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Version 1.1.63

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@AndrewKirkovski AndrewKirkovski released this 11 Mar 09:40
· 99 commits to master since this release

Introduces experimental responsive support to DataGrids

Specify 'responsive' block in settings to add default list renderer in addition to default table renderer

responsive: {
    listClass: 'd-md-none',
    tableClass: 'table d-none d-md-table',
    listSummaryColumn: 'summary',
    listExcludeColumns: ['summary', 'name', 'roles'],
    tableExcludeColumns: ['summary'],

listClass - will be applied to table, paginator and actions of list renderer. You might want to configure only one to be visible at a time

tableClass - will be applied to table, paginator and actions of table renderer. You might want to configure only one to be visible at a time

listSummaryColumn - mandatory parameter, tells what column will be used as list block collapsed header

In keeper v0.8.2 use like so

  <ui:grid url="@action('users.list', inject('params', []))" list-summary="summary" list-exclude="{!! array('summary', 'name', 'roles') !!}" table-exclude="{!! array('summary', 'view') !!}">
    <grid:filter search="true" immediate="300"/>

    <grid:cell.text name="id" label="ID"/>
    < name="name" label="Name" url="@action('users.edit', ['user' => '{id}'])" sort="true">
    < name="view" label="View Profile" url="@action('users.edit', ['user' => '{id}'])">
    <grid:cell.render name="summary" label="Summary" renderer="summary"/>
    < name="email" label="Email" href="mailto:{email}" body="{email}" sort="true"/>
    < name="created" label="Created At" sort="true" sort-dir="desc" sort-default="true"/>
    <grid:cell.render name="roles" label="Roles" renderer="roles"/>
    < label="Edit" icon="edit" url="@action('users.edit', ['user'=>'{id}'])"/>
    <grid:action.delete url="@action('users.edit', ['user'=>'{id}'])"/>


Toolkit ( - Toolkit bundle with default functionality

Keeper ( - Keeper bundle, based on bootstrap 4 that implements typical Spiral-Framework specific admin panel

Autocomplete ( - Module for autocomplete input, included in toolkit_full

TinyMCE Wrapper ( - Module for TinyMCE wrapper

QR code ( - Module to generate QR codes, included in toolkit_full

Notifications ( - Notifications Center for Keeper