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v4.1.0 - No More Re-Auth Prompt!

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@spdermn02 spdermn02 released this 12 Jan 21:42
· 10 commits to master since this release


If you run the standard release versions of Discord, then just download the TPDiscord-Win.tpp or TPDiscord-Mac.tpp
the other files are for those who specifically run those other builds of Discord like Canary, PTB (Public Test Beta) and their Development (bleeding edge) versions.

Fixes for but #20 and #41

Discord will no longer prompt for reauthorization when you had already previously authorized your developer application. If/when you remove that authorization it will prompt as expected

Fixed issue with voice settings #41 - due to an issue with the discord-rpc that I had updated manually for previous builds but bringin in 4.0.1 of discord-rpc-js fixed it in their library directly.

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Full Changelog: v4.0.5...v4.1.0