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Udacity FEND Project - Web Optimization

Optimized website here:

Part 1 - PageSpeed Score

Goal: index.html achieves a PageSpeed score of at least 90 for Mobile and Desktop.

Steps taken:

  1. Add async to loading analytics.js <script async src=""></script>
  2. Add media option to loading print.css <link href="css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print">
  3. Inline 'css/style.css' in 'index.html'
  4. Compress and resize 'pizzeria.jpg'; compress all other images
  5. Use webfont to load google fonts at the end of body
<script src=""></script>
    google: {
      families: ['Open+Sans:400,700']

Part 2 - Getting Rid of Jank

Goal: Make 'views/pizza.html' render at 60fps when scrolling.

Steps taken:

  1. 'document.body.scrollTop' does not change, so move it to outside the loop:
function updatePositions() {
var items = document.querySelectorAll('.mover');
var bodytop = document.body.scrollTop;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
  var phase = Math.sin((bodytop/ 1250) + (i % 5));
  items[i].style.left = items[i].basicLeft + 100 * phase + 'px';
  1. There is no need to put 200 pizzas in the background, calculate the number of pizzas needed according to screen size:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var n = (Math.ceil(screen.width / 173.33) * Math.ceil(screen.height / 256));
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {

Goal: Time to resize pizzas is less than 5 ms using pizza size slider.

Steps taken:

  1. Remove function 'determineDx' in 'main.js' and simplify 'changePizzaSizes'
function changePizzaSizes(size) {
  switch(size) {
    case "1":
      newWidth = 25;
    case "2":
      newWidth = 33.33;
    case "3":
      newWidth = 50;
      console.log("bug in sizeSwitcher");
  var allpizza = document.querySelectorAll(".randomPizzaContainer");

  for (var i = 0; i < allpizza.length; i++) {
    allpizza[i].style.width = newWidth + '%';