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JSweet Gradle plugin

Brings the power of JSweet to Gradle


Add the JSweet's repositories and the Gradle plugin dependency to your project's build.gradle, in the buildScript section:

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }
		maven { url "" }
	dependencies {
		classpath('org.jsweet:jsweet-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT') { //
			transitive = true }

Then apply the JSweet Gradle plugin, as usual:

apply plugin: 'org.jsweet.jsweet-gradle-plugin'

and optionally disable java compilation (JSweet sources may not be considered as standard java sources):

compileJava {
	enabled = false

Add your JSweet dependencies (candies):

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'jsweet-core', version:'1.0.2-SNAPSHOT'
    compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'angular', version:'1.4.2-SNAPSHOT'
    compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'angular-route', version:'1.3.2-SNAPSHOT'
    compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'es6-promise', version:'0.0.2-SNAPSHOT'
    compile group: 'org.jsweet', name: 'jsweet-transpiler', version:'1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'

Configure the JSweet plugin:

jsweet {
	verbose = true
	encoding = 'UTF-8'
	sourceMap = true
	outDir = new File('target/js')
	targetVersion = EcmaScriptComplianceLevel.ES3
	includes = ['**/fr/test/my/**/*.java']

The configuration options of the plugin:

Name Type Values Default Example
targetVersion enum ES3, ES5, ES6 ES3 jsweet { targetVersion = EcmaScriptComplianceLevel.ES3 }
module enum commonjs, amd, system, umd none jsweet { module = ModuleKind.commonjs }
outDir File JS files output directory .jsweet/js jsweet { outDir = new File('target/js') }
tsOut File Temporary TypeScript output directory .jsweet/ts jsweet { tsOut = new File('target/ts') }
includes string[] Java source files to be included N/A jsweet { includes = ['**/org/jsweet/examples/**/*.java', '**/other/*] }
excludes string[] Source files to be excluded N/A jsweet { excludes = ['**/excluded/**/*.java'] }
bundle boolean Concats all JS file into one bundle false jsweet { bundle = true }
bundlesDirectory File JS bundles output directory N/A jsweet { bundlesDirectory = new File('target/js/bundles') }
sourceMap boolean In-browser debug mode - true for java, typescript else true jsweet { javaDebug = true }
encoding string Java files encoding UTF-8 jsweet { encoding = 'UTF-8' }
noRootDirectories boolean output is relative to @jsweet.lang.Root package's directories false jsweet { noRootDirectories = true }
enableAssertions boolean assert are transpiled as JS check false jsweet { enableAssertions = true }
verbose boolean Verbose transpiler output false jsweet { verbose = true }
jdkHome File Alternative JDK >= 8 directory, for instance if running Maven with a JRE ${java.home} jsweet { jdkHome = new File('/opt/jdk8') }
declaration boolean Generates TypeScript d.ts false jsweet { declaration = true }
dtsOut File TypeScript d.ts output directory when the declaration option is true outDir jsweet { dtsOut = new File('typings') }
candiesJsOut File Directory where to extract candies' Javascript candiesJsOut { jdkHome = new File('www/js/candies') }

Then, just invoke one of the JSweet gradle task:

$ gradle jsweet
$ gradle jsweetClean


Brings the power of JSweet to Gradle







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