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Bingo - PR & SPC - front end module

Exam project for "Programming" university course @ UniCampus Rome - Developed by Paolo Ruggirello & Simone Pio Caronia. The front end module has been developed using the UI toolkit Flutter, here the online documentation, and Dart as programming language.

Project structure

Screens and state management

The app uses the provider pattern, made simple by using the provider package. Basically the view is notified by a controller about the change of state. Controller can extend mixins, such as RouteMixin or ServiceMixin, which add functionalities.

All the screens are located into the "lib/screens" folder.

Each screen has its Notifier class, which holds the state and access to data. The screen uses the Consumer widget to retrieve the instance of its notifier. Notifiers have to extend the BaseNotifier class, located into the "lib/base", in order to provide screen the possibility to retrieve data from API and CACHE. BaseWidget is a useful widget that contains the base components to build correctly the screen.

Example build(BuildContext) method with Consumer and BaseWidget:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Consumer<BaseNotifier>(
    builder: (_, notifier, __) => BaseWidget(
          safeAreaTop: true,
          overlayStyle: SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark,
          child: _buildChild(context, notifier),


The base Navigator is used in app. For navigating, you can extend the RouteMixin located into "lib/navigation" folder. All screens are registered in Routes class, located into "lib/navigation" folder, and navigation between them is done using RouteEnum So if you want to add new screen, please add a new enum value (and its name into extension) and register the route in the Routes class.

API and Socket.IO

API: The api client used in app is dio, a powerful Dart HTTP client. ApiClient, located in "lib/services/api" folder, is the custom client, which permits to invoke all HTTP methods, passing the right parameters. All endpoints called by app are stored in the ApiService class, located in "lib/services/api" folder. Each response is wrapped in a ServiceResponse object. If another endpoint is needed, please add a new method in the class just mentioned. The base url of API is stored in ApiClient during its initialization. Example:

Future<ServiceResponse<OnlinePlayersResponse>> getOnlinePlayersRoom(String roomCode, {CancelToken? cancelToken}) async {
    ServiceResponse<OnlinePlayersResponse> response = ServiceResponse();

      response.result = await client.makeGet<OnlinePlayersResponse>("/room/online_players/$roomCode",
          cancelToken: cancelToken,
          converter: (data) => OnlinePlayersResponse.fromJson(data));

    } on DioError catch (e) {
      response.error = ServiceError(e.response?.statusCode ?? _genericError.errorCode, e.response?.data ?? e.response?.statusMessage ?? _genericError.errorMessage);
    }catch(e) {
      response.error = _genericError;

    return response;

Socket.IO: Socket is used in app in order to notify other users during game session about new number extracted, winners, etc... The client is socket_io_client, and you can create an instance of it by using the SocketHelper class, located in "lib/services/socket". It provides methods to add listeners to socket events.

Cache and local storage

Cache functionality is needed in app. The packages used are flutter_secure_storage for Android/iOS and shared_preferences for Web. The distinction is needed as currently the web app is stored in a not secure server. As soon as the server is secured, FlutterSecureStorage will be used fro Web too. All accesses to local storage are collected in CacheService class, located in "lib/services/cache" folder. Each response is wrapped in a ServiceResponse object. If another access to storage is needed, please add a new method in the class just mentioned. To write, read or delete, you should use the private methods implemented in the service class, which use the right object methods based on type. Example:

Future<ServiceResponse> saveIsHost(bool? isHost) async {
    ServiceResponse response = ServiceResponse();
      await _write(
          key: StorageKeys.isHost,
          value: (isHost ?? false).toString());
    } catch (_) {
      response.error = _genericError;
    return response;

GetIt - ServiceLocator

ApiService and CacheService are registered once (Singleton) in app using the ServiceLocator package get_it. The instances are retrieved in the ServiceMixin, so notifiers can just extend the mixin and access to cache and api methods transparently.

Common widgets

You can find common widgets, such as AppButton(), AppFormField, etc... inside "lib/widget" folder.

Build app


Run the command below and then you can find the app-release.apk file inside the "build/app/outputs/flutter-apk" folder.

flutter build apk

Note: Android SDK needed.


Run the command below and then you have to Archive the .ipa file with XCode.

flutter build ios

Note: no iOS mobile provision is available for now.


Run the command below and then you can find the .html and .js files inside the "build/web" folder.

flutter build web

npm - WEB APP solution

Inside the "/npm-web" folder, you can find the last web app version. It's supported by a simple NODE.JS EXPRESS web server. Basically, node.js web app redirects all routes to the flutter app.

RUN: To run the web app, move inside the folder and just run these 2 commands:

npm install


npm start

The web app can also be started with Docker. Inside the folder, indeed, there's the Dockerfile.

Building and run the entire BINGO project

You can find all instructions inside bingo-core > file.


Exam project for "Programming" university course @ UniCampus Rome - Developed by SPC & PR







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