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ElasticSearch Faceted Search


While developing this Gem, it was in the very early stages of Elasticsearch Model. With capabilities such as direct ES Client communication and multi-model search available, this gem has become a bit over-engineered. It was attempting to do a lot of things, when it can be done through Elasticsearch::Model now.

With that in mind, I'm halting dev on this actual project. The facets, however, are still very useful. I've started a new project that will deal only with the faceted searching. Elasticsearch::FacetedSearch


Include the following gems within your Gemfile

gem "elastic-engine", git: ""


Require elastic_engine in application.rb

require 'elastic_engine'

Create a file in initializers elasticsearch.rb

ElasticEngine::Configuration.config do |config|
  config.url = "http://localhost:9200"
  config.client ={
    host: config.url,
    retry_on_failure: 5,
    reload_connections: true

If you are also using elasticsearch-model, include this (no reason to create 2 instances:

Elasticsearch::Model.client = ElasticEngine::Configuration.client

Setting up config for facets

When you have a type as "person" create a class like below: For this config file, I usually place in app/search_facets/ and add the path in the application.rb

class PersonFacets < ElasticEngine::Search::BaseFacets
  # Facet type options
  # facet_multivalue          -- This will apply the operators (and/or) based on what it finds in the parameters
  # facet_multivalue_and      -- Has multiple selections available, but forces AND execution on the specific filter
  # facet_multivalue_or       -- Has multiple selections available, but forces OR execution on the specific filter
  # facet_exclusive_or        -- Forces a single selection. Such as "True" "False"; the value will be either true OR false, never both
  # Use:  <method> <ident>, <field>, <title>
  # NOTE: Facets will appear in the order they are applied. In the example below, the facets array will be [keywords, body_types]

  facet_multivalue :keywords, '', "Tags"
  facet_multivalue_or :body_types, '', "Body Types"
  facet_multivalue_or :age, 'age', "Age"

  # Filter a query and will always display results. Actual ES counts are merged in at run time.
  # This allows you to have a set faceted selection as ES only returns results with a count above 0
  def faceted_keywords(args = {})
    # Return a collection:
    # [{id: <id>, name: <name>}]
  # Add validation to keywords facet
  def faceted_keywords_validation(value)
    !!(value =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/)

  def faceted_body_types(args = {})
    # Return a collection:
    # [{id: <id>, name: <name>}]
  # Add validation to body_types facet
  def faceted_body_types_validation(value)
    !!(value =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/)

  def default_filter
    ret =
    ret << { :type => { :value => 'person' } }

  def default_order
      'created_at' => {order: :asc}

Regular Searching (just normal filters and queries)

As with all of the base engine, options are chainable.

# Prep the engine for a JSON request
@people = 'people')
  # filter(field, value(s), filter_operation, filter_type, execution)
  .filter('', [7], :and, :ids, :or)
  .paginate(params[:page], 55)

# Makes the actual call to ElasticSearch Server
@results = @people.results

Faceted Searching

All search options are chainable. To view a list, go to lib/elastic_engine/actions. Each file has plenty of comments in the code


Basic faceted search with no customization options.

@people ={
    type: 'people',
    params: params # Suggestion: Use Strong Params to only pass actual params
  .paginate(params[:page], 55)
@facets = @people.facets

There are other initializer params available for faceted navigation.

The facet_arguments attribute will send public_send("faceted_#{facet_name}", {key: value}) to the Facet Configuration setup. This will allow you to pass special params & settings to the facet gathering methods.

facet_arguments: {
  facet_name: {key: value}
  facet_name2: {key: value}

View (example in HAML)

To display facets & counts in a Bootstrap 3 stacked nav pill:

-@facets.each do |facet_group|
    -facet_group.terms.each do |term|
      %li{class: term.selected? ? 'active' : ''}
        %a{href: url_for(params.except(}

To access Results: the result is NOT from ActiveRecord, it is the _source from ElasticSearch

-@people.results.each do |person|

To display pills in groups (Bootstrap 3 css):

-if @facets.any?{|x| x.can_build_pill? }
    %strong current filters
    -@facets.each do |facet_group|
      -if facet_group.can_build_pill?
        %a.label.label-info{href: url_for(params.except(facet_group.key))}

To display pills individually:

-if @facets.any?{|x| x.can_build_pill? }
    %strong current filters
    -@facets.each do |facet_group|
      -facet_group.terms.each do |term|
        -if term.pill_text
          %a.label.label-info{href: url_for(params.except(}


Some of this code, I shameless stole from karmi's elasticsearch-rails gem. In fact, the tests that are written, which is not much, use elasticsearch-rails

The reason I've made this into a gem is simple. We were using Tire (now retire) and the code was all over the place. This is my first attempt to writing a gem and rewrote most of our code. It current works for my situation very well. I am very open to pull requests, so feel free to submit issues and requests.


You'll need to have an ElasticSearch local server online.

bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec/


  • Ability to validate parameters/facet terms within faceted config templates (RegEx)
  • Write more complete tests
  • Add more indepth actions
  • Clean up ElasticEngine::Search::Faceted controller to use more of the action(s)


ElasticSearch Faceted Navigation Rails Gem







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