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Releases: spicytigermeat/LabelMakr


13 Apr 14:48
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Small update to v030

  • Fix pathlib error when using "Fix Labels" tab.
  • Removed a silly debug message that I forgot to remove. :3c

See changes for v030 here!


03 Apr 19:52
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오늘, 축하합니다!

Please welcome the newest update of LabelMakr, with full support for Korean!

To install, please consult the "setup_guide" file in the zip attached to this release!

LabelMakr v030

  • Huge update
  • Support for colstone's Korean SOFA model!
    • Korean GUI translation by 군곰 (KUNGOM)
  • Lot's of small GUI tweaks/changes/addition
    • Light/Dark mode toggle (Dark mode by default)
    • cute little icons on the buttons, custom fonts for English/Japanese/Chinese/Korean
  • Allows you to choose to install CPU or GPU version
  • More code consistency
    • Global implementation of Pathlib
    • removed weird inconsistencies, like unused variables
    • Implemented the logging module for slightly easier troubleshooting
  • Implemented a python module I wrote called "ez-localizr", to make localization easy :)
  • First (beta) implementation of Labbu label fixing.
    • uses label tool I wrote called "labbu" to contextually post-process labels
    • Currently it's most useful for English, but there's still some good fixes for non-English languages.
  • Fixed up the transcription editor
    • Less unhelpful text in the file selection box
    • Better interfacing with pygame mixer for playing audio
  • Much easier to implement custom SOFA models.

v030 Asset Pack

03 Apr 14:59
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  • English SOFA & G2p models
  • French SOFA & G2p models
  • Mandarin Chinese SOFA model
  • Japanese SOFA model
  • Korean SOFA & G2p models

v020 - FRENCH!

14 Mar 01:59
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🇫🇷 la mise à jour française 🇫🇷

LabelMakr v020 is now released. The following is some information on what has been changed!

  • Included a precompiled version of FFMPEG in the asset pack that is installed, and put it in the right place. This will prevent a pretty common issue that arises when FFMPEG is not installed on your system.
  • Upgraded the included version of SOFA to 1.0.2. Check out that release here!
  • Certain scripts in this version of SOFA are slightly different, namely that labels export to a slightly different location to prevent extra folders from being made.
  • Implemented FRENCH! Thanks to imsupposedto, there is now support for French on LabelMakr using Millefeuille phonemes. Read more about Millefeuille.
  • French GUI Translation by Hibya & Mim
  • Early implementation of the tentatively named "OovG2P" in SOFA. This utilizes OpenUTAU's G2P system with custom trained models to predict pronunciation of words that are not found in the included dictionaries for English or French. I will be doing more testing/research on good methods to improve initial transcripts > phonetics, but for now this is much better than the DictionaryG2P completely skipping words it doesn't know!
  • en_g2p model trained by me, fr_g2p model trained by imsupposedto.


11 Jan 17:20
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Lot's of big changes in this release! Main changes:

  • Implemented suco's Mandarin Singing model
  • Fixed the code even more than last time!
  • Implemented Transcription Editor!
  • ffmpeg errors should HOPEFULLY be avoided as it's been artificially added to the PATH of the embedded python env.

Please set up from scratch!


13 Mar 22:55
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  • precompiled Japanese g2p
  • ffmpeg.exe
  • SOFA Models
  • colstone's Japanese SOFA
  • suco's Mandarin SOFA
  • tigermeat's English SOFA
  • imsupposedto's French (Millefeuille) SOFA (NEW!)


11 Jan 18:13
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Assets for release v010, no need to manually download :)


04 Jan 17:09
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🎉 v003 Is here! 🎉

Changes in this version:

  • Code is just generally better, removed some unnecessary things and separated things into multiple files
  • Installation is done by 1 file now, the "installer.bat" file!
  • Japanese support is here! Which unfortunately makes this program strictly Windows (unless you're using just English, then it should run fine on Linux with a manually set up env.)

I won't be offering an updater because of how different this version is, so you'll have to set it up from scratch.

v002 - tgm_sofa_v004 + slight performance tweak

01 Jan 20:12
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Runs in force mode instead of match, so you will get better results!

Installs tgm_sofa_v004 by default now.

If you've already installed this tool, download the update_v002.bat and put that in the SOFA_GUI folder. It will download the necessary updated files!

v0.0.1 - Initial Portable Release

19 Dec 18:31
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Portable release of this program. Follow steps outlined in "readme.txt"!!

Batch files will install dependencies and download checkpoints! Currently windows only :)