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Splickit Web II

Getting Up & Running

1. Obtain the Repo

git clone

2. Install RVM or similar to use ruby 2.1.2

Install the version of ruby listed in Gemfile and .rbenv. Currenlty, this version is 2.1.2.

It is recommended to use a ruby version manager. I use RVM. To get started with RVM:

curl -sSL | bash -s stable
rvm install 2.1.2

3. Bundle


Some words about Nokogiri

If you are running Mac OS X and the installation of Nokogiri fails, try these steps:

brew unlink gcc-4.2      # you might not need this step
gem uninstall nokogiri
xcode-select --install
gem install nokogiri

For more help installing Nokogiri, visit the Nokogiri installation tutorial.

4. Install Redis

brew install redis

You can also run it manually with redis-server

Note: foreman start will run redis by default

5. Add necessary files

Add Secrets / ENV

Get an up to date copy of config/secrets.yml and .env from someone around you.

You can use 'config/secrets.yml.example' and '.env.example' as starting points, and get the specific values from another developer or from Tarek.

Touch log files

It seems silly, but foreman is going to crash if the log files are not present. Create them by doing something like this:

touch log/development.log
touch log/test.log

6. Foreman

To start the application, run foreman:

foreman start

the app can be viewed at localhost:3000


Ensure that the local server is running:

foreman start

For rspec and capybara:

foreman run rspec

For Jasmine:




To deploy to, you will need to: configure your ssh authorizations by connecting to with the proper login and password. This information may be obtained by asking someone around you.

Once that is complete, run from the project directory:

cap staging deploy

  or with optional branch

cap staging deploy branch=[branch name]

"User Acceptance"

This is used to deploy to one of the skin specific user acceptance servers. These servers are dynamically created and allocated as customers need.

cap uat deploy skin=[skin name]

A skin name of 'all' will deploy to all uat servers

Log Location


Brand Images

Photo Updater Script

This script pulls data from S3 about the specified brand, and populates the Photos table in SMAW with the correct image URL(s). Default images are inserted where required.


Default ENV is set to update the SMAW test database.

thor photos:update <skin_name> <env>

Theme a Brand

1. Configure SASS overrides

Add merchant specific styling config in:


2. Generate CSS

Via the rake task:

rake themes:generate

3. Deploy CSS to CDN

rake themes:upload

To upload to a specific ENV:

rake themes:upload\[staging\]

Clearing Cache

Basic auth required, ask a dev. The --insecure flag is required for ENVs without a valid SSL certificate chain. If using curl, the --verbose flag may be of great assistance.




curl --user <username>:<password> --insecure -X POST



Accepts optional skin name:



curl --user <username>:<password> --insecure -X POST

All merchants are defined in config/skins.yml.




curl --user <username>:<password> --insecure -X POST<skin-name>


Warm all cache (skin, merchant: API & views):



curl --user <username>:<password> --insecure -X POST

Accepts optional skin name:
