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Publisher: Splunk Community
Connector Version: 1.0.1
Product Vendor: Virus Total
Product Name: Yara
Product Version Supported (regex): ".*"
Minimum Product Version: 5.5.0

The pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers (and everyone else)

Actions Configured

  • test connectivity
  • update yara sources
  • list yara sources
  • clear yara sources
  • yara scan

update yara sources

Requires a configured asset with 1 or more Environment Variables set to be a list of sources to download.

This will iterate over all sources configured in an asset and explode any .zip or individual files into the applications's state directory. The files here can be listed or loaded for a scan later, allowing one asset to be built with many sources of Yara rules, possibly serving many use cases.

list yara sources

This will list any items found with the provided file glob for path, if provided. If not provided, it will default to a file glob of *, listing everything in the application's state directory (one-level deep). Also, if checked, "stat info" will provide detailed information about each file found as returned by os.stat_result

For reference, Python's pathlib.Path.glob documentation can show some examples.

clear yara sources

This will clear any files in the state directory that do not end with "state.json". If provided, the "path" parameter will be used to further limit the clearing to a sub-directory of the asset's downloaded files.

yara scan

This will load any Yara rules found at "yara path", defaulting to "**/*.yar" if not provided. Those loaded rules are compiled and saved for use later, cached at a new file in the state directory. If that cache cannot be found or read, the rules are compiled and loaded again. The scan will look for "scan dir" first, falling back to reading the file found at the provided "vault id". One of "vault id" or "scan dir" must be provided!

If specified, "use_includes" can be set to allow your rules to include other rules. Similarly, Yara rule time out can be overridden along with runtime configuration for Yara like "stack size", "max strings per rule" and "max match data". For reference to these settings, see The documentation here for yara-python

Supported Actions

test connectivity - Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration
clear yara sources - Delete any files stored in the Vault to clear any Yara rules persisted for this asset
update yara sources - Download and persist any rule sources defined in assets associated with this app
list yara sources - List sources of Yara rules previously downloaded and stored in the Vault
yara scan - Compile (if needed) any specified Yara rules and scan specified target for matches

action: 'test connectivity'

Validate the asset configuration for connectivity using supplied configuration

Type: test
Read only: True

Action Parameters

No parameters are required for this action

Action Output

No Output

action: 'clear yara sources'

Delete any files stored in the Vault to clear any Yara rules persisted for this asset

Type: generic
Read only: False

Delete any downloaded files from the location of get_state_dir(). Defaults to everything in the application's state directory but can optionally accept a path parameter that is provided to pathlib.Path().rglob() to limit what is removed.

Action Parameters

path optional A valid file glob, relative to the value of the app's state directory string file path

Action Output

action_result.parameter.path string file path
action_result.status string success failed
action_result.message string
summary.total_objects numeric
summary.total_objects_successful numeric string
action_result.summary string

action: 'update yara sources'

Download and persist any rule sources defined in assets associated with this app

Type: generic
Read only: False

This will reach out to any configured asset to download a set of rules that can saved and used at a later time. Running will overwrite any previously saved sources matching the file path. Asset configuration should include the URL(s) of the remote location(s) to fetch and any needed credentials.

Action Parameters

No parameters are required for this action

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.message string
summary.total_objects numeric
summary.total_objects_successful numeric string
action_result.summary string

action: 'list yara sources'

List sources of Yara rules previously downloaded and stored in the Vault

Type: generic
Read only: True

List the downloaded Yara rules that are stored in the location of get_state_dir(). This will optionally accept a path parameter that, if present, will be provided to pathlib.Path().rglob() for searching for a subset of downloaded files relative to the application's state directory. This would allow for consuming a subset of the asset's downloaded sources for various use cases.

Action Parameters

path optional A relative path to provide for listing specific files in the app's state_dir. Defaults to "**", or directories in state_dir. Some examples could be "**/*.yar" or "malware-rules/**" string file path
stat_info optional A boolean to optionally return the information from os.stat_result for each file object found. Defaults to False boolean

Action Output

action_result.parameter.path string file path
action_result.parameter.stat_info boolean True False
action_result.status string success failed
action_result.message string
summary.total_objects numeric
summary.total_objects_successful numeric string
action_result.summary string

action: 'yara scan'

Compile (if needed) any specified Yara rules and scan specified target for matches

Type: investigate
Read only: True

Action Parameters

yara_path optional String to use for recursive file glob, relative to state directory, for locating Yara rules to use in scan. Defaults to all files in the state directory string file path
use_includes optional Whether or not rules found can use the include directive to load other files. Defaults to False boolean
scan_dir optional Directory to scan for matches. If not specified, vault_id is required string
vault_id optional Vault ID of a file to look up for scanning. If not specified scan_dir is required string
fast_mode optional Whether or not to have Yara perform a fast mode scan. Defaults to False boolean
timeout optional How long until a match function in Yara will time out? Defaults to 60 seconds numeric
stack_size optional Set the stack size used by Yara. Set with set_config(), interfacing with the C API numeric
max_strings_per_rule optional Set the Yara configuration to define the number of max_strings_per_rule numeric
max_match_data optional Set the max_match_data in Yara configuration numeric

Action Output

action_result.parameter.yara_path string file path
action_result.parameter.use_includes boolean
action_result.parameter.scan_dir string
action_result.parameter.fast_mode boolean
action_result.parameter.timeout numeric
action_result.parameter.vault_id string
action_result.parameter.stack_size numeric
action_result.parameter.max_strings_per_rule numeric
action_result.parameter.max_match_data numeric string
action_result.summary string
action_result.status string success failed
action_result.message string
summary.total_objects numeric
summary.total_objects_successful numeric