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daniel-nilesh committed Apr 23, 2024
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Example Analytical App-2

This is a Jupyter Notebook integrated Analytical App. It enables the user to make selection on App UI. A section of Jupyter Notebook is executed based on the selection made using the logic defined in the code.

Analytical App Overview

The below Applications does the following:

* Reads jupyter notebook **jupyter_lab_3.ipynb**.

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-1.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* This app has below two stages.

**Introduction** This stage describes about the app, business need and benefits that can be achieved by using the app.
**Select Operation** User can select operation that they would like to perform. Selected option would be passed to the notebook as a parameter and based on the logic desired action would be performed.

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-2.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

Jupyter Notebook

Below is the Jupyter Notebook which gets invoked by the Analytical App and to output the results back to the Analytical App.

Jupyter Notebook **jupyter_lab_3.ipynb**, contains the below:


print("I am jupyter lab")
I am jupyter lab

import os
import sys
# Pandas and Numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle

# Matplotlib graph
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly
%matplotlib inline

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix, roc_curve, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import auc, recall_score, accuracy_score, precision_score, f1_score, precision_recall_curve

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import tree

webserverURL = sys.argv[1]
jobId = sys.argv[2]
option = sys.argv[3]

webserverURL = "http://localhost:8080/messageFromSparkJob"
jobId = "123456789"
from fire_notebook.output.workflowcontext import RestWorkflowContext
restworkflowcontext = RestWorkflowContext(webserverURL, jobId)

#(id:int, title: str, progress: str):
restworkflowcontext.outputProgress(9, title="Progress", progress=message)


# COMMAND ----------

# Define custom CSS styles for the table
custom_css = """



#Reading the data as pandas dataframe.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("/tmp/datasets/churn.all", names=colnames, header=None)


#Determine What to run
def run_options(option):
if option == "Profiling":
elif option == "Modeling":

# COMMAND ----------

#Profiling Function
def profile_data():
modhtml = f"{custom_css}\n{df.describe().to_html(classes='my-table-class')}"
return restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "Summary Statistics of the Churn Dataset ", modhtml)

# COMMAND ----------

def data_preprocessing():
# Data Pre-Processing
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "", "Pre-processing Steps")

modhtml = f"{custom_css}\nSize of the Churn Dataset: {df.shape}"
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "Size of the Churn Dataset", modhtml)

columns_df = pd.DataFrame({"List of the Column Names available in the dataset": df.columns})
modhtml = f"{custom_css}\n{columns_df.to_html(classes='my-table-class', index=False)}"
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "Columns Used in Churn Dataset", modhtml)

has_nulls = df.isnull().values.any()
if has_nulls:
modhtml = f"{custom_css}\nCheck for Nulls: True"
modhtml = f"{custom_css}\nNo null records found in the dataset."

restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "Check for Nulls", modhtml)

# COMMAND ----------

def data_visualization():
# Data Visualization
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, "", "Data Visualization")
#sns.distplot(boston_df.Price, bins=20)
message = "30"
restworkflowcontext.outputProgress(9, title="Progress", progress=message)
# Distribution Chart
fig = plotly.offline.plot([go.Histogram(x=df['total_day_calls'], nbinsx=5)], output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False)
example_plotly = f'{fig}'
restworkflowcontext.outPlotly(9, title="TotalDayCalls Distribution Chart", text=example_plotly )
message = "40"
restworkflowcontext.outputProgress(9, title="Progress", progress=message)
def df_to_plotly(df):
return {'z': df.values.tolist(),
'x': df.columns.tolist(),
'y': df.index.tolist()}
dfcorr = df.corr()
fig = plotly.offline.plot([go.Heatmap(z=dfcorr.values, x=dfcorr.columns, y=dfcorr.index)],
example_plotly = f'{fig}'
restworkflowcontext.outPlotly(9, title="Correlation Heatmap", text=example_plotly)


# Model Training

def model_training():
features = ["number_vmail_messages","total_day_minutes","total_day_calls","total_day_charge","total_eve_minutes","total_eve_calls","total_eve_charge","total_night_minutes","total_night_calls","total_night_charge","total_intl_minutes","total_intl_calls","total_intl_charge","number_customer_service_calls"]
data = df
# Churn False. with 1 and True. with 0
data = data.replace(to_replace="False.",value="1").replace(to_replace="True.",value="1")
split_ratio = 0.8
# features with churn
data1 = data[features + ['churn']]
data1.fillna(0, inplace=True)
X=data1.drop('churn', axis=1)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=split_ratio,
stratify=y, random_state=12345)
# some parameters related to RandomForestClassifier
depth = 6
randstate = 1234
rf_clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=depth, random_state=randstate), y=y_train)
with open("/dbfs/FileStore/Churn_datasets/RF_Model/Churn_model_new.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(rf_clf, f)
rf_train_pred_prob = rf_clf.predict_proba(X_train)
# rf_train_pred_prob
rf_test_pred_prob = rf_clf.predict_proba(X_test)
# rf_test_pred_prob

rf_y_pred_train = rf_clf.predict(X_train)
rf_y_pred_test = rf_clf.predict(X_test)

trainreport = pd.DataFrame(classification_report(y_train,rf_y_pred_train,digits=2, output_dict=True)).T
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, title="Training Set Metrics", text=trainreport.to_html())
# restworkflowcontext.outStr(3,"Training Set Metrics - "+str(trainreport),"Classification Report")
# print("Test Classification Report " )
testreport = pd.DataFrame(classification_report(y_test,rf_y_pred_test,digits=2, output_dict=True)).T
restworkflowcontext.outHTML(9, title="Testing Set Metrics", text=testreport.to_html())
# restworkflowcontext.outStr(3,"Testing Set Metrics - "+str(testreport),"Classification Report")


# COMMAND ----------


# COMMAND ----------

restworkflowcontext.outputProgress(9, title="Progress", progress=message)

message = "Job Execution Completed."
restworkflowcontext.outSuccess(9, title="Success", text=message)

Executing the application

Once you run the application, It uses **Jupyter Notebook** connection to submit and prints the response back from Jupyter Notebook to Sparkflows UI.

* Introduction Stage is displayed as below.

Click on **Get Started** button to move to the next stage

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-3.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Select-Operation Stage is displayed as below.

User can select below options based on the action needs to be performed:
**Profiling of Transaction Data** to perform Data Profiling to view Summary Statistics of the dataset, to view null values present in the dataset and so on.
**Model Training and Prediction** to train model and perform churn prediction.

After making the selection click on **Run** button to execute the notebook.

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-4.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

Printing Results

* Summary Statistics of the dataset

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-5.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Null Values in the dataset

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-6.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Histogram displaying distribution of total_day_calls values

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-7.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Correlation matrix between various data columns

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-8.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Model Training: Confusion Matrix

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-9.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Model Training: Model Accuracy

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-10.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

* Model Prediction: Prediction Results

.. figure:: ../../_assets/jupyter/example-app-2-11.png
:alt: jupyter
:width: 60%

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