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This project aims to make torrent searching easier.
You can use it as a torrent indexer to connect servers like Sonarr, Radarr or others.
It gathers additional information about each torrent and enriches its data.
You can also use it to track torrent sites, if you want to mirror a tracker, or a record on torrents.

Torrent Tracker definitions

You can define your torrent trackers in these directories:

  • ~/.torrentd/definitions
  • /definitions

This project also offers embedded definitions which can be used out of the box.
Site definitions can be written in YAML files.

Supported scraping sources

So far you can extract data from HTML pages and JSON responses.

Scraped data storage

You can store your scraping data with the following databases:

  • BoltDB
  • Firebase


You can query using the --query flag. The query value can be:

  • Text
  • Range

An example range is: $phone:rng(0000001, 0000010). This would use the values in the range of 0000001 to 0000010 for the field phone The current range value will be stored in the search instance, so each request increments the phone value.


Configuration will be loaded from ~/.torrentd/torrentd.yml. Here's a brief overview of what you can configure:

# The key for accessing the API.
api_key: hsreth45hgertdf
# Places where index definitions are stored.
  - ./definitions
  - ~/.torrentd/definitions
# The port on which the API runs.
port: 5000
# Whether to print more logs.
verbose: false

# Index config:
    # We'll configure the zamunda index
      username: myusername
      password: g43ewef
      #To use the the login creds in the index definition you just need to use them as a template in the login block.
      #Like this:
      #  path: takelogin.php
      #  method: post
      #  inputs:
      #    username: "{{ .Config.username }}"
      #    password: "{{ .Config.password }}" 

Index definitions


Login is described with the following block

  # Path that's used for the request
  path: takelogin.php
  # The method can be:
  # post - a post request is sent using the form content-type
  # form - similar as `post` but a specific form can be filled in
  # cookie - a special cookie is set to act as a login session
  method: post
  # A selector can be used here to match a specific form in the page, that should be filled in
  # This can be used only with the `form` login method
  form: #my-form-id 
  # The data that will be sent. Config patterns can be used here using {{ .Config.<field-name> }}
    username: "{{ .Config.username }}"
    password: "{{ .Config.password }}"
  # The error block describes where to look for login errors
    selector: d.embedded:has(h2:contains("failed"))
  # If the selector has any matches this means that you're logged in
    selector: a[href="/logout.php"]


By default, the server caches the following data:

  • Connectivity checks (LRU with Timeout)
  • Search results (LRU with Timeout)
  • Last errors for each loaded index (LRU with 2 days TTL)


You can find the swagger endpoint at {hostname:port}/swagger/index.html.
To re-generate the swagger docs just run make swagger.


Torrent discovery and tracking server



Security policy





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