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strabo-text-recognition-deep-learning Version 0.67

The goal of this project is to detect and recognize the text in the maps. Input to the system is an image (jpeg or png). The output is a geo json image which contains the coordinates of the text in the map along with the recognized text in that area.

This document contains the installation and testing guide for Strabo.

Library Requirement

The libraries you will need are shown below. They will be installed in the Section 1 Installation.




  • Ubuntu OS

  • pip for python3

I. Installation

Here is the instruction for installing Strabo. The following commands have been tested on Linux system with Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS distribution.

You should first download the from here and from here (Google Drive).

You do NOT need to clone this repo mannually to use Strabo. This operation is included in the installation steps.

There are two methods to install Strabo (1.1 and 1.2), you can choose the one you prefer. 1.1 provides a user-friendly version of one-line-installation. 1.2 gives the step-to-step instructions. These two methods are essentially the same, you only need one of them (no need for running both).

1.1 Simple Installation

We provide a file for your convinience if you want one-line-installation instead of following the commands below. You can simply type sh and it will install Strabo automatically. (PS: virtual environment installation is not included in the file). When you use this file, please make sure it is in the same folder as Strabo will be installed in the same folder that your and reside in.

1.2 Customized installation

If you want to run Strabo inside virtual environment, and you do not have the virtualenv installed, step 1 will help you with that. If you do not want to use virtual environment or have it already installed, you can go to step 2 directly.

Step1 - Set up virtual environment (optional)

Download and install virtualenv

sudo apt-get install virtualenv

Create the directory to store all the environments

mkdir ~/Environments
cd ~/Environments

Create a new virtual environment and name it strabo_env.

virtualenv -p python3 strabo_env

Bring up the virtual environment

source strabo_env/bin/activate

Then you’ll see "(strabo_env)" ahead of the prompt, which indicates that the strabo_env is up.

(strabo_env) zekun@zekun-ThinkPad-P50:~/Environments$

Step2 - Copy files

We have provided a zip file that contains necessary dependency files. We need to extract the zip file in this step.

First go to the directory where the zip file resides in with the cd command. We will refer to this directory as <Strabo_Dep_DIR>.

cd <Strabo_Dep_DIR>

If you don't have unzip installed, then install unzip via

sudo apt-get install unzip

Then extract the files by


You should see the following output in the command line

creating: east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox/
inflating: east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox/checkpoint
inflating: east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox/
inflating: east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox/model.ckpt-49491.index
inflating: east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox/model.ckpt-49491.meta
inflating: text-detection-requirements.txt

Step3 - Install libraries

Install python3-dev and other softwares

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Install library for Shapely

sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev

Install other required libraries. This step will take some time.

sudo pip3 install -r ${Strabo_Dep_DIR}/text-detection-requirements.txt

Step4 - Download and install

Then download and install the core code for text detection and recognition.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:alex-p/tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr=4.0.* libtesseract-dev=4.0.* libleptonica-dev=1.76.*  
sudo pip3 install git+
git clone
export LC_ALL=C

Step5 - Save virtual env configuration (optional)

If you want to save the configurations and use it on other machines later, you can run the following commandline and save the configurations into the require- ments.txt file.

pip3 freeze --local > ~/Environments/requirements.txt

II. Test with demo images

We already prepared 2 demo images in the strabo-text-recognition-deep-learning folder: 1920-3.png and 1920-5.png.

The command to run strabo on testing image is:

cd strabo-text-recognition-deep-learning
python3 --checkpoint-path <Strabo_Dep_DIR>/east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox --image 1920-5.png --config configuration.ini

The output is stored in static/results/test2/. Each input image has an output folder that starts with the image name. Each folder contains the input and output image in detection phase, the output json files and final.txt.

Output in the terminal should look similar to this:

defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'result_path': 'static/results/test2'})
image name is 1920-5.png
make: Entering directory '/opt/strabo-text-recognition-deep-learning/lanms'
make: '' is up to date.
make: Leaving directory '/opt/strabo-text-recognition-deep-learning/lanms'
resnet_v1_50/block1 (?, ?, ?, 256)
resnet_v1_50/block2 (?, ?, ?, 512)
resnet_v1_50/block3 (?, ?, ?, 1024)
resnet_v1_50/block4 (?, ?, ?, 2048)
Shape of f_0 (?, ?, ?, 2048)

Shape of f_1 (?, ?, ?, 512)
Shape of f_2 (?, ?, ?, 256)
Shape of f_3 (?, ?, ?, 64)
Shape of h_0 (?, ?, ?, 2048), g_0 (?, ?, ?, 2048)
Shape of h_1 (?, ?, ?, 128), g_1 (?, ?, ?, 128)
Shape of h_2 (?, ?, ?, 64), g_2 (?, ?, ?, 64)
Shape of h_3 (?, ?, ?, 32), g_3 (?, ?, ?, 32)
2019-03-04 13:14:07.151536: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU su
3537 text boxes before nms
1913 text boxes before nms
1730 text boxes before nms
python3 -i static/results/test2/1920-5.png_69f4e89c-3e7f-11e9-92bb-0242a

The output is stored instatic/results/test2/. Each input image has an output folder that starts with the image name. Each folder contains the input and output image in detection phase, the output json files and final.txt. A sample pair of input and output images are shown in figure below.

image_1 image_2

You can also visualize the output using QGIS tool by loading the json file. The json file contains all the predicted bounding boxes. image_2


  1. RuntimeError: Failed to init API, possibly an invalid tessdata path: /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/tessdata/
git clone
sudo mv tessdata /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/
  1. Error Message: !strcmp(locale, "C") || !strcmp(locale, "C.UTF-8"):Error:Assert failed:in file baseapi.cpp, line 211 Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Type export LC_ALL=C in the command line

  1. Error Message: OSError: Could not find or load any library geos_c icts of variants ['', '']

Install libgeos via sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev
