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Docs ‐ Testing

Isaac Sai edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 1 revision

Introduction to Testing USSD

If you prefer test driven development or writing test after implement your USSD application. Laravel USSD provides helper utilities to make testing simple.


namespace Tests\Feature;

use Tests\TestCase;
use Sparors\Ussd\ContinuingMode;
use Sparors\Ussd\Ussd;
use App\Ussd\States\BeginningState;
use App\Ussd\States\ContinuingState;

final class AssestionTest extends TestCase
    public function test_ussd_application()
        Ussd::test(BeginningState::class, ContinuingMode::CONFIRM, now()->addMinute(), ContinuingState::class)
            ->additional(['foo' => 'bar'])
            ->assertSee('In the Beginning')
            ->assertContextHas('foo', 'bar')
            ->assertContextHas('foo', fn ($value) => $value === 'bar')
            ->assertSee('In the Beginning')
            ->assertSee('Pick one...')
            ->assertSee('Pick one...')
            ->assertSee('In the Beginning')
            ->assertSee('Pick one...')
            ->assertSee('In the beginning')
            ->assertSee('Pick one...')

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