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Project Title: Dashboard

Desciption: This dashboard was developed to be utilized for a school but could be implemented to just about anything that would use a dashboard style application. The dashboard provides a secure login to access the application. Once logged in the user/administrator has the abilities to create resources such as students, teahcers, courses and cohorts. Once the resources are established the user/administrator can add resources to the cohort. The cohort gives the ability to create a class that consists of a teacher, a course, start dates, end dates, and of course students. Each resource can be updated and or deleted.

Technology used: Ruby, ruby on rails for the backend frame work. AJAX to delete resources. BOOTSTRAP, HTML, CSS, JS for the frontend. Postgresql with Postico and pgModeler 2 to assist with the database creation, validation and associations.

Test login: password: password

Standard rails GEMFILE, include bcrypt gem for secure login and pg gem to utilize Postgresql. The following CDN to be added to your layout page: <%# adds google fonts %> <%# the below two links are for bootstrap cdn %>

This will give you the ability to use Bootstrap and Google fonts in your application.

Contributors: Richard J Trapanese

Inspiration: Just coding!