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Guidance is a graphical debugger for GNU Guile

At the moment, it is garbage code, and does not function.

Do not build.
Do not view.
Do not feel the need to tell me it is broken.


There are a fairly powerful set of debugging tools in Guile and its REPL, but, as far as I can tell, they are not often used. For me, at least, I avoid them because they are a bit cumbersome.

This project is an attempt to make different type of debugger that suits my personal preferences: simpler and more graphical.

These are the self-imposed restrictions on this coding effort.

  • Follow GNU coding style.
  • Follow GNOME practices and styles.
  • Don't fight GTK4. Use GTK4's native widgets and use them in their common manner.
  • Use only Guile API that is documented in the reference manual, and use them in their common manner.

What this is

Guidance is a version of the Guile REPL with a GUI and some extra features. Largely, you just call Guidance the way you would call Guile.

Alternative REPL

The read-eval-print-loop (REPL) that Guidance provides is different from that provided by standard Guile: simpler and less flexible. The Guidance REPL has four distinct modes.

  1. In the Eval Mode, the user can enter expressions into the single- line entry. Each entry is expected to be a complete expression. If the expression can be parsed, it is executed in Run Mode.

    Also, if the Run Button is clicked, the command-line arguments are parsed and excuted in Run Mode.

  2. In Run Mode, the expression is run. Output to the current output port and the current error port is sent to the terminal widget. Input can be entered from the line-entry widget. This continues until the exepression returns, an error occurs, or a trap is hit. An error changes to Error Mode. A trap changes to Trap Mode.

    During Run Mode, the Pause and Stop Buttons are enabled. The Pause Button asynchronously inserts a breakpoint. The Stop Button asynchronously inserts an execution termination.

  3. In Error Mode, the backtrace is populated, and the Error REPL is enabled. The Error REPL is an interpreter in the stack context of the error. Unlike the Eval REPL, the Error REPL evaluates each entry as if in a 'false-if-exception' context.

    During Error Mode, only the Stop Button is enabled. It quits Error Mode and returns to Eval Mode.

  4. In Trap Mode, the backtrace is populated, and the Trap REPL is enabled. The Trap REPL is like the Error REPL in that it is in the stack context of the trap.

    During Trap Mode, all of the step and next buttons are enabled, which add ephemeral traps and continue execution. The Run Button continues execution. The Stop button returns to Eval Mode.

The guided experience replaces the standard Guile REPL with graphical elements. Using a GUI toolbar and menu, you can set breakpoints and step through the program.

The Peek Log

There is a Peek log. Any call to the _pk_ commands will log their output on the Peek tab.


A new procedure _break_ is provided in the top-level environment, which you can add to the code being debugged to ensure a breakpoint is triggered at the location.

Really, _break_ is procedure of zero arguments that does nothing, but, Guidance adds a breakpoint on this procedure at startup.

Getting Started

The trickiest part about getting started with Guidance is getting setting up the traps and breaks at locations where you want the program to pause for inspection. There are a few ways to do this.

  1. In the code to monitored, insert calls to the _break_ procedure at locations of interest.

  2. Add traps using add-trap-at-procedure-call! or add-trap-at-source-location!.

    For example, to pause at number->locale-string in (ice-9 i18n), you call add-trap-at-procedure-call! like this

    (add-trap-at-procedure-call! (@ (ice-9 i18n) number->locale-string))
  3. Add traps at procedures using the module page

Docker Container

If the CI/CD system is working, it is creating the spk121/guidance Docker container. You can pull down the Docker container with

docker pull spk121/guidance


podman pull

In the container, the executable is at /app/bin/guidance.

Running a Docker container that contains a GUI requires an invocation like the following:

docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -h $HOSTNAME spk121/guidance /app/bin/guidance


Guidance is a graphical debugger for GNU Guile







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