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Merge pull request #593 from nmearl/model-initialization
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Introduce simple model initializations
  • Loading branch information
nmearl committed Nov 29, 2018
2 parents f77c634 + 06ed53f commit ba3b357
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302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions specviz/plugins/model_editor/
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@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
This module is used to initialize spectral models to the data at hand.
This is used by model-fitting code that has to create spectral model
instances with sensible parameter values such that they can be used as
first guesses by the fitting algorithms.
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

AMPLITUDE = 'amplitude'
POSITION = 'position'
WIDTH = 'width'

def _get_model_name(model):
class_string = str(model.__class__)
return class_string.split('\'>')[0].split(".")[-1]

class _Linear1DInitializer(object):
Initialization that is specific to the Linear1D model.
In a way, we need this specialized initializer because
the linear 1D model is more like a kind of polynomial.
It doesn't mesh well with other non-linear models.
def initialize(self, instance, x, y):
Initialize the model
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
x, y: numpy.ndarray
The data to use to initialize from.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The initialized model.

# y_range = np.max(y) - np.min(y)
# x_range = x[-1] - x[0]
# slope = y_range / x_range
# y0 = y[0]

y_mean = np.mean(y)

instance.slope.value = 0.0
instance.intercept.value = y_mean.value

return instance

class _WideBand1DInitializer(object):
Initialization that is applicable to all "wide band"
A "wide band" model is one that has an amplitude and
a position in wavelength space where this amplitude
is defined.
factor: float
The scale factor to apply to the amplitutde
def __init__(self, factor=1.0):
self._factor = factor

def initialize(self, instance, x, y):
Initialize the model
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
x, y: numpy.ndarray
The data to use to initialize from.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The initialized model.
y_mean = np.mean(y)
x_range = x[-1] - x[0]
position = x_range / 2.0 + x[0]

name = _get_model_name(instance)

_setattr(instance, name, AMPLITUDE, y_mean * self._factor)
_setattr(instance, name, POSITION, position)

return instance

class _LineProfile1DInitializer(object):
Initialization that is applicable to all "line profile"
A "line profile" model is one that has an amplitude, a width,
and a defined position in wavelength space.
factor: float
The scale factor to apply to the amplitutde
def __init__(self, factor=1.0):
self._factor = factor

def _set_width_attribute(self, instance, name, fwhm):
Each line profile class has its own way of naming
and defining the width parameter. Subclasses should
override this method to conform to the specific
name : str
The attribute name
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
fwhm : float
raise NotImplementedError

def initialize(self, instance, x, y):
Initialize the model
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
x, y: numpy.ndarray
The data to use to initialize from.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The initialized model.

# X centroid estimates the position
centroid = np.sum(x * y) / np.sum(y)

# width can be estimated by the weighted
# 2nd moment of the X coordinate.
dx = x - np.mean(x)
fwhm = 2 * np.sqrt(np.sum((dx * dx) * y) / np.sum(y))

# amplitude is derived from area.
delta_x = x[1:] - x[:-1]
sum_y = np.sum((y[1:] - np.min(y[1:])) * delta_x)
height = sum_y / (fwhm / 2.355 * np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi))

name = _get_model_name(instance)

_setattr(instance, name, AMPLITUDE, height * self._factor)
_setattr(instance, name, POSITION, centroid)

self._set_width_attribute(instance, name, fwhm)

return instance

class _Width_LineProfile1DInitializer(_LineProfile1DInitializer):
def _set_width_attribute(self, instance, name, fwhm):
_setattr(instance, name, WIDTH, fwhm)

class _Sigma_LineProfile1DInitializer(_LineProfile1DInitializer):
def _set_width_attribute(self, instance, name, fwhm):
_setattr(instance, name, WIDTH, fwhm / 2.355)

def _setattr(instance, mname, pname, value):
Sets parameter value by mapping parameter name to model type.
Prevents the parameter value setting to be stopped on its tracks
by non-existent model names or parameter names.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
mname: str
Model name.
pname: str
Parameter name.
value: any
The value to assign.
# this has to handle both Quantities and plain floats
setattr(instance, _p_names[mname][pname], value.value)
except AttributeError:
setattr(instance, _p_names[mname][pname], value)
except KeyError:

