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spigot-gillesm edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 28 revisions


This page will cover all the features and the planned features of RPGChest (Premium)

General features

Extremely customizable

Almost every aspect of RPGChest is customizable and upcoming updates aim for an even more customizable resource. Make RPGChest a unique experience!


RPGChest has compatibilities with other RPG plugins such as MMOItems allowing you to use your unique items with it!

In-game configuration | Premium

RPGChest Premium comes up with a well designed in-game menu providing you with an easy and fast way to configure the plugin. No more hours spent in configuration files


Configuration through files is of course still possible and is also explained in the wiki as the free version doesn't have the in-game menu

Live modification | Premium

There is no need to reload the plugin or restart the server: As soon as you modify something through the in-game menu, the changes you've made take place in your server!

Reloading the plugin is still required when manually configuring the files

Garbage collector | Premium (Temporary disabled)

Removing content you created can create dependency problems such as spawning custom items that don't exist anymore. RPGChest Premium will get rid of this problem for you by automatically removing configuration sections containing such issues. Let's save you some time!

This feature doesn't work when manually deleting content

Content features

Custom items

You can create items with special name, lore, enchants, etc to later use them in your container

Custom loot

You can decide what items spawn in your containers along with lots of other parameters allowing you to fine tune RPGChest


You can configure how much time is needed in order for your containers to be refreshed. Create common or super rare chests!

World Chests Feature | Premium

Replace vanilla world generated chests content with the items you want, including items coming from RPGChest compatible plugins!

Event system | Premium

With RPGChest Premium you can make various thing happen when interacting with containers such as spawning monsters when players open them. Surprise your server fans!

Key system | Premium

You can decide to lock your containers with special keys created through RPGChest Premium that would be required to open your containers. Make your chests even more unique and special!

Key sharding | Premium

Make your players collect key shard that must be put together in order to get the actual key

Loot system | Premium

You can decide what monsters drop what keys and how often they should drop. Add objectives for your players!

Vault Integration | Premium

You can set how much money players can find in your containers. Your players will never miss such opportunities!

Container de-spawn / re-sespawn system | Premium

Containers left empty can disappear and then reappear when the content is refreshed. Create a unique RPG experience!

Container conditions

Set conditions such as required level in order to open a container

Particle animation | Premium

Set particle animations around your containers to help your players make the difference between decorative chests and RPG Chests

Per player loot | Premium

Decide wether a container has a shared loot or not. Need to create a chest for a quest that everyone has to do? Make the loot per player! Want to add a few world loot container? Just use the standard loot system!

Planned features

Here are some ideas that I want to implement into RPGChest. Some of them are ideas suggested by the Spigot community (thanks again)!

  • Storybook system

  • Mini-game system (in order to open a container for example)

  • More event types and event triggers

  • More container types (such as the dispenser)

  • More container conditions

  • More particle animation types

  • Lockpicking system/profession

  • External item for keys

Important note:

This list is not exhaustive and is not sorted in chronological order. Don't consider this as the ultimate way to go for RPGChest as other features might get implemented first and without appearing in this list before

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