformed into new collections

val nums = collection.mutable.Buffer[Int]()
//Convert Mutable
val m = Map("AAPL" -> 597, "MSFT" -> 40)
var l = m.toBuffer



var l = Array("red","green","purple")

Sequence indexed (direct-access) lists like Vector

val inks = Seq('c','m','y','k')


class Car(val make: String, var reserved: Boolean) {
	def reserve(r: Boolean): Unit = { reserved = r }

class Lotus(val color: String, reserved: Boolean) extends
  Car("Lotus", reserved)

Anonymous Classes

abstract class Listener { def trigger }

val myListener = new Listener {
        def trigger { println(s"Trigger at ${new java.util.Date}") }

Apply methods

Uses as default method

class Multiplier(factor: Int) {
	def apply(input: Int) = input * factor
val tripleMe = Multipler(3)
val tripled = tripleMe.apply(10)
val tripled = tripleMe(10)

Lazy Values

class RandomPoint {
	val x = { println("creating x"); util.Random.nextInt }  //calculated on creation
	lazy val y = { println("now y"); util.Random.nextInt }


//import All elements
import collection.mutable._
//More than more
import collection.mutable.{Queue,ArrayBuffer}

Protected,private exist

Private class: Can access only from same package classes

Final class: Like property, method, class an never be overridden any of subclasses

Objects, Case Classes, and Traits

Objects known in object-oriented design as a singleton.An object gets automatically instantiated the first time it is accessed in a running JVM

object Hello { println("in Hello"); def hi = "hi" }

//with constructer
class Multiplier(val x: Int) { def product(y: Int) = x * y }

object Multiplier { def apply(x: Int) = new Multiplier(x) }

Case Classes

includes several automatically generated methods like apply,copy,equals,hasCode,toString,unapply. Case classes work great for data transfer objects

case class Character(name: String, isThief: Boolean)
val h = Character("Hadrian", true)    
val r = h.copy(name = "Royce")        
h == r   //False


  • can extend multiple traits at the same time
  • traits cannot be instantiated
  • There is no interface element in scala,traits is used for this
trait Equal {
   def isEqual(x: Any): Boolean
   def isNotEqual(x: Any): Boolean = !isEqual(x)

trait is very similar abstract classes in java -but abstract classes can have constructer parameter -abstract classes are interoperable with java, traits also is, but only they don't contain implementation

Importing Instance Members

val latteReceipt = Receipt(123, 4.12, "fred", "Medium Latte")
import latteReceipt._
println(s"Sold a $title for $amount to $who")   //Receipt elements

Implicit classes

type-safe way to “monkey-patch” new methods and fields onto existing classes

object ImplicitClasses {
        implicit class Hello(s: String) { def hello = s"Hello, $s" }
        def test = {
          println( "World".hello )


 type UserInfo = Tuple2[Int,String]
 val u: UserInfo = new UserInfo(123, "George")


val number = try {
} catch { case e: Exception =>

blocks return always a value Working try:

def parseURL(url: String): Try[URL] = Try(new URL(url))

It returns a value of type Try[URL]. If the given url is syntactically correct, this will be a Success[URL]. If the URL constructor throws a MalformedURLException, however, it will be a Failure[URL].


allow you to work with asynchronous code in a type-safe and straightforward manner without resorting to concurrent primitives like threads or semaphores

val number1F = Future { DangerousAndSlowService.queryNextNumber }  //async
val number2F = Future { DangerousAndSlowService.queryNextNumber } //async

number1F.onSuccess { case number1 =>
number2F.onSuccess { case number2 =>
	println(number1 + number2)

//OR better

val sumF = number1F.flatMap { number1 => { number2 =>
	number1 + number2


val sumF = for {
	number1 <- number1F
	number2 <- number2F
 } yield number1 + number2


Scala programming language quick review code structure






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