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Submit Your Game

Kyle Askew edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 6 revisions

Submitting your game

1) Test and Tweak

Make sure your game is complete! Make sure your game is winnable! Before submitting it's advised that you go ahead and play all the games for a bit so you can understand exactly how your game is experienced within the context of all the other games, as well as make sure there are no crashes or bugs introduced by your work

2) Stage, commit, and push your changes

Command Line

git add .
git commit -m "very creative commit message"
git push origin

Github Desktop

3) Create a pull request

  1. In your fork, click the pull requests tab at the top
  2. Click new pull request
  3. Type a title and description for your pull request
  4. Ping net8floz and bug him to merge your PR