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A Dynamic Strings Library

Programmer: Chris Reid
Year 2023
Version 1.8


Hello and welcome.

dstrings are dynamic (runtime-allocated) strings that carry their used and free size with them.

In memory they look like this:

    [ --------------- struct dst ----------------- ]   
     ____________________________________....  ____    
    | len | free | str                        |'\0'|   
    |_____|______|_______________________.... |____|   
                 ^ dstring                           <figure 1>  

In C code they look like this:

    struct dst   
            size_t len;   
            size_t free;   
            char[] str;   

They are addressed by the char* member of their struct ('str' above) so that they behave exactly like regular c-style char strings.
The structure size is insignificant in memory usage compared to the potential size of the string data.

However, having the size and free data greatly speeds up
operations on the strings such as appending, truncating, resizing, and editing.

When operating on a dstring as a memory object you need to address its struct address and its size_t members, but otherwise you use it just like another string. C sees a pointer to a char array (char*) and libc functions know exactly what to do with it, ignoring the 2 size_t variables before the (char*).
However, an extra element of safety is introduced by always knowing exactly the size and free memory available in the dstring, and never exceeding it, or reallocating before a buffer overrun occurs.


Free for all C uses. No guarantees implied, or given. The file dstring_llist.h is based upon the linux kernel linked list code and is GPL freeware.


Installation is by default into /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include and requires sudo priveleges.

Alternatively you may put and its link and the associated headers dstring.h, localdstring.h, dstring_llist.h, dstringlist.h, and dstringarray.h in devel locations of your choosing.

dstring_llist.h ,dstringlist.h, and dstringarray.h
are optional, but useful.

Use a standard 'make' or 'make all' or "make install" command.


-- run the shell script 
   This chooses and runs the Makefile for
   your OS. (BSD or GNU)

-- make all 

-- put "#include dstring.h"  in your C program.

   add dstring.o to your compilation string.

-- make (default)

-- put in a dir recognized by your compiler chain	
   or use rpath  (relative path)   
   example in Makefile: 
   	      		LIBINCLUDES =$(PWD)  
			-L -Wl,-rpath=$(LIBINCLUDES)/

-- put dstring.h in a dir recognized by your compiler chain	
       or the current dir

-- put "#include dstring.h"  in your C program.

-- add -ldstring to your compilation command.

-- compile and run

-- does not know about dstringlists.
   For those you need to include dstringlist.h and dstring_llist.h, as well.

-- Example programs are provided for testing and educational purposes.



As in figure 1 above, the layout is simple, yet some explanation is necessary to avoid common mistakes in programs.

The psuedo-type dstring is simply and alias for (char*).

It is accepted as a c-style string by all standard C string functions.

To avoid confusions in the dstring library the alias cstring is used for (char*) to indicate a regular pointer to an array of chars and not a dstring.

Wrapping the character data is the following structure:

   struct dst  
       size_t len;     // number of chars used   
  	    size_t free;    // number of chars not used but available   
  	    char   str[];   // actual c-style string   

For consistency, speed, and accuracy, it is mandatory that

  1. all memory allocations occur at multiples of 16 bytes.
     Strings can be of any length, always terminated with '\0'.
     d->len + d->free will always be a multiple of 16.
  2. all memory operations on dstrings (and thus on dst structures)
     occur only on the whole dst struct and never on the str part

  3. changing a dstring requires a recalculation of its size variables.


Pretty simple, normal object-style C programming:

    dstring ds = new_dstring_init( "a 16 char string" , 32 );  // 16 bytes used , 16 bytes available

    printf( "Use just like a char*: %s \n", ds );

    printf( "dstring is %zu chars long with %zu free chars of space left.\n", dstlen(ds), dstfree(ds) );  
             /* %zu and %zi are the GNU printf format directives for  
 	     (unsigned) [size_t], and 
	     (signed)   [ssize_t] */
    DSFREE(ds); // A macro that nulls the pointer as well as frees the memory   


 To get at the characters in a dstring, just access them like
 regular c-strings.  ```mydstring[4]``` returns the 5th char of mydstring.

The emptydstring() function returns a dst structure with len = 0 , free=16, and str = "" (not NULL); Thus it passes consistency checks and is ready for a string to be appended.

