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API documentation

Murod Khodzhaev edited this page May 23, 2023 · 7 revisions

Supported test types and result parameters.

SpeedTest start

This function starts speed test:


This function starts speed test with custom server:

SpeedCheckerPlugin.startTestWithCustomServer(String domain, String downloadFolderPath, String uploadFolderPath, String city, String country, String countryCode, int id)

SpeedTest stop

This function stops speed test:


Background test

This function will enable/disable background network test:

SpeedCheckerPlugin.setBackgroundNetworkTesting(boolean isEnabled)

This function will receive background network test status:


SpeedTest result

In order to receive speed test results, listen events from SpeedCheckerPlugin and all variables you need to store speed test results. Plugin supports the following speed test result parameters:

This value returns speed test current status:

String status

This value returns speed test ping time in milliseconds:

int ping

This value returns speed test jitter time in milliseconds:

int jitter

This value returns real-time value of the current test progress (download or upload) in %:

int percent

This value returns real-time value of the current test speed (download or upload) in Mb/s:

double currentSpeed

This value returns final value of download speed in Mb/s:

double downloadSpeed

This value returns final value of upload speed in Mb/s:

double uploadSpeed

This value returns speed test server domain:

String server

This value returns speed test connection type (internet or WiFi):

String connectionType

This value returns speed test server information:

String serverInfo

This value returns user device information:

String deviceInfo

This value returns the amount of transferred download data in Megabytes:

double downloadTransferredMb

This value returns the amount of transferred upload data in Megabytes:

double uploadTransferredMb

This value returns the IP address of the client device:

String ip

This value returns the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the client device:

String isp

This value returns speed test error message:

String error

This value returns speed test warning message:

String warning