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Tags List

araman-m edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 15 revisions


recovery script leverage tags which are either statically configured in terraform configuration files (.tf) or via variables Please be aware not all these tags are currently defined via terraform variables and defined in instance template. If you need and understand tag usage and context, you may customize your instances tags with more tags Some of these tags are also mentioned elsewhere in wiki. In that case please refer to the specific page (example for disconnected mode customizing splunktargetbinary,....)

Tags List

tags are case sensitive

Tags correspondance with backup configuration settings (optional, app works with default settings in most case) Tags values here will override value from configuration file (see Customizing-backup-settings )

Tag Matching configuration setting
splunkbackup BACKUP
splunkbackupkv BACKUPKV
splunkbackupstate BACKUPSTATE
splunkbackupscripts BACKUPSCRIPTS (this is autodisabled if not used)
splunklocalbackupretentiondays LOCALBACKUPRETENTIONDAYS
splunklocalbackupkvretentiondays LOCALBACKUPKVRETENTIONDAYS
splunklocalbackupscriptsretentiondays LOCALBACKUPSCRIPTSRETENTIONDAYS
splunklocalbackupstateretentiondays LOCALBACKUPSTATERETENTIONDAYS
splunklocalbackupdir LOCALBACKUPDIR
splunklocalmaxsize LOCALMAXSIZE
splunklocalmaxsizeauto LOCALMAXSIZEAUTO
splunkminfreespace MINFREESPACE
splunkdoremotebackup DOREMOTEBACKUP

Note : there are a few more settings via configuration file that may not make sense by tags. If you think there would be a need to add them here (and they are not present in the following sections on this page), please ask

Tag Description Status
splunkinstanceType instance type. For a ASG with 1 instance, that become the instance name. Special type = idx (recovery script will automatically detect zone and adapt splunk site for cluster to match AZ) (or idx-site1, idx-site2, idx-site3 if you prefer) (there can be one ASG for all indexer so that cloud redistribute instances to other AZ automatically in case of AZ failure) Required
Name name that will appear in AWS console (usually same value as splunkinstanceType, do not set for idx) Optional
splunks3backupbucket cloud bucket (s3/gcs) where backups are stored Required
splunks3installbucket cloud bucket (s3/gcs) where install files are stored Required
splunks3databucket cloud SmartStore (s3/gcs) bucket Optional
splunkorg name used as prefix for base apps optional but recommended
splunkdnszone this is used to update instance name via dns API (route53,...) in order for the instance to be found by name Required
splunkdnsmode set this to disabled or lambda if running update via lambda function in AWS optional, default to inline
spunkmode set this to uf to deploy a uf instead of a full instance optional
splunkacceptlicense setting passed along to the Splunk initialisation script so Splunk software can start (see Splunk license at Required (yes

Tags for controlling how os hostname and splunk hostnames are managed

Tag Description Status
splunkhostmodeos whether to set hostname at system level set : we will change hostname (with the logic set via splunkhostmode) , vanilla, os or ami (default): let ami set it
splunkhostmode which method to adapt host on splunk side instance (default) : we set it from splunkinstancetype (this is the key to be able to find backup the backup associated to this instance, make sure you understand what it does and are in the use case below if you go away from default as this will impact backup), prefix : we build a value with splunkinstancetype and os host (this is for intermediate farm usage, so each instance has a common name for serverclass but still a different one to not conflict on backups. However this assume instance is stateless and can get it config back via DS), os : we let Splunk set it from os host name (this will also impact backups)

Please note that when instance is recovering with a backup, backup values may override splunkhostmode tag

Tags to be used for lambda at ASG level (only needed if configured for lambda (AWS))

Tag Description Status
splunkdnszone this is used to update instance name via dns API (route53,...) in order for the instance to be found by name Required
splunkdnsnames name(s) to update in the zone when a autoscaling event occur Required
splunkdnsprefix prefix to add to each dns entry Optional , default to 'lambda-' , set to empty or disabled if you dont want a prefix to be added