The utilities dstlen, dstfree, is_dstring are for general use. dstlen should be faster than strlen, but strlen works too, and is often optimized by the compiler. dst_mem returns the total size of the dst struct to help against comitting buffer overflows.

Sharing dstrings -- The dstring type is a pointer type, so any dstring can be assigned to another dstring variable. Make sure to dettach pointers after all their accesses are done except for one used to free the memory -- this is just normal good practice in C. dstrings have memory garbage in them before initializaton so be sure to assign them to NULL and instantiate them before use.


Local dstrings -- stack-allocated local dstrings are provided for short-term use inside functions.

80% of strings in a program are temporary and used read-only.

localdstrings are automatically recycled at the return of the function when it exits. They must not be used as return values or as parameters to functions, or garbage and segmentation faults will result. Inside the function that they are instantiated in they retain integrity and may be used just as normal locally statically-allocated c-style strings. They use the alloca functions provided by gcc and clang and others. tcc and pcc may not be able to take advantage of local dstrings. Definitions for localdstrings are located in localdstring.h .

If many concatenations (building long dstrings) are to be made, use a large buffer on creation to speed up processing and to reduce the number of internal reallocation (realloca) calls. When the concatenations are finished (or whenever optimally convienent), call dstring_minimize_mem to release the free memory in the dstring. (see note in dstring.c at the dstring_append function.)

    dstring longdstring = NULL;   
    longdstring = new_dstring_init("", 32768);  // 32K to start   
    longdstring = dstring_append(longdstring, "append this" );    
    ... (large number of appends ...)   

    dstring_minimize_mem( longdstring);  // free unused mem   

Use the macros DSFREE and (DSLISTFREE for lists, DSARRAY_FREE for arrays) to assure that dangling pointers are avoided.


dstringlists are an implementation of double-linked lists taken directly from the linux kernel implementation. A little study of the code in dstring_llist.h and dstringlist.h and the included test programs should suffice to utilize these powerful list facilites, although arrays are better for indexed access to containers of dstrings. All normal linked-list operations are provided.


dstringarrays are simple structures of an array of dstring pointers and a size element. Additions and deletions are quick and consist of assigning and deassigning pointers. Generally you would not resize a dstringarray such as one would with a linked list. Some utiltiy functions are provided.


An example string manipulation utlity is provided: dstring_utils. It is both a string api and a program for working with strings. It provides some string functions missing from stdlib that are traditionally re-written by every programmer for every program. (Why?) Most are part of other newer languages' base apis by now anyway, like find, find & replace, remove a word from string, quote & unquote, chomp ,slice,truncate, trim, pad etc. I encourage creativity in discovering new and useful functions to round out the functionalities.


C is flexible. Extremely. So is my brain. Most of these functions start with the noun dstring, then an underscore, then a verb indicating the intent of the function. Accordingly, 40% of the time I reverse them. dstring_copy becomes copy_dstring in my head, new_dstring_init becomes dstring_new_init (oops! I just did it again!) So the function names are aliases with #defines so the compiler writes it correctly, and I can go on. The other aliases are MACROs to make programming with libdstring easier and more intuitive.


Parsing a dstring to extract variable data out of it into ints and substrings and floats, etc. is possible with the dsscanf utility. It takes the same format as libc sscanf and indeed gcc and clang will parse the format string for correctness at compile time just as if it were a sscanf function. There is a catch, however. Just like sscanf, dsscanf will seg fault if you send it an output parameter with insufficient memory to hold the data you are trying to stuff into it. Most of the time it will be another dstring that is too small or unitialized or just a pointer with no memory attached. Other problems could be bad values like reading a negative integer into a size_t var or placeing an 8-bit value into a 16-bit numerical value not initialized to zero first, leaving the upper 8 bits full of garbage.

Sit Programmis Cauti.


DSLOCAL is a macro to generate localdstrings that are automatically destroyed at the exit of their local function scope. They are allocated on the stack by the C runtime and so may be faster and more easy to use.


