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File metadata and controls

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5 Snippet Information

Snippets can optionally be used when a file is known to have some content that has been included from another original source. They are useful for denoting when part of a file may have been originally created under another license.

Each instance of Snippet Information needs to be associated with a specific File in an SPDX Document.

When implementing tag:value format, the positioning of Snippet elements is syntactically significant:

  • If a File contains Snippets, the Snippet Information section should follow a related File Information section (if it exists in the document).
  • Presence of a new file or package section signals the end of the set of snippets associated with the original file, unless an explicit Relationship is used.
  • The first field to start off the description of a Snippet must be the Snippet Identifier in tag:value format.
  • Annotations on the Snippet and Relationships from the Snippet may appear after the Snippet Information, before the next file or Package section.

5.1 Snippet SPDX Identifier

5.1.1 Purpose: Uniquely identify any element in an SPDX document which may be referenced by other elements. These may be referenced internally and externally with the addition of the SPDX Document Identifier.

5.1.2 Intent: There may be several instances of a snippet within an SPDX document. Each snippet is an element which needs to be able to be referred to uniquely so that relationships between it and other elements can be clearly articulated.

5.1.3 Cardinality: Mandatory, one.

5.1.4 Data Format: SPDXRef-[idstring]

where [idstring] is a unique string containing letters, numbers, . and/or -.

5.1.5 Tag: SnippetSPDXID:


SnippetSPDXID: SPDXRef-1

5.1.6 RDF: The URI for the element will follow the form: [SpdxDocumentURI]#SPDXRef-[idstring] where [SpdxDocumentURI] is the URI for the SPDX Document containing the element.

Example using xml:base:

<rdf:RDF xml:base=""
    <Snippet rdf:about="#SPDXRef-1">

Example using document URI:

<Snippet rdf:about="">

5.2 Snippet from File SPDX Identifier

5.2.1 Purpose: Uniquely identify the file in an SPDX document which this snippet is associated with.

5.2.2 Intent: There may be several versions of the same file within an SPDX document. Each element needs to be able to be referred to uniquely so that relationships between elements can be clearly articulated.

5.2.3 Cardinality: Mandatory, one.

5.2.4 Data Format: ["DocumentRef-"[idstring]":"] SPDXID

where DocumentRef-[idstring]: is an optional reference to an external SPDX document as described in section 2.6

where SPDXID is a string containing letters, numbers, . and/or -. as described in sections (2.3, 3.2, 4.2).

5.2.5 Tag: SnippetFromFileSPDXID:

Example (snippet from a File in local SPDX Doc):

SnippetFromFileSPDXID: SPDXRef-filecontainingsnippet

Example (snippet from a File in an External SPDX Doc):

SnippetFromFileSPDXID: DocumentRef-ExternalDoc1:SPDXRef-filecontainingsnippet

5.2.6 RDF: Property spdx:snippetFromFile in class spdx:Snippet

Example (snippet from a File in local SPDX Doc):

<Snippet rdf:ID="SPDXRef-1">
    <snippetFromFile rdf:about="#SPDXRef-filecontainingsnippet">

Example (snippet from a File in an External SPDX Doc):

<Snippet rdf:ID="SPDXRef-1">
    <snippetFromFile rdf:about="">

5.3 Snippet Byte Range

5.3.1 Purpose: This field defines the byte range in the original host file (in 5.2) that the snippet information applies to.

5.3.2 Intent: A range of bytes is independent of various formatting concerns, and the most accurate way of referring to the differences. The choice was made to start the numbering of the byte range at 1 to be consistent with the W3C pointer method vocabulary (see

5.3.3 Cardinality: Mandatory, one.

5.3.4 Data Format: number1:number2

where: number1 is greater than or equal to 1 and less or equal to number2,

AND number2 is less than or equal to the total number of bytes in file.

The byte at position number1 and position number2 are included in the range.

5.3.5 Tag: SnippetByteRange:


SnippetByteRange: 310:420

5.3.6 RDF: Property spdx:Range in class spdx:Snippet. The RDF uses the W3C proposed pointer method vocabulary (see

Supported classes from the pointer method vocabulary are StartEndPointer and ByteOffsetPointer. Supported properties from the pointer method vocabulary include:

  • startPointer
  • endPointer
  • reference
  • offset


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
                    <ptr:reference rdf:resource="#SPDXRef-fileReference/>
                    <ptr:reference  rdf:resource="#SPDXRef-fileReference/>
        </ptr: StartEndPointer>

This specification uses the prefix ptr: to refer to the W3C Pointers namespace:


5.4 Snippet Line Range

5.4.1 Purpose: This optional field defines the line range in the original host file (in 5.2) that the snippet information applies to. If there is a disagreement between the byte range and line range, the byte range values will take precedence.

5.4.2 Intent: A range of lines is a convenient reference for those files where there is a known line delimiter. The choice was made to start the numbering of the lines at 1 to be consistent with the W3C pointer method vocabulary (see

5.4.3 Cardinality: Optional, one.

5.4.4 Data Format: number1:number2


number1 is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to number2, AND number2 is less than or equal to the total number of lines in file.

5.4.5 Tag: SnippetLineRange:


SnippetLineRange: 5:23

5.4.6 RDF: properties spdx:Range in class spdx:Snippet. The RDF uses the W3C proposed pointer method vocabulary (see

Supported classes from the pointer method vocabulary are StartEndPointer and LineCharPointer. Supported properties from the pointer method vocabulary include:

  • startPointer
  • endPointer
  • reference
  • lineNumber


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
                    <ptr:reference rdf:resource="#SPDXRef-fileReference"/>
                <ptr:reference rdf:resource="#SPDXRef-fileReference"/>
        </ptr: StartEndPointer>

5.5 Snippet Concluded License

5.5.1 Purpose: This field contains the license the SPDX file creator has concluded as governing the snippet or alternative values if the governing license cannot be determined. The options to populate this field are limited to:

A valid SPDX License Expression as defined in Appendix IV.

NONE should be used if there is no licensing information from which to conclude a license for the snippet.

NOASSERTION should be used if for the snippet:

(i) the SPDX document creator has attempted to, but cannot reach a reasonable objective determination of the Concluded License;

(ii) the SPDX document creator is uncomfortable concluding a license, despite some license information being available;

(iii) the SPDX document creator has made no attempt to determine a Concluded License;

(iv) the SPDX document creator has intentionally provided no information (no meaning should be implied by doing so).

If the Concluded License is not the same as the License Information in File, a written explanation should be provided in the Comments on License field (section 5.7). With respect to NOASSERTION, a written explanation in the Comments on License field (section 5.7) is preferred.

5.5.2 Intent: Here, the intent is for the SPDX document creator to reconcile the license information known about the snippet, what license information is in the file itself and other objective information for a package, along with the results from any scanning tools, to arrive at a reasonably objective conclusion as to what license governs the snippet.

5.5.3 Cardinality: Mandatory, one.

5.5.4 Data Format: <SPDX License Expression> | NONE | NOASSERTION


<SPDX License Expression> is a valid SPDX License Expression as defined in Appendix IV.

5.5.5 Tag: SnippetLicenseConcluded:


SnippetLicenseConcluded: GPL-2.0-only


SnippetLicenseConcluded: (LGPL-2.0-only OR LicenseRef-2)

5.5.6 RDF: Property spdx:licenseConcluded in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
            <member rdf:resource=""/>
            <member rdf:resource="#LicenseRef-2"/>

5.6 License Information in Snippet

5.6.1 Purpose: This field contains the license information actually found in the snippet, if any. Any license information not actually in the snippet itself, e.g., header of the file the snippet belongs in, “COPYING.txt” file in a top level directory, should not be reflected in this field.

The options to populate this field are limited to:

The SPDX License List short form identifier, if the license is on the SPDX License List; A reference to the license, denoted by LicenseRef-[idstring], if the license is not on the SPDX License List;

NONE, if the snippet contains no license information whatsoever; or


(i) the SPDX snippet creator has made no attempt to determine this field; or

(ii) the SPDX snippet creator has intentionally provided no information (no meaning should be implied by doing so).

If license information for more than one license is contained in the snippet or if the license information offers a choice of licenses, then each of the choices should be listed as a separate entry.

5.6.2 Intent: Here, the intent is to provide the license information actually in the snippet, as compared to the Concluded License field.

5.6.3 Cardinality: Optional, one or many.

5.6.4 Data Format: <SPDX License Expression> |

["DocumentRef-"[idstring]:"]"LicenseRef-"[idstring] |



<SPDX License Expression> is a valid SPDX License Expression

as defined in Appendix IV.

"DocumentRef-"[idstring]: is an optional reference to an external SPDX

document as described in section 2.6

[idstring] is a unique string containing letters, numbers, . and/or -.

5.6.5 Tag: LicenseInfoInSnippet:


LicenseInfoInSnippet: LGPL-2.0-only
LicenseInfoInSnippet: LicenseRef-2

5.6.6 RDF: Property spdx:licenseInfoInSnippet in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
    <licenseInfoInSnippet rdf:resource="" />
    <licenseInfoInSnippet rdf:resource="#LicenseRef-2" />

5.7 Snippet Comments on License

5.7.1 Purpose: This field provides a place for the SPDX document creator to record any relevant background references or analysis that went in to arriving at the Concluded License for a snippet.

5.7.2 Intent: Here, the intent is to provide the recipient of the SPDX document with a detailed explanation of how the Concluded License was determined for a Snippet if it does not match the License Information in File, is marked NOASSERTION, or other helpful information relevant to determining the license of the snippet in a file.

5.7.3 Cardinality: Optional, one.

5.7.4 Data Format: Free form text that can span multiple lines

5.7.5 Tag: SnippetLicenseComments:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.


SnippetLicenseComments: <text>The concluded license was taken from package xyz, from which the snippet was copied into the current file.
The concluded license information was found in the COPYING.txt file in package xyz.</text>

5.7.6 RDF: Property spdx:licenseComments in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
        The concluded license was taken from package xyz, from which the snippet
        was copied into the current file. The concluded license information was found
        in the COPYING.txt file in package xyz.

5.8 Snippet Copyright Text

5.8.1 Purpose: Identify the copyright holder of the snippet, as well as any dates present. This will be a free form text field, ideally extracted from the actual snippet. The options to populate this field are limited to:

any text relating to a copyright notice, even if not complete;

NONE, if the file contains no copyright information whatsoever; or

NOASSERTION, if the SPDX document creator has not examined the contents of the actual file or if the SPDX document creator has intentionally provided no information (no meaning should be implied from the absence of an assertion).

5.8.2 Intent: Record any copyright notice associated with the snippet.

5.8.3 Cardinality: Mandatory, one.

5.8.4 Data Format: Free form text that can span multiple lines | NONE | NOASSERTION

5.8.5 Tag: SnippetCopyrightText:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.


SnippetCopyrightText: <text> Copyright 2008-2010 John Smith </text>

5.8.6 RDF: Property spdx:copyrightText in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
        Copyright 2008-2010 John Smith

5.9 Snippet Comment

5.9.1 Purpose: This field provides a place for the SPDX document creator to record any general comments about the snippet.

5.9.2 Intent: Here, the intent is to provide the recipient of the SPDX document with more information determined after careful analysis of a snippet.

5.9.3 Cardinality: Optional, one.

5.9.4 Data Format: Free form text that can span multiple lines

5.9.5 Tag: SnippetComment:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.


SnippetComment: <text>This snippet was identified as significant and highlighted in this Apache-2.0 file,
when a commercial scanner identified it as being derived from file foo.c in package xyz which is licensed under GPL-2.0.</text>

5.9.6 RDF: Property rdfs:comment in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
        This snippet was identified as significant and highlighted in this Apache-2.0
        file, when a commercial scanner identified it as being derived from file foo.c
        in package xyz which is licensed under GPL-2.0.

5.10 Snippet Name

5.10.1 Purpose: Identify a specific snippet in a human convenient manner.

5.10.2 Intent: To aid in identifying a snippet under discussion that may be used in multiple locations, and for consistency with the ability to refer to any copyrightable SPDX Element by name.

5.10.3 Cardinality: Optional, one.

5.10.4 Data Format: Single line of text

5.10.5 Tag: SnippetName:


SnippetName: from Linux kernel

5.10.6 RDF: Property spdx:name in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
    <name>from Linux kernel</name>

5.11 Snippet Attribution Text

5.11.1 Purpose: This field provides a place for the SPDX data creator to record, at the snippet level, acknowledgements that may be required to be communicated in some contexts. This is not meant to include the snippet's actual complete license text (see SnippetLicenseConcluded and LicenseInfoInSnippet), and may or may not include copyright notices (see also SnippetCopyrightText). The SPDX data creator may use this field to record other acknowledgements, such as particular clauses from license texts, which may be necessary or desirable to reproduce.

5.11.2 Intent: The intent is to provide the recipient of the SPDX file with acknowledgement content at a snippet level, to assist redistributors of the file with reproducing those acknowledgements. This field does not necessarily indicate where, or in which contexts, the acknowledgements need to be reproduced (such as end-user documentation, advertising materials, etc.) and the SPDX data creator may or may not explain elsewhere how they intend for this field to be used.

5.11.3 Cardinality: Optional, one or many.

5.11.4 Data Format: free form text that can span multiple lines.

5.11.5 Tag: SnippetAttributionText:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.


SnippetAttributionText: <text>
All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the
following acknowledgement:  This product includes software developed by the AT&T.

5.11.6 RDF: property spdx:attributionText in class spdx:Snippet


<Snippet rdf:about="...">
        All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the
        following acknowledgement:  This product includes software developed by the AT&T.