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AGA: An Accelerated Greedy Additional Algorithm for Test Case Prioritization

This is the website of paper "AGA: An Accelerated Greedy Additional Algorithm for Test Case Prioritization", which has been submitted to TSE.


In this paper, we target the Greedy Additional (GA) algorithm, which greedily schedules the execution order of test cases and we propose the Accelerated Greedy Additional (AGA) algorithm to improve the efficiency of GA while preserving its effectiveness.

The contributions of this paper can be summarized as five-folds:

  1. The first attempt to improve the efficiency of GA while preserving its effectiveness, since GA is believed to have high effectiveness.
  2. An approach to accelerating the widely-known GA algorithm through two parts, including time complexity reduction and iteration number reduction.
  3. A large scale experiment on 55 open-source projects demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of our AGA approach, compared with the GA algorithm.
  4. An empirical comparison of our AGA approach with FAST, which improves time efficiency but decreases effectiveness.
  5. An industrial case study on 22 subjects from Baidu, which indicates the practical usage of AGA in real-world scenarios.

Basic information of our subjects


The basic information of our 55 open-source subjects is shown here. For each subject, the first column is the ID in the paper and the second column is the corresponding full name. The last four columns show the SLOC, TLOC, #Test Cases, and #Mutants of each subject. The last row calculates the sum of them.


The basic information of our 22 industrial subjects is shown in the paper. Note that for the company's confidentiality, we hide the project names and report rough scale of SLOC.

Input data

The input data of all subjects are shown here. For each subject, the corresponding directory contains four files. "testList" contains the names of all test cases, and their IDs start from 1. "stateMatrix.txt" contains the coverage table: each row represents one test case while each column represents one statement, and "1" means covered while "0" means uncovered. "state-map.txt" contains another form of the coverage table: each row represents one test case and it shows all statement IDs covered by this test case. "mutantKillMatrix" contains the kill information, where each row represents a test case and each column represents a mutant, and "1" means the corresponding test case kills the corresponding mutant while "0" means the opposite. P.S. Due to the 100M limit of file size on GitHub, we delete commons-math/mutantKillMatrix, commons-math/stateMatrix.txt, and camel-core/stateMatrix.txt.

Besides, we put the adjacency lists of each subject here. In each subject within this directory, <name>-line.txt stores the adjacency lists, and fault_matrix_key_tc,pickle stores the kill information. We make this additional directory to conveniently reuse the code of FAST. Similar to the above, we delete rome1.5.0_v1/rome1.5.0-line.span.mat due to the 100M limit of file size on GitHub.


The code of AGA is present here. The reproducing command is python <name>, where name can be any one in the Input_Data/original_input directory. Note that due to the confidential policy, we do not provide the data of the industrial subjects. The running results of AGA will be in the Results/agaresults directory. Slightly different from the paper, this code will produce the running results of all iteration numbers, that is SequenceGAMethod_<number>.txt shows the results on iteration number <number>, and TimeGAMethod_adjacencylist presents the preparation time and the running time of all iteration numbers. Reader could obtain the results of AGA by using 10 as the iteration number.

To calculate the APFD values, readers could run python <name>, where <name> can be any one in the Input_Data/original_input directory. The results are shown in the apfd_result.csv file in each subject in Results/agaresults. The results present the APFD value of each iteration number.

To improve the reliability of our work, we reuse the code framework of FAST to running GA, GA-first, FAST, ART-D, and GA-S. The code is present in the Code/py directory. To run these algorithms, please go to the Code directory and run python py/ <name> line <algorithm> <repetitions>, where <name> can be any one in the Input_Data/input_adjlist directory, <algorithm> can be any one of GA, GA-first, FAST-pw, FAST-one, FAST-log, FAST-sqrt, FAST-all, ART-D, and GA-S, and <repetitions> can be any positive numbers. The running results will be in Results/compareresults.

Additionally, the complete statistical testing process can be found here.


We make a pdf document here to present the missing experimental results in our paper due to the space limit.


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