The DSLOCAL_FMT macro is functionally like the printf family: it creates a localdstring either from a static string in quotes or with a printf format-string and variables. gcc and clang check the format string forsyntax just as if it were for printf. There is a defined MAX size of 256 bytes to save memory for localdstrings, but that is easily changed by editing localdstring.h and changing the LOCALMAX definition to a larger multiple of 16 if, for some reason, you need more than 256 chars for a single local string inside of a function.

    void f()   
            localdstring My_Name = DSLOCAL("Christopher");   

	    localdstring ld = DSLOCAL_FMT( "RULE %d: %s never returns %s", 1 , My_Name ,  "localdstrings" );   
                                       |                               |     |               |             
                                       printf format                   int   dstring         c-style string   

        }  /* (My_Name and ld are autmatically de-allocated when f returns) /*/   


It's plain C, so the code is subject to bad input and especially null pointer exceptions. I have tried to make it null-pointer proof as much as nominally possible, but using a pointer before it has been initialized or after it has been freed still gums up the works royally in any C program.

Be carefull about assigning stray pointers at the beginning and the end of the life or your dstrings, especially containers. The size_t data is there to protect the programmer from mistakes we all make, so use them.

Dropped pointers can leave massive memory leaks until the program is over or cause crashes. The library has been tested extensively for this, and internally it remains orthogonal and integral as regards to memory and pointers in almost all cases, even up to very large dstring lengths.

localdstrings ,if used correctly, always get cleaned up automatically. gcc and clang do some wily optimizations but should not destroy data before the last access to a dstring in the code execution path.

Most crashes occur on two operations: writing to a pointer that is uninitialized or points to some random unexpected memory location, often off-limits to the program; or writing past the boundaries of an array.

An other time is when the contents of the string within the dstring contain errors, and a libc function like strlen -- (a little utility with a big temper), segfaults on its own.


The dst struct is designed to be accessed by the string part and then pointer arithmetic is used to get a pointer handle to the structure itself. If the relationship memory-wise is altered, all hell will break loose and the program will crash, hard. A compromise is made between facility and memory security by casting a pointer out of the char* internally to the address of the beginning of the struct.

A compromise was struck for code-reuse by adding 8 bytes of filler to the struct for 32-bit compilers. This is wasted space, but it allows the dst struct to be uniform in size accross 64-bit and 32-bit machines, despite the difference in byte size of 4 bits for 32 and 8 bytes for 64 of the size_t unsigned integer. DSTRING_MAX has been set to a 1GB limit which is within both archetecture's size_t limit and most likeley a dstring will never need to be that big. (I hope!).

    struct dst* d = (struct dst*) (ds - sizeof(*d));   
( ```DSTPTR(ds)``` is a macro for the above, because it is used so much internally.)

This incantation gives the necessary information to the compiler and the tiny runtime facilities of the malloc/realloc/free infrastructure to properly address the struct without a prior reference to its beginning in memory. This works because the char* array is at the tail end of the struct <figure 1>. You then can access the struct's members by name (d->len , d->free , d->str ).

Debugger's do not like this: it looks to their algorithms as if you are exceeding the bounds of objects, and they give some access errors if too many safeguards are turned on, but actually you are not doing so.

The idea of addressing an object from an inside member is novel, and not-at-all recommended unless it offers a large benefit.

To examine a (struct dst) in a debugger such as gdb,

address it like this:

    (gdb) p a   
    $1= (dstring) 0x603020 "ABCDE"   
    (gdb) p (struct dst*) (a-16)     
    $2 = (struct dst *) 0x603010     
    (gdb) p *(struct dst*) (a-16)    
    $3 = {len = 5, free = 27, str = 0x603020 "ABCDE"}   

In this case the benefit is that you can address and use the structs as an ordinary c-style strings and all the libc string ops work as usual.

The (ds - sizeof(*d)) idiom works for both 32 and 64 bit architectures and should be scalable to other kinds of structs such as binary-strings or wide_char strings or (unsigned char), where the specific case of (ds - 16) would not. It is also possible to add data members after the char[] without penalty and access them from the struct, but caution need to be used because one could find oneself in a little maze of twisting passages, all different.


There is always room for improvement in code.

Experiment; stumble; break; repair; leap forward.

Get better by doing, by impact.

I appreciate suggestions and/or criticisms from users and experts and welcome submissions. Flames go to /dev/null.

Happy coding!



dstrings are dynamic ( runtime-allocated ) strings that carry their used and free size with them.







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