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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 18, 2020. It is now read-only.
Grzegorz Mrukwa edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the project Spectre wiki!


This wiki contains some general contribution rules to this repository. Before you contribute, please contact the leader of the Spectre Team, Grzegorz Mrukwa.

Technological stack

Right now, we're using:

  • C# (.NET) - for serving REST API
  • c++ - for the implementation of algorithms
  • TypeScript (Angular) - web client

Here is short setup guide.

Short guidelines have been prepared for each technology, either in coding convention, testing or documentation guidelines.

General remarks

  • Each code file should be started with standard header for Apache licence
  • Branches should be published outside, to GitHub, just when the task starts
  • Branch with new feature should be prefixed feature/, branch which resolves errors should be prefixed hotfix/
  • 2 reviewers must accept the code during code review (with exception of Angular where only one reviewer is needed)

For the ease and convenience of development, some frameworks have been introduced. If you familiarize with them, it may save you a lot of work.


For now, very simple user stories have been created.