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156 lines (111 loc) · 4.65 KB

Benzo Build Status

Take the edge off when doing (command) lines.

Wrapping Cocaine, this library will greatly simplify building complex and conditional commandline arguments.

This is especially useful when creating wrappers for other commandline tools.

Benzo 2.x is compatible with the latest version of Cocaine, but due to the way that it works, it requires Ruby 1.9.x unless you use the OrderedHash library.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'benzo', '~> 2.0.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install benzo

Quickstart Example

Given that you want to make a call to pg_dump, but depending on some conditions in your code, you may want to have certain arguments shown or not shown:

# the state of our app:
@verbose = true
@database = 'app_production'
@file = 'app_prod-dump'

# build the Cocaine::Commandline with Benzo!('pg_dump', {
  '-v' => @verbose,
  '--schema-only' => @schema_only, # note, @schema_only is nil
  '-f :filename' => @file,
  ':db_name' => @database

Benzo takes 2 arguments: command and options_map. The command is, like in cocaine, the command you wish to run, and options_map is a hash containing the data necessary to build the commandline arguments.

Any value in the hash that evaluates to false (this includes nil) will be omitted from the command.

A More Complex Example

# the state of our app:
@verbose = true
@database = 'app_production'
@file = 'app_prod-dump'

# build a Benzo object:
b ='pg_dump',
  '-v' => @verbose,
  '--schema-only' => @schema_only, # note, @schema_only is nil
  '-f :filename' => @file,
  ':db_name' => @database
) # => runs the command: "pg_dump -v -f 'app_prod-dump' 'app_production'"

b.options_map['--schema-only'] = true

b.command # => pg_dump -v --schema-only -f 'app_prod-dump' 'app_production'

c = b.cocaine # => returns a Cocaine::CommandLine object => 'other_db', :filename => 'other_db-dump') # => run it with different options

After creating a Benzo object, you can modify the options_map on the fly and Benzo will re-map it when calling #command or #run. There is also a #cocaine function that will return the Cocaine::CommandLine object.

How options_map works

See Limitations and Gotchas section below if you're not using Benzo in Ruby 1.9.

options_map is a hash that gets processed by Benzo to create the Cocaine::CommandLine object. The hash gets iterated over and any values that evaluate to false are discarded, then the keys are concatinated together with spaces to create the commandline arguments that are passed to cocaine. Any symbols embedded in those strings will be used to build the variables to be interpolated by cocaine.

Given the following options_map:

  '-f :file' => "file.dat",
  "-v" => true,
  "-d" => false,
  ":data" => nil

The resulting command's arguments will be built as -f 'file.dat' -v omitting the -d and :data values because the values of the hash evaluated to false.

When Benzo looks at the keys, it tries to find a symbol (a string leading with a :). It will then use that as the key for whatever value it points to when building the commandline. For example, '-f :file' => 'file.dat' will set :file to 'file.dat' when passing it to cocaine.

You can also pass a symbol as a key directly to the options_map, which will be passed directly to cocaine when building the commandline. This is useful if you want to use the Logger or :expected_outcodes facilities in cocaine. For example (modified from one of the cocaine examples):

line = Benzo.line('/usr/bin/false', {
  :expected_outcodes => [ 0, 1 ]

rescue Cocaine::ExitStatusError => e
  # => You never get here!

Limitations and Gotchas

Because Benzo uses Hash keys to build the commandline string and that order may matter, if you're not running Ruby 1.9, you should pass an OrderedHash for the options_hash.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Benzo is written by Spike Grobstein, and wraps Cocaine by Thoughtbot


Spike Grobstein