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File metadata and controls

89 lines (72 loc) · 4.68 KB

Running an experiment

In SpeechBrain, you can run experiments in this way:

> cd recipes/<dataset>/<task>/
> python params.yaml

The results will be saved in the output_folder specified in the yaml file. The folder is created by calling sb.core.create_experiment_directory() in Both detailed logs and experiment outputs are saved there. Furthermore, less verbose logs are output to stdout.

YAML basics

The YAML syntax offers an elegant way to specify the hyperparameters of a recipe. In SpeechBrain, the YAML file is not a plain list of parameters, but for each parameter, we specify the function (or class) that is using it. This not only makes the specification of the parameters more transparent but also allows us to properly initialize all the entries by simply calling the load_extended_yaml (in speechbrain.utils.data_utils).

Let's now take a quick look at the extended YAML features, using an example:

output_dir: !ref results/vgg_blstm/<seed>
save_dir: !ref <output_dir>/save
data_folder: !PLACEHOLDER # e.g. /path/to/TIMIT

model: !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.CRDNN.CRDNN
    output_size: 40 # 39 phonemes + 1 blank symbol
    cnn_blocks: 2
    dnn_blocks: 2
  • !new:speechbrain.lobes.models.CRDNN.CRDNN creates a CRDNN instance from the module speechbrain.lobes.models.CRDNN
  • The indented keywords (output_size etc.) after it are passed as keyword arguments.
  • !ref <output_dir>/save evaluates the part in angle brackets, referencing the YAML itself.
  • !PLACEHOLDER simply errors out when loaded; it should be replaced by every user either by editing the yaml, or with an override (passed to load_extended_yaml).

For more details on YAML and our extensions, please see our dedicated tutorial.

Running arguments

SpeechBrain defines a set of running arguments that can be set from the command line args (or within the YAML file).

  • device: set the device to be used for computation.
  • debug: a flag that enables debug mode, only running a few iterations to verify that program won't crash.
  • data_parallel_backend: a flag that enables data_parallel for multigpu training on a single machine.
  • data_parallel_count: default "-1" (use all gpus), if > 0, use a subset of gpus available [0, 1, ..., data_parallel_count].
  • distributed_launch: A flag that enables training with ddp for multiGPU training. Assumes torch.distributed.launch was used to start script. the local_rank and rank UNIX arguments are parsed.
  • distributed_backend: default "nccl", options: ["nccl", "gloo", "mpi"], this backend will be used as a DDP communication protocol. See PyTorch documentation for more details.
  • Additional runtime arguments are documented in the Brain class.

Please note that we provide a dedicated tutorial to document the different multi-gpu training strategies:

You can also override parameters in YAML in this way:

> python params.yaml --seed 1234 --data_folder /path/to/folder --num_layers 5

This call would override hyperparameters seed and data_folder and num_layers.


  • The command line args will always override the hparams file args.

Tensor format

All the tensors within SpeechBrain are formatted using the following convention:

tensor=(batch, time_steps, channels[optional])

The batch is always the first element, and time_steps is always the second one. The remaining optional dimensions are channels. (there might be as many channels as you need).

Why do we need all tensors to have the same format? It is crucial to have a shared format for all the classes and functions. This makes model combination easier. Many formats are possible. For SpeechBrain we selected this one because it is commonly used in recurrent neural networks.

The adopted format is very flexible and allows users to read different types of data. For instance, with single-channel raw waveform signals, the tensor will be tensor=(batch, time_steps), while for multi-channel raw waveform it will be tensor=(batch, time_steps, n_channel). Beyond waveforms, this format is used for any tensor in the computation pipeline. For instance, fbank features that are formatted in this way:

(batch, time_step, n_filters)

The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) tensor, instead, will be:

(batch, time_step, n_fft, 2)

where the “2” corresponds to the real and imaginary parts of the STFT. We can also read multi-channel SFT data, that will be formatted in this way:

(batch, time_step, n_fft, 2, n_audio_channels)