Tags to use for upgrade scenarios and/or backup bootstrap between env (exemple : to restore and auto adapt a prod backup to a test env

Tag Description Status
splunktargetbinary splunkxxxx.rpm You may use this to use a specific version on a instance. Use the upgrade script for upgrade scenario if you dont want to destroy/recreate the instance Optional (recovery version and logic used instead)
splunktargetenv prod, test, lab …. + This will run the optional helper script appropriate to the ena if existing Optional
splunktargetcm short name of cluster master (set master_uri= https://$splunktargetcm.$splunkdnszone:8089 under search indexer cluster app + in outputs for idx discovery)
splunktargetds short name of deployment server (set targetUri= https://$splunktargetds.$splunkdnszone:8089 in deploymentclient.conf) Optional
splunktargetlm short name of license server (support only apps where name contain license (should be the case when using base apps), set master_uri= https://$splunktargetlm.$splunkdnszone:8089 in server.conf) Optional
splunkcloudmode 1 = send to splunkcloud only with provided configuration, 2 = clone to splunkcloud with provided configuration (partially implemeted -> behave like 1 at the moment, 3 = byol or manual config to splunkcloud(default) Optional

Tags for inventory and reporting (billing for example) (not directly used, feel free to adapt to your cloud env inventory preferences)

Tag Description Status
Vendor Splunk Optional
Perimeter Splunk Optional
Type Splunk Optional

GCP specific

Tag Description Status
splunkdnszoneid id for dns zone required if splunkdnszone used
numericprojectid GCP numeric project id set by GCP
projectid GCP project id set by GCP

for dev purpose or if you understand the shortcomings , you can disable automatic os update (stability and security fixes) as it speed up instance start (avoiding a reboot)

Tag Description Status
splunkosupdatemode default="updateandreboot" , other valid value is "disabled" optional

multi DS mode specific tags

  1. set the splunktargetbinary to be a tgz version (required to deploy splunk multiple times otherwise we prefer using the os packaging method
Tag Description Status
splunkdsnb number of ds instances to deploy optional , default to 4 for multi ds

Advanced, options to splunkconf-init , only set if you know what you do or for dev purposes

Tag Description Status
splunksystemd whether to enable or not systemd for Splunk (auto, systemd or init) optional , default to auto ie autodetect and use when possible
splunksystemdservicefile custom systemd service file optional
splunksystemdpolkit 1=deploy inline packaged splunkconf-init version, 2=generate via boot-start (8.1 + required), 3=do not manage (will probably not work correctly as splunk restart will not work from splunk unless deployed via opther method (if using systemd) optional , default to 1. 2 may break especially on multids case
splunkdisablewlm 0=try to deploy if possible (systemd, version is the one inline at the moment)) 1=disabled optional , default to 0 (enabled)
splunkuser name of splunk user to use (non priviledge one) optional , default to splunk (partial support in splunkconf-cloud-receovery at the moment)
splunkgroup name of splunk group to use (non privileged one) optional , default to splunk (partial support in splunkconf-cloud-receovery at the moment)

Advanced settings (for automating tests in AWS, the settings are usually set via conf file on prem)

Tag Description Status
splunks3endpointurl custom url for s3 endpoint url (http(s)://xxxxx) Optional (default=auto)
splunkrsyncmode if 1 then try to work in rsync over ssh mode Optional
splunkrsynclist short dns name list (should be the 2 hosts that are declared via dns tags (space separated), this is not the instanceType as this one is the same on both hosts) required if splunkrsyncmode set
splunkrsyncdnsshort own instance dns short (should be one of the 2 above) required if splunkrsyncmode set
splunkrsyncautorestore set to 1 to enable autorestore optional (default=1 ie enabled)

In dev, partially implemented

Tag Description Status
splunkconnectedmode # 0 = auto (try to detect connectivity, currently fallback to connected) (default if not set) # 1 = connected (set it if auto fail and you think you are connected) # 2 = yum only (may be via proxy or local repo if yum configured correctly) # 3 = no connection, yum disabled Optional (implemented, except for autodetection)
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