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@jcohenadad jcohenadad released this 12 Jun 01:49
· 8311 commits to release since this release

Release notes and Changelog

t2/CSA:   78.182308, 1.762403
mt/MTR:   51, white matter, 979.062011, 54.183418, 0.000000
t2s/CSA_GM:   13.282941, 3.440752
t2s/CSA_WM:   65.160860, 3.175766
dmri/FA:  4, WM left lateral corticospinal tract, 80.931616, 0.756262, 0.173444
dmri/FA:  5, WM right lateral corticospinal tract, 80.706246, 0.783990, 0.147070

Note: the slightly different values compared to 3.2.0 are likely due to the modification (improvement) in sct_register_to_template, where labels are now projected onto the cord centerline before aligning the subject to the template labels.