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Git and history improvements over PR #3839 (#3846)
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* Changes to agent merging and uniqueness rules

* Simplify uniqueness constructions

* Misc improvement

* Handle _id not being added to django models

* Ignore cases where parent_id is undefined

* Handle ObjectDoesNotExist later

* Infer institution to global level

* Renable accession agent tests

* Revert previous commit

* Add unit test for merging within collecting event

* Typo fix and only ids fetch in unit test

* Revert linting savepoint

* Remove uncommitable file

* Add ordering to dedup

* Fix failing test

* Reverse collector order for unit tests

* Add unit test for rollback on exception

* Minor typo fix in unit test

* Stricten unit test internal error

* Use resolve record merge utility

* Improvements to sync error and unit test

* Revert to using client post for rollback

* formatting changes


Co-authored-by: alec_dev <>
  • Loading branch information
realVinayak and acwhite211 committed Jul 31, 2023
1 parent 3b6a6ab commit 792d6ef
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Showing 3 changed files with 448 additions and 96 deletions.
207 changes: 153 additions & 54 deletions specifyweb/businessrules/
@@ -1,81 +1,180 @@
import json
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple
from specifyweb.specify import models
from .orm_signal_handler import orm_signal_handler
from .exceptions import BusinessRuleException
from specifyweb.middleware.general import serialize_django_obj

def make_uniqueness_rule(model_name, parent_field, unique_field):

def make_uniqueness_rule(model_name,
rule_fields: Tuple[Tuple[str], Tuple[str]]):
model = getattr(models, model_name)
table_name = models.datamodel.get_table(model_name).name
if parent_field is None:
# uniqueness is global
@orm_signal_handler('pre_save', model_name)
def check_unique(instance):
value = getattr(instance, unique_field)
if value is None: return
conflicts = model.objects.only('id').filter(**{
unique_field: value})
if is not None:
conflicts = conflicts.exclude(
if conflicts:
raise BusinessRuleException(
"{} must have unique {}".format(table_name, unique_field),
{"table" : table_name,
"localizationKey" : "fieldNotUnique",
"fieldName" : unique_field,
"fieldData" : (unique_field, serialize_django_obj(value)),
"conflicting" : list(conflicts.values_list('id', flat=True)[:100])})
@orm_signal_handler('pre_save', model_name)
def check_unique(instance):
if isinstance(parent_field, dict): return
base_fields = rule_fields[0]
parent_fields = rule_fields[1]
all_fields = [field for partition in rule_fields for field in partition]

def get_matchable(instance):
def best_match_or_none(field_name):
parent = getattr(instance, parent_field + '_id', None)
object_or_field = getattr(instance, field_name, None)
if object_or_field is None:
return None
if not hasattr(object_or_field, 'id'):
return field_name, object_or_field
if hasattr(instance, field_name+'_id'):
return field_name+'_id',

except ObjectDoesNotExist:
parent = None

if parent is None: return
value = getattr(instance, unique_field)
if value is None: return
conflicts = model.objects.only('id').filter(**{
parent_field + '_id': parent,
unique_field: value})
if is not None:
conflicts = conflicts.exclude(
if conflicts:
raise BusinessRuleException(
"{} must have unique {} in {}".format(table_name, unique_field, parent_field),
{"table" : table_name,
"localizationKey" : "childFieldNotUnique",
"fieldName" : unique_field,
"fieldData" : (unique_field, serialize_django_obj(value)),
"parentField" : parent_field,
"parentData" : f"{parent_field}: id={parent}",
"conflicting" : list(conflicts.values_list('id', flat=True)[:100])})
return None

matchable = {}
field_mapping = {}
for field in all_fields:
matched_or_none = best_match_or_none(field)
if matched_or_none is not None:
field_mapping[field] = matched_or_none[0]
matchable[matched_or_none[0]] = matched_or_none[1]

if len(matchable) != len(all_fields):
# if any field is missing, pass
return None

return field_mapping, matchable

def get_exception(conflicts, matchable, field_map):
error_message = '{} must have unique {}'.format(table_name,

response = {"table": table_name,
"localizationKey": "fieldNotUnique"
if len(parent_fields) == 0
else "childFieldNotUnique",
"fieldName": ','.join(base_fields),
"fieldData": serialize_multiple_django(matchable, field_map, base_fields),

if len(parent_fields) > 0:
error_message += ' in {}'.format(join_with_and(parent_fields)) \
if len(parent_fields) > 0 else ''
"parentField": ','.join(parent_fields),
"parentData": serialize_multiple_django(matchable, field_map, parent_fields)
response['conflicting'] = list(
conflicts.values_list('id', flat=True)[:100])
return BusinessRuleException(error_message, response)

@orm_signal_handler('pre_save', model_name)
def check_unique(instance):
match_result = get_matchable(instance)
if match_result is None:
field_map, matchable = match_result
conflicts = model.objects.only('id').filter(**matchable)
if is not None:
conflicts = conflicts.exclude(
if conflicts:
raise get_exception(conflicts, matchable, field_map)
return check_unique

RAW_UNIQUENESS_RULES: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Union[Dict[str, Union[str, list]], str, None]]]] = \

def join_with_and(fields):
return ' and '.join(fields)

str, Dict[str, List[Union[Dict[str, Union[str, list]], str, None]]]] = \

The current definition of uniqueness rules are rather inconvenient.
For example, a definition like
can simply be
"AccessionAgent": [
(("role", "agent"), ("accession")),
(("role", "agent"), ("repositoryagreement"))
The second format also makes it much easier to construct django queries.
So, parse_uniqueness_rules() automatically converts the current representation
TODO: Refactor front-end to use this instead

def parse_uniqueness_rules():
for table, rules in RAW_UNIQUENESS_RULES.items():
table = table.lower().capitalize()
if hasattr(models, table):
for field_name, rule in rules.items():
# The Specify Model field names are always in lowercase
field_name = field_name.lower()
PARSED_UNIQUENESS_RULES[table][field_name] = rule

for rule_fields in rule:
child, parent = resolve_child_parent(field_name,
matching_rule = [matched_rule
for matched_rule in
if matched_rule == (child, parent)]
if len(matching_rule) == 0:
PARSED_UNIQUENESS_RULES[table].append((child, parent))

UNIQUENESS_RULES = parse_uniqueness_rules()

def resolve_child_parent(field, rule_instance):
child = [field]
parent = []
if isinstance(rule_instance, dict):
if rule_instance is not None and rule_instance != 'institution':
return tuple(child), tuple(parent)

def serialize_multiple_django(matchable, field_map, fields):
return {field: serialize_django_obj(matchable[field_map[field]])
for field in fields}

UNIQUENESS_RULES = parse_uniqueness_rules()

uniqueness_rules = [make_uniqueness_rule(model, parent_field, unique_field)
uniqueness_rules = [make_uniqueness_rule(model, rule_field)
for model, rules in list(UNIQUENESS_RULES.items())
for unique_field, parent_fields in list(rules.items())
for parent_field in parent_fields]
for rule_field in rules

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