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This is a project to manipulate docx files, primarily those created by Microsoft Word.


Open Packaging Convention (OPC) is a container-file format used as the base for modern Microsoft Office documents (as well as some non-Microsoft document formats).

OPC files are zipped containers of other files, and include a map between files and content types (analogous to MIME-types) and 'rels' files to provide a level of indirection for relationships between contained files. The container is a package, and the files are parts. Each part has a content type, and may have relationships to other parts, each relationship having an Id and a relationship type. Parts are named by uris, which are path-like strings.

Packages, Parts and Relationships


Represents an OPC package.


Returns a fresh OPC-PACKAGE object.

function OPEN-PACKAGE pathname

Returns an OPC-PACKAGE created from the file at pathname.

function FLUSH-PACKAGE package

Updates the /[CONTENT_TYPES].xml and *.rels parts of package, and the CONTENT of each part in package. (See FLUSH-PART.)

function SAVE-PACKAGE package &optional pathname

Saves package to pathname, or, if pathname is not supplied, the PACKAGE-PATHNAME of package. Changes PACKAGE-PATHNAME to package, if supplied. Performs a FLUSH-PACKAGE prior to writing to pathname.

function PACKAGE-PATHNAME package

The pathname associated with the package, if any.

class OPC-PART

Represents an opc part within an opc package.

function OPC-PACKAGE thing

The OPC-PACKAGE which contains thing, an OPC-PART or OPC-RELATIONSHIP.

function PART-NAME part

The name, a uri, of part.

function CONTENT-TYPE part

The content type of part.

function CONTENT part

The content of part as (unsigned-byte 8)s.

function CREATE-PART package uri content-type

Creates an OPC-PART in package at uri (its name) with content typebcontent-type. Returns the new OPC-PART. content-type is a string.

function DELETE-PART package uri

Deletes the OPC-PART named uri from package.

function GET-PARTS package

Returns a list of OPC-PARTs contained in package.

function GET-PART package uri

Returns the OPC-PART named uri in package.


Represents a relationship between two parts - the source and the target - having a particular relationship type, and identified by an id. A relationshp is owned by the source (a part or the package; this latter is named "/").

function CREATE-RELATIONSHIP source uri relationship-type &key id (target-mode "Internal")

Creates an OPC-RELATIONSHIP from source (an OPC-PACKAGE or OPC-PART) to the target at uri with relationship type relationship-type. If id is not supplied, one will be automatically generated. target-mode should be "Internal" or "External". uri, relationship-type, id and target-mode are strings.

function DELETE-RELATIONSHIP source id

Delete the OPC-RELATIONSHIP with id from source, an OPC-PACKAGE or OPC-PART.

function GET-RELATIONSHIPS source

Returns a list of OPC-RELATIONSHIPs owned by source, an OPC-PACKAGE or OPC-PART.

function GET-RELATIONSHIP source id

Returns the OPC-RELATIONSHIP named id owned by source, an OPC-PACKAGE or OPC-PART.

function GET-RELATIONSHIPS-BY-TYPE source type

Returns a list of OPC-RELATIONSHIPs with the given relationship type type (a string), owned by source, an OPC-PACKAGE or OPC-PART.

function SOURCE-URI relationship

The uri (a string) of the owner of the OPC-RELATIONSHIP relationship.

function TARGET-URI relationship

The uri (a string) of the target (an OPC-PART or an external resource) of the OPC-RELATIONSHIP relationship.

function TARGET-MODE relationship

The target mode (should be "Internal" - indicating an OPC-PART in an OPC-PACKAGE - or "External" - indicating an external resouce) of the OPC-RELATIONSHIP relationship.

function RELATIONSHIP-TYPE relationship

The relationship type (a string) of the OPC-RELATIONSHIP relationship.

function RELATIONSHIP-ID relationship

The unique id (a string) of the relationship (with respect to the source).


These functions deal only with internal uris, i.e. those indicating OPC-PARTs within an OPC-PACKAGE. Uris are rooted at the package-level with "/", which is sometimes also used to represent the package itself.

function URI-EXTENSION uri

Returns the extension of uri, being the string following the last #..

function URI-FILENAME uri

Returns the filename of uri, being the string following the last #\, or, if no #\ is found, the whole uri.

function URI-DIRECTORY uri

Returns the string up to and including the last #\ in uri, if any.

function URI-RELATIVE source target

Returns a uri (a string) identifying target relative to source (both target and source being uris). URI-RELATIVE and URI-MERGE are inverses.

function URI-MERGE source target

Takes the uri target expressed relative to source and returns an absolute uri (all uris being strings). URI-MERGE and URI-RELATIVE are inverses.

Content Types, Relationship Types and Namespaces

Because content types, relationship types and namespaces are represented by long strings, convenience functions mapping from shorter strings to the canonical form are provided.

function CT name

Returns the content type represented by the short string name.

function RT name

Returns the relationship type represented by the short string name.

function NS name

Returns the namespace represented by the short string name.



Represents a part in a package with native xml content.

function XML-ROOT opc-xml-part

The PLUMP:ROOT of the xml content of the part, if any.

function FLUSH-PART part

Called on each part when the enclosing opc package is being flushed, usually prior to saving. An OPC-XML-PART will serialize its xml to octets in its CONTENT.

function WRITE-PART part filespec &key (if-exists :supersede)

Writes part to the file indicated by filespec; if-exists as for CL:OPEN-FILE.

function ENSURE-XML part

Returns part as an OPC-XML-PART.

function CREATE-XML-PART package uri content-type

Returns a new OPC-XML-PART in the OPC-PACKAGE package at uri (a string) with content type content-type (a string).