# This associates each initializer to its corresponding spectral model.
# Some models are not really line profiles, but their parameter names
# and roles are the same as in a typical line profile, so they can be
# initialized in the same way.
_initializers = {
'Beta1D': _WideBand1DInitializer,
'Const1D': _WideBand1DInitializer,
'PowerLaw1D': _WideBand1DInitializer,
'BrokenPowerLaw1D': _WideBand1DInitializer,
'LogParabola1D': _WideBand1DInitializer,
'Box1D': _Width_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'Gaussian1D': _Sigma_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'Lorentz1D': _Width_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'Voigt1D': _Width_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'MexicanHat1D': _Sigma_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'Trapezoid1D': _Width_LineProfile1DInitializer,
'Linear1D': _Linear1DInitializer,
# 'Spline1D': spline.Spline1DInitializer

# Models can have parameter names that are similar amongst them, but not quite the same.
# This maps the standard names used in the code to the actual names used by astropy.
_p_names = {
'Gaussian1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'mean', WIDTH:'stddev'},
'GaussianAbsorption': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'mean', WIDTH:'stddev'},
'Lorentz1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0', WIDTH:'fwhm'},
'Voigt1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude_L',POSITION:'x_0', WIDTH:'fwhm_G'},
'Box1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0', WIDTH:'width'},
'MexicanHat1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0', WIDTH:'sigma'},
'Trapezoid1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0', WIDTH:'width'},
'Beta1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0'},
'PowerLaw1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0'},
'ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw1D':{AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0'},
'LogParabola1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_0'},
'BrokenPowerLaw1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude', POSITION:'x_break'},
'Const1D': {AMPLITUDE:'amplitude'},

def initialize(instance, x, y):
Initialize given model.
X and Y are for now Quantity arrays with the
independent and dependent variables. It's assumed X values
are stored in increasing order in the array.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The model to initialize.
x, y: numpy.ndarray
The data to use to initialize from.
instance: `~astropy.modeling.models`
The initialized model.
If there are any errors, the instance is returned
if x is None or y is None:
return instance

name = _get_model_name(instance)

initializer = _initializers[name]()

return initializer.initialize(instance, x, y)

except KeyError:
return instance
33 changes: 22 additions & 11 deletions specviz/plugins/model_editor/
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@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
import os
import uuid
import pickle
import uuid

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling import fitting, models, optimizers
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt
from qtpy.QtGui import QIcon
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QAction, QDialog, QInputDialog, QMenu, QMessageBox,
QToolButton, QWidget, QFileDialog)
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QAction, QDialog, QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMenu,
QMessageBox, QToolButton, QWidget)
from qtpy.uic import loadUi
from specutils.fitting import fit_lines
from specutils.manipulation import extract_region
from specutils.spectra import Spectrum1D
from specutils.spectra.spectral_region import SpectralRegion

from .equation_editor_dialog import ModelEquationEditorDialog
from .initializers import initialize
from .items import ModelDataItem
from .models import ModelFittingModel
from ...core.plugin import plugin
Expand All @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
'Linear1D': models.Linear1D,
'Polynomial1D': models.Polynomial1D,
'Gaussian1D': models.Gaussian1D,
'Voigt': models.Voigt1D,
'Lorentzian': models.Lorentz1D,
'Voigt1D': models.Voigt1D,
'Lorentzian1D': models.Lorentz1D,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,17 +181,17 @@ def _on_remove_model(self):

# If removing the model resulted in an invalid arithmetic equation,
# force open the arithmetic editor so the user can fix it.
if self.model_tree_view.model().evaluate() is None:
if self.model_tree_view.model().equation and self.model_tree_view.model().evaluate() is None:

def _save_models(self, filename):
model_editor_model = self.hub.plot_item.data_item.model_editor_model
models = model_editor_model.fittable_models

with open(filename, 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(model_editor_model.fittable_models, handle)
pickle.dump(models, handle)

def _on_save_model(self, interactive=True):

model_editor_model = self.hub.data_item.model_editor_model
# There are no models to save
if not model_editor_model.fittable_models:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def _add_model(self, model):

def _add_fittable_model(self, model_type):
if issubclass(model_type, MODELS['Polynomial1D']):
if issubclass(model_type, models.Polynomial1D):
text, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, 'Polynomial1D',
'Enter Polynomial1D degree:')
# User decided not to create a model after all
Expand All @@ -251,6 +251,17 @@ def _add_fittable_model(self, model_type):
model = model_type()

# Grab any user-defined regions so we may initialize parameters only
# for the selected data.
inc_regs = self.hub.spectral_regions
spec = self._get_selected_plot_data_item().data_item.spectrum

if inc_regs is not None:
spec = extract_region(spec, inc_regs)

# Initialize the parameters
model = initialize(model, spec.spectral_axis, spec.flux)


def _update_model_data_item(self):
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion specviz/plugins/model_editor/
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Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def remove_model(self, row):

# Remove the model name from the equation
self.equation = re.sub(
"", self._equation)

Expand Down

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