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History / Online SPDX New License Requests Submittal, Google Summer of Code 2018


  • Explaining when the work will be merged into the master branch.

    @gaalocastillo gaalocastillo committed Aug 13, 2018
  • Adding GitHub API feature technical details.

    @gaalocastillo gaalocastillo committed Aug 11, 2018
  • Adding the explaination of the GitHub feature usage.

    @gaalocastillo gaalocastillo committed Aug 11, 2018
  • Updated Online SPDX New License Requests Submittal, Google Summer of Code 2018 (markdown)

    @gaalocastillo gaalocastillo committed Aug 8, 2018
  • Created Online SPDX New License Requests Submittal, Google Summer of Code 2018 (markdown)

    @gaalocastillo gaalocastillo committed Aug 5, 2018