Open Office XML

These classes and functions should, in principle, apply to all Open Office XML documents (Word, Excel and Powerpoint).



Represents an Open Office XML document.

function OPC-PACKAGE document

Returns the OPC-PACKAGE incarnating document.

function OPEN-DOCUMENT pathname.

Returns a DOCUMENT created from the file at pathname.


Returns a fresh DOCUMENT object.

function SAVE-DOCUMENT document &optional pathname

Saves document to pathname using opc:save-package.

function DOCUMENT-TYPE document

Returns the type of document as a keyword: :wordprocessing-document, :spreadsheet-document, :presentation-document or :opc-package.


function GET-PART-BY-NAME document name &optional ensure-xml

Returns the OPC-PART (or subclass) named name (a string) in document.

function MAIN-DOCUMENT document

Returns the Main Document part of the OOXML document document.


These classes and functions apply to WordprocessingML documents as produced by Microsoft Word and equivalents.


function COMMENTS document

Returns the Comments part of document, if any.

function DOCUMENT-SETTINGS document

Returns the *Document Settings part of document, if any.

function ENDNOTES document

Returns the Endnotes part of document, if any.

function FOOTNOTES document

Returns the Footnotes part of document, if any.

function FONT-TABLE

Returns the Font Table part of document, if any.


Returns the Glossary Document part of document, if any.


Returns the Numbering Definitions part of document, if any.

function STYLE-DEFINITIONS document

Returns the Style Definitions part of document, if any.

function WEB-SETTINGS document

Returns the Web Settings part of document, if any.

function HEADERS document

Returns a list of Header parts of document

function FOOTERS

Returns a list of Footer parts of document

function ADD-MAIN-DOCUMENT document

Adds a fresh Main Document part to document, initialized with a w:body element containing an empty paragraph (w:p), replacing any pre-existing Main Document part. Returns the new part.

function ENSURE-MAIN-DOCUMENT document

Returns the Main Document part of document, either existing or as created by ADD-MAIN-DOCUMENT.


function MAKE-INLINE-IMAGE part image Adds the image at image (a pathname) to the DOCUMENT containing part (an OPC-PART), creates the appropriate relationship between part and the new image part, and returns a w:drawing element suitable for adding to the xml in part.


function ADD-STYLE-DEFINITIONS document

Adds a Style Definitions part to document and returns it.


Returns the Style Definitions part of document, either existing or as created by ADD-STYLE-DEFINITIONS.

function ADD-STYLE target style

Adds style (a w:style PLUMP-DOM:ELMENT) to target, a document.

function REMOVE-STYLE target style

Removes style (a string representing a style id, or a w:style PLUMP:ELEMENT) from target, a document.

function FIND-STYLE-BY-ID target style-id &optional include-latent

Returns the style from target (a document) with the style id style-id (a string), if any. If include-latent is non-NIL, also looks at latent styles.


function ENSURE-HYPERLINK source uri

Returns the OPC:RELATIONSHIP of type external hyperlink between source (a part or package) and uri (a string), creating it if necessary.



Adds a Numbering Definitions part to document, and returns it.


Returns the Numbering Definitions part of document, either existing or as created by ADD-NUMBERING-DEFINITIONS.

function MAKE-NUMBERING-START-OVERRIDE numbering-definitions abstract-num-id &key (ilvl 0) (start 1)

Returns a w:num PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT with an appropriate Num Id for addition to numbering-definitions (a Numbering Definitions part) referring to abstract-num-id (a string or integer) providing for a restart of numbering at *iLvl ilvl at start (both integers or strings representing decimal integers).


Some handy (lazy?) shortcuts and generally useful functions.

function FIND-CHILD/TAG parent child-tag-name

Returns the (first) child of parent (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT) with the tag name child-tag-name.

function FIND-CHILDREN/TAG parent child-tag-name

Returns a list of children of parent (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT) with the tag name child-tag-name.

function ENSURE-CHILD/TAG parent child-tag-name &optional first

Returns the child of parent (a PLUMP-DOM:ELMENT) named child-tag-name (a string), creating it if necessary. If first is non-NIL, a created child will be the first child of parent.

function REMOVE-CHILD/TAG parent child-tag-name

Removes the child named child-tag-name (a string) from parent (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT), if any.

function MAKE-ELEMENT/ATTRS root tag-name &rest attrs

Returns a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT named tag-name, a child or root (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT), with attributes (and values) in the plist attrs.


Returns the first descendant of node (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT) with the tag name tag (a string).

function TAGP node tag

Does node (a PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT) have the tag name tag (a string)?


Transforms run (a w:run PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT) such that adjacent w:t elements are appropriately joined. For example, <w:r><w:t>foo</w:t><w:t>bar</w:t></w:r> becomes <w:r><w:t>foobar</w:t></w:r>. Useful for simplifying/consolidating programmatically generated text.

function RPR-BOOLEAN-PROPERTY rpr property-name

Returns T or NIL depending on the status of property-name (a string) representing a boolean property in the given run properties rpr (a w:rPr PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT).


Manipulate docx files with Common Lisp







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