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Spring Boot Reactive Demo

This is a demo project to add Elastic Observability step-by-step.

Get up and running

Start Elasticsearch

Start an Elasticsearch node somewhere to store products for this sample application.

If you are using a secured server (recommended), make sure to create a role, for example springboot, with the following privileges:

POST /_security/role/springboot
  "cluster": [ "monitor" ],
  "indices": [
      "names": [ "products" ],
      "privileges": [ "all" ]

And assign this role to your user. You can create a dedicated user for this, let say springboot:

POST /_security/user/springboot
  "password" : "springb00t",
  "roles" : [ "springboot" ]

Start this application

By default the Elasticsearch cluster is supposed to run under localhost:9200. You can configure the ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variable to point to another endpoint, enabling TLS, including basic auth like this:


Either run ./gradlew bootRun

./gradlew bootRun

Or you package the jar and run it

./gradlew clean check assemble
java -jar build/libs/spring-boot-reactive-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you are using Elastic Cloud as described earlier on, you can run:

ELASTICSEARCH_URL= ./gradlew bootRun


Backed by Terraform Cloud, the Terraform run generates a file .config.yml that Ansible will then use. The available playbooks are (replace with your user for which the public SSH key was added):

  • ansible-playbook --user philipp configure.yml
  • ansible-playbook --user philipp deploy.yml

Sidenote: With ansible-playbook --user philipp deploy.yml --start-at-task="Provide a service file to run it as a service" you can start the run at any task and skip unnecessary steps.


Save product

# Provide the id as part of the URL
curl -X PUT localhost:8080/products/product/123 \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"My Product", "description" : "A wonderful product to test out", "tags" : ["sports"], "imageUrl":"" }'

# Provide the id within the body
curl -X POST localhost:8080/products/product \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "123", "name":"My Product", "description" : "A wonderful product to test out", "tags" : ["sports"], "imageUrl":"" }'

Get product

curl localhost:8080/products/product/123

Delete product

curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/products/product/123

Search products

curl 'localhost:8080/products/search?q=sports'

Returns an array of JSON documents matching your query.



Go to http://localhost:8080 to see an overview of products