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Twilio Runtime serverless functions for the Spoke API.


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Twilio Runtime serverless functions for the Spoke Developer API.


This repository contains quickstart functions and example Studio flows that make it easy to interconnect the Spoke Developer API with Twilio applications such as Studio and Flex. Using this API allows you to integrate Spoke's programmable softphone app with any Twilio application that is hosted in the same account.


  • Automatic & secure management of Spoke OAuth 2.0 access tokens
  • Get Spoke directory entries by extension
  • Lookup twimlRedirectURL for a Spoke extension
  • Check/get availability of a Spoke user
  • Check/get availability of users in a Spoke Call Group
  • List all directory entries (by page)
  • Functions are immediately available from within Twilio Studio to easily integrate Spoke Users, Groups and Devices to your Studio flows


  1. Twilio Account or Project
  2. Spoke Account: Signup for a free developer account at You will need your twilio account sid and auth token to complete the signup flow
  3. Spoke Developer API credentials - get these from
  4. NodeJS 12, NPM 6 installed locally
  5. Twilio CLI installed locally -
  6. Twilio Serverless Plugin installed locally -
  7. Your Spoke account setup correctly with Users, Call Groups, Devices and Extensions. View this link for an example of how to make the most of your Spoke/Twilio environment

Deploy quick-start functions

1. Checkout and install

Checkout this codebase to your local machine, and install required npm packages

$ git clone
$ cd twilio-runtime-spoke-api
$ npm i

2. Twilio account credentials

Setup your twilio account credentials using the Twilio CLI.

$ twilio login
$ twilio profiles:use {YOUR_ACCOUNT}

The twilio profiles:use command instructs the Twilio CLI to use the twilio account credentials you provided in twilio login when running subsequent Twilio CLI commands.

Note: You can see your local list of twilio profiles with twilio profiles:list

3. Spoke Developer API Credentials

Twilio's serverless deploy process will automatically upload any environment variables in your .env file to the Twilio service.

This project includes an example of this file, .env.example. Make a copy of .env.example, rename it to .env and then update the following values using your favourite editor. The values for YOUR_SPOKE_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_SPOKE_CLIENT_SECRET are provided to you when you create a Developer API in your Spoke account:


4. Deploy

The deploy step uses the Twilio CLI with the credentials provided in Step 2 to create a new Twilio Runtime service in your Spoke account called spoke-api-service. The functions in this project, and environment variables you created in your .env file in Step 3 will be deployed into this service.

$ npm run deploy

When deployment has finished, the Twilio Serverless URL for the application will be printed to the console. This URL can be used to access the application, for example:

Deployed to:

5. Check setup

Login to your project in the Twilio console, and go to the Develop --> Functions --> Services page. Click on the spoke-api-service service, then click on Environment Variables near the bottom of the page. Make sure that SPOKE_CLIENT_ID, SPOKE_CLIENT_SECRET, SPOKE_AUTH_SERVICE_URL, SPOKE_API_URL are correctly set.

Deploy Studio examples

The Studio flows included in the studio_flow_examples folder are designed to be a quick-start to get you up and running integrating Studio to Spoke Phone. They are real-world examples using the Spoke Developer API and functions you've just installed.

To add the example flows to your Twilio project:

  1. Copy the flow JSON from the example file.
  2. Create a new Studio Flow in your Twilio Console, and select Import from JSON
  3. Paste in the JSON you copied in Step 1.
  4. Update any Run Function widgets to set the SERVICE, ENVIRONMENT and FUNCTION settings for your Twilio environment.
  5. Publish the flow.

To test the flow, you'll need to attach a Twilio Phone Number to the Flow, and make sure to have your Spoke environment properly setup and running. Once done, you're good to go!

Local Development

You can start a local development server by running the following command:

$ npm run start


Run npm test to run all unit tests.

Usage Guide

These functions are designed to be a quickstart to get you up and running quickly.

The functions in the src/assets/shared.private.js are helper functions that make it easy to get an access token from the Spoke Auth service, and generate the correct type of HTTP response when function execution completes.

If you want to write a new function that uses the Spoke API, make sure you follow the method signature and export pattern below. This ensures that the http request to the Spoke API has a valid access token.

const axios = require("axios");

const path = Runtime.getAssets()["/shared.js"].path;
const { httpResponse, withAccessToken, spokeApiRequestHeaders } = require(path);

async function mySpokeAPIFunction({ context, event, callback, accessToken }) {
  try {
    const apiUrl = context.SPOKE_API_URL;
    const { extension } = event;
    const queryUrl = `${apiUrl}/`; // modify the queryUrl to meet your own requirements

    const apiResponse = await axios(queryUrl, {
      method: "GET",
      headers: spokeApiRequestHeaders(accessToken)

    /* insert your custom logic here */

    const result = {}; // add your result attributes
    return httpResponse(
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("[mySpokeAPIFunction] Error", error);
    return httpResponse(401, {
      success: false,
      errorMessage: error.toString()
    }, callback);

exports.handler = withAccessToken(mySpokeAPIFunction);


This project follows the Twilio Runtime private/protected/public model:

  • Files named *.private.js are only accessible by other assets/modules within the same service
  • Files named *.protected.js are accessible by other Twilio applications within the same project, including webhook handlers and Twilio Studio. The serverless runtime will take care of validating the request signature of the incoming HTTP request
  • Files not following the above two conventions are publicly accessible. We strongly encourage you NOT to make functions publicly accessibly without some other form of authentication mechanism as you can potentially expose sensitive information.



See the LICENSE file for details.


Twilio Runtime serverless functions for the Spoke API.







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