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This is the community repository for the Spartan Protocol AMM

General repository info:

There are three main branches for this repo:

  • development ongoing development branches are merged into this
  • testnet this represents the state of current contracts on testnet
  • mainnet this represents the state of current contracts on mainnet

Click here to jump to the development branch. Contributors should work off a fork/duplicate of the development branch and make a merge request from their forked branch to development when suitable


Click here to jump to the testnet branch. Contributors deploying to testnet and performing testing in that environment should only request a merge request to testnet once consensus is that their testnet deploy is the most current one in use by the community.

Take note in advance of the latest commit hash of the branch you deployed to testnet (or ideally just make a fork/branch clearly named something like testnet-deploy-004 or something and/or a GitHub issue with suitable identifiers)


Click here to jump to the mainnet branch.

Contributors deploying to mainnet and performing live testing should only request a merge request to mainnet once consensus is that their mainnet deploy is the most current one in use by the community.

Take note in advance of the latest commit hash of the branch you deployed to mainnet (or ideally just make a fork/branch clearly named something like mainnet-deploy-004 or something and/or a GitHub issue with suitable identifiers)

Running locally:

Get deps: yarn Run tests: yarn test (Script which compiles and calls npx hardhat test)

Only compile: yarn compile (Script which calls npx hardhat compile) Only run a mock RPC node: yarn node (Script which calls npx hardhat node)

Formatting & standards (not yet finalised):


  • Folders: lower-case-with-dash-separators
  • Primary solidity files: PascalCase (camelCase with leading capital letter) like PoolFactory.sol
  • Secondary solidity files (interfaces): camelCase with leading i like iPoolFactory.sol
  • All other files: standard camelCase like poolFactoryTests.js

Inside solidity files:

  • Solidity contract names: PascalCase ie: contract PoolFactory { }
  • Private global vars: with leading _ ie: uint128 private _asset1Depth;
  • Global vars of type address: camelCase with tailing Addr ie: poolFactoryAddr
  • Address-type args handed into 'address changing or setting' functions like constructors etc: camelCase with leading new and tailing Addr ie: newPoolFactoryAddr


📃 Spartan Protocol Smart Contracts V3 Suite



