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Releases: spheronFdn/argo-react

Patch V2.4.3

31 Jan 07:33
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.3

Patch V2.4.2

21 Jan 10:29
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What's Changed

  • Patch V2.4.2 - Fix domain latest link update by @rekpero in #216

Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2

Patch V2.4.1

04 Jan 11:33
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What's Changed

  • Patch 2.4.1 by @rekpero in #215
    Fixed the social sharing content. Updated the Twitter handle & Twitter hashtag with rebranded name.

Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.4.1

ArGo V2.4 Release

21 Dec 13:42
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Features included in this release:

ENS Integration

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain.
With this integration, developers can attach their deployed web app to the ENS domain they own.

IPFS-Filecoin Integration

IPFS is web3’s file system for handling storage and retrieval of data across the distributed networks. Developer can easily deploy their web app from Github to IPFS with just a click. The deployment will automatically be pinned in the Filecoin network using Estuary API and can easily be retrieved through any IPFS gateway. The developer can check if the deployed app CID is pinned or not and the time it is pinned.

IPFS-Pinata Integration

Developer can easily deploy their web app from Github to IPFS with just a click. The deployment will automatically be pinned in the Pinata centralized pinning service using Pinata API and can easily be retrieved through any IPFS gateway. The developer can check if the deployed app CID is pinned or not and the time it is pinned.

Resolver Skylink Integration

Resolver skylinks are a special type of skylink that enables skylinks whose underlying data changes. When resolver skylinks are accessed on Skynet, they "resolve" to other skylinks whose data is returned to the requester.
With this integration, Skynet developers can generate a resolver skylink, update it on new deployment and remove it if necessary. Developers can use resolver skylink in domains as well, they can connect in centralized domains, HNS domains, and ENS domains too.

Skynet Homescreen integration

Homescreen allows developers to easily deploy their front-ends to decentralized storage. From here, users can save immutable versions of the site, without relying on centralized services and they're always able to update to the developer's most recent deployment.
With this integration, whenever developer generates a resolver skylink, they will see a button for adding that resolver skylink to their homescreen. The developer can even copy the homescreen button markdown code and put it in the readme of the deployed project.

MySky App integration

MySky is a login system for the entire Skynet ecosystem. It uses modern browser security and cryptography so that all of your application data is managed by you, and no central authority can disable your access.
With this integration, developers can generate Resolver Skylink from their deployed Skylink and do all the CRUD on the resolver skylink without the need of storing seed phrases on the DB.

ArGo V2.3 Release

16 Sep 10:04
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Project Archive and Unarchive feature

  • Archiving the project will stop any deployment from happening.
  • Archiving will also remove the CI/CD pipeline with Github.
  • Archived projects will not be shown on the dashboard but can be viewed in organization settings.
  • User can unarchive the project anytime by going to the archived project general setting.

Organization Member Improvements

  • Members of the organization can view all the pending invites and delete them as well.
  • Members of the org can share pending invite links by clicking on the clipboard icon beside the state.
  • Members of the org can remove anyone from their org
  • Inviting a member will show a success or failure popup
  • Expiry time of 7 days on the user invite link has been introduced with this release.

Testnet ARGO token integration

  • All deployments will be paid using ARGO test tokens.
  • User need to again provide new allowances to the platform.
  • Users can get some test ARGO tokens from our faucet.
  • Older version of payments is still marked as DAI.

Misc Features

  • Optimised the organization & project load time by 30%.
  • Welcome and failed deployment emails are being sent from the platform.
  • Adds sharing option for deployment on Twitter, telegram & mail.
  • Adds confetti when a deployment is successful.
  • Adds set allowance button on deployment screen if payment failed due to insufficient allowance

Bugs fixed

  • Handled all the error cases on wallet-related screens.
  • Fixed the styling around the payment table and showing a popup with full value.
  • Domains with different cases has been defaulted to lower case
  • Fixed switching of the organization when a wallet is enabled for a different org.
  • Fixed indicating a project card being clickable in the org dashboard.

ArGo V2.2 Release

12 Aug 20:54
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Continuous Deployment

  • Can create a new CD pipeline with configuration, edit the CD pipeline configuration, remove the CD pipeline
  • Option to enable CD when deploying an app with the current configuration, if already enabled will not overwrite it.

Improvement Introduced

  • Deployments will show Screenshot of the deployed app if the deployment is successful. The screenshot is uploaded on Arweave
  • Project will show the latest deployed screenshot
  • Repo is configured with CircleCi to make our life easy. Deployment is done when we merge everything to master

Bug fixes done

  • Fixed verify issue when attaching Static Domain which is pointed to a static deployed site (can be Arweave or Skynet)
  • Fixed update issue when updating the site URL of Static Domain

ArGo V2.1 Release

19 Jul 07:55
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Skynet Integration

  • Architecture change for supporting multiple protocols on UI
  • Attached tag on deployment for distinguishing protocol deployed on

Namebase (Handshake Domain) Integration

  • Adds domain name on UI, separate menu for handshake domains & subdomains
  • Update records directly from UI
  • Verify record update from UI

Improvement Introduced

  • Showing commit id & message on deployments
  • Attach build ENV in the project and it will automatically do deployment with the build ENV attached
  • Added more wallets on web3 modal - metamask, wallet connect, authereum, trust wallet, gnosis, ledger & torus
  • Adds network change logic to switch network in metamask to Polygon Mumbai testnet or add it if not present
  • Mention connecting with polygon testnet on attach wallet screen.
  • Provide refresh button to refresh project's deployments.
  • Provide Info description for every title in build/deploy configuration

Bug fixes done

  • Fixed private repo redeploy not working
  • Fixed deployment of private repo not considering branch & always deploying with the default branch
  • Fixed Mozilla firefox deployment pending screen is breaking
  • Fix unknown network in block native web3 modal
  • Fixed spell errors on UI
  • Fixed capturing site preview failed when deployment failed - put a regex validation on the captured site preview link

ArGo V2.0 Release

13 Jul 08:30
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  • User to Org wallet migration
  • Payment integration
  • Log streaming enhancements
  • Deployment Enhancements
  • Polygon & Biconomy Integration
  • Small fixes

Release automated dns resolver & Redeploy

19 Apr 07:00
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  • Added redeploy button for redeploying a project with the latest configuration
  • Added automated DNS resolver