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Spiel Request

Spiel request is a module to send ajax request. It use XmlHttpRequest

Api documentation

How use it

Set the request options by default

import {httpRequest, RequestConfig, RequestOptions, Headers} from 'spiel-request'

const headers: Headers  = {
    'Accept': 'application/json, text/*'
const options: RequestConfig = {
    responseType: 'text',
    credentials: true,
    authType: 'base64',
    auth: {
        username: 'test'
        password: '123456'
    domain: 'http://localhost:3000'

Send your requests

const url = 'http://localhost:3000/users';
const response = httpRequest.sendRequest({
    method: 'get'

Upload your files

const url = 'http://localhost:3000/upload';

const blob = new Blob(['abc123'], {type: 'text/plain'});

const file = httpRequest.uploadFile({
    file: blob,
    responseType: 'json',
    name: 'test'

Use the XmlHttpRequest methods

const oReq = httpRequest.request

oReq.addEventListener("progress", updateProgress);
oReq.addEventListener("load", transferComplete);
oReq.addEventListener("error", transferFailed);
oReq.addEventListener("abort", transferCanceled);;

Run Spiel Request tests

Open two terminals, in the first execute npm run service and the another npm test


Spiel Request is MIT licensed. See license