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Merge 8d7b09b into 876beeb
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mperrin committed Nov 27, 2019
2 parents 876beeb + 8d7b09b commit 77aeadd
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Showing 2 changed files with 178 additions and 6 deletions.
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions webbpsf/
Expand Up @@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ def writeto(self, data, meta, detector):
hdu.writeto(file, overwrite=self.overwrite)

def display_psf_grid(grid, zoom_in=True, figsize=(12, 12)):
""" Display a PSF grid in a pair of lpots
def display_psf_grid(grid, zoom_in=True, figsize=(14, 12), scale_range=1e-4):
""" Display a PSF grid in a pair of plots
Shows the NxN grid in NxN subplots, repeated to show
first the individual PSFs, and then their differences
Expand All @@ -476,6 +476,8 @@ def display_psf_grid(grid, zoom_in=True, figsize=(12, 12)):
grid : photutils.GriddedPSFModel object
The grid of PSFs to be displayed.
scale_range : float
Dynamic range for display scale. vmin will be set to this factor timex vmax.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,19 +508,24 @@ def show_grid_helper(grid, data, title="Grid of PSFs", vmax=0, vmin=0, scale='lo
for ix in range(n):
for iy in range(n):
i = ix*n+iy
axes[n-1-iy, ix].imshow(data[i], vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, norm=norm)
im = axes[n-1-iy, ix].imshow(data[i], vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, norm=norm)
axes[n-1-iy, ix].xaxis.set_visible(False)
axes[n-1-iy, ix].yaxis.set_visible(False)
axes[n-1-iy, ix].set_title("{}".format(tuple_to_int(grid.grid_xypos[i])))
if zoom_in:
axes[n-1-iy,ix].use_sticky_edges = False
axes[n-1-iy,ix].margins(x=-0.25, y=-0.25)
plt.suptitle("{} for {} in {} ".format(title,
plt.suptitle("{} for {} in {} \noversampling: {}x".format(title,
grid.meta['filter'][0]), fontsize=16)
grid.meta['filter'][0], grid.oversampling), fontsize=16)

cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist(), shrink=0.95)
cbar.set_label("Intensity, relative to PSF sum = 1.0")

vmax =
vmin = vmax/1e4
vmin = vmax*scale_range
show_grid_helper(grid,, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)

meanpsf = np.mean(, axis=0)
Expand Down
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions webbpsf/
Expand Up @@ -1610,3 +1610,168 @@ def __init__(self, instrument, include_oversize=True, **kwargs):

# No need to subclass any of the methods; it's sufficient to set the custom
# amplitude mask attribute value.

# Alternative implementation that just reads OPDs from some file
class LookupTableFieldDependentAberration(poppy.OpticalElement):
""" Retrieve OPDs from a lookup table over many field points.
This is pretty much a hack, hard-coded for a specific data delivery from Ball!
Intended for WFR4 data prep, not generalized beyond that.
add_niriss_defocus: bool
add 0.8 microns PTV defocus to NIRISS only (for WFR4 test)
rm_ptt: bool
Remove piston, tip, tilt
rm_center_ptt : bool
If rm_ptt, use the center value for each detector rather than per field point
inst = webbpsf.NIRCam() # or any other SI
inst._si_wfe_class = LookupTableFieldDependentAberration()

def __init__(self, instrument, field_points_file=None, phasemap_file=None,
add_niriss_defocus=True, rm_ptt=True, rm_center_ptt=True, **kwargs):
import warnings

self.instrument = instrument
self.instr_name =

self.rm_ptt = rm_ptt

if self.instr_name =='NIRCam':
self.instr_name += " "+self.instrument.module
elif self.instr_name == 'FGS':
self.instr_name = self.instrument.detector

self.tel_coords = instrument._tel_coords()

# load the OPD lookup map table (datacube) here

fp_path = '/ifs/jwst/tel/wfr4_mirage_sims/phase_maps_from_ball/'
if field_points_file is None:
field_points_file = fp_path + 'The_Field_Coordinates.txt'
if phasemap_file is None:
phasemap_file = fp_path + 'phase_maps.fits'

self.table =, format='ascii', names=('V2', 'V3'))

self.yoffset = -7.8

self.table['V3'] += self.yoffset # Correct from -YAN to actual V3

self.phasemaps = fits.getdata(phasemap_file)
import webbpsf.constants
self.phasemap_pixelscale = webbpsf.constants.JWST_CIRCUMSCRIBED_DIAMETER/256 * units.meter / units.pixel

# Determine the pupil sampling of the first aperture in the
# instrument's optical system
if isinstance(instrument.pupil, poppy.OpticalElement):
# This branch needed to handle the OTE Linear Model case
npix = instrument.pupil.shape[0]
self.pixelscale = instrument.pupil.pixelscale
# these branches to handle FITS files, by name or as an object
if isinstance(instrument.pupil, fits.HDUList):
pupilheader = instrument.pupil[0].header
pupilfile = os.path.join(instrument._datapath, "OPD", instrument.pupil)
pupilheader = fits.getheader(pupilfile)

npix = pupilheader['NAXIS1']
self.pixelscale = pupilheader['PUPLSCAL'] * units.meter / units.pixel

#self.ztable = self.ztable_full[self.ztable_full['instrument'] == lookup_name]

# Figure out the closest field point

telcoords_am =
print(f"Requested field point has coord {telcoords_am}")
v2 = self.table['V2']

v3 = self.table['V3']
r = np.sqrt((telcoords_am[0] - v2) ** 2 + (telcoords_am[1] - v3) ** 2)
closest = np.argmin(r) # if there are two field points with identical coords or equal distance just one is returned

print(f"Closest field point is row {closest}: {self.table[closest]} ")

# Save closest ISIM CV3 WFE measured field point for reference
self.row = self.table[closest] = "{instrument} at V2V3=({v2:.2f},{v3:.2f}) Lookup table WFE from ({v2t:.2f},{v3t:.2f})".format(
v2=telcoords_am[0], v3=telcoords_am[1],
v2t=self.row['V2'], v3t=self.row['V3']

self.si_wfe_type = ("Lookup Table",
"SI + OTE WFE from supplied lookup table of phase maps.")

# Retrieve the phase map

phasemap = self.phasemaps[closest]

if phasemap.shape[0] != 256:
raise NotImplementedError("Hard coded for Ball delivery of 256 pixel phase maps")

# Resample to 1024 across, by replicating each pixel into a 4x4 block
resample_factor = 4
phasemap_big = np.kron(phasemap, np.ones((resample_factor,resample_factor)))

self.opd = phasemap_big * 1e-6 # Convert to microns
self.amplitude = np.ones_like(self.opd)

if rm_ptt:
apmask = self.opd != 0
if rm_center_ptt:
# Remove the PTT values at the center of each instrument, rather than per field point. This
# leaves in the field dependence but takes out the bulk offset
# These values are just a precomputed lookup table of the coefficients returned by the
# opd_expand_nonorthonormal call just below, for the center field point on each.

coeffs_per_si = {"NIRCam A": [-3.50046880e-10, -7.29120639e-08, -1.39751567e-08],
"NIRCam B": [-2.45093780e-09, -2.51804001e-07, -2.64821753e-07],
"NIRISS": [-1.49297771e-09, -2.11111038e-06, -3.99881993e-07],
"FGS1": [ 9.86180620e-09, -5.94041500e-07, 1.18953161e-06],
"FGS2": [ 4.84327424e-09, -8.24285481e-07, 5.09791593e-07],
"MIRI": [-8.75766849e-09, -1.27850277e-06, -1.03467567e-06],}
coeffs = coeffs_per_si[self.instr_name]
coeffs = poppy.zernike.opd_expand_nonorthonormal(self.opd, aperture=apmask, nterms=3)
ptt_only = poppy.zernike.opd_from_zernikes(coeffs, aperture=apmask, npix=self.opd.shape[0], outside=0)
self.opd -= ptt_only
print(f"Removing piston, tip, tilt from the input wavefront. Coeffs for {self.instr_name}: {coeffs},")

if add_niriss_defocus and self.instr_name=='NIRISS':
# The Ball delivery was supposed to have defocused NIRISS for rehearsal purposes, but didn't.
# So fix that here.
self.instrument.options['defocus_waves'] = 0.8
self.instrument.options['defocus_wavelength'] = 1e-6 # Add 0.8 microns PTV defocus
warnings.warn("Adding defocus=0.8 waves for NIRISS!")

def header_keywords(self):
""" Return info we would like to save in FITS header of output PSFs
from collections import OrderedDict
keywords = OrderedDict()
keywords['SIWFETYP'] = self.si_wfe_type
keywords['SIWFEFPT'] = ( f"{self.row['V2']:.3f}, {self.row['V3']:.3f}", "Closest lookup table meas. field point")
return keywords

# wrapper just to change default vmax
def display(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'opd_vmax' not in kwargs:
kwargs.update({'opd_vmax': 2.5e-7})

return super().display(*args, **kwargs